I'm looking for someone who has done // is doing this diet.
Could someone explain to me;
1. what they expeirenced on this diet
2. if it was more useful than other diets before tried
3. if they gained back AFTER the diet was over // what steps they took after finishing the diet
4. advice // tips for doing this diet

I'm thinking of trying it and want to here info from people who have done it before I make my decision



  • anneouel
    anneouel Posts: 68 Member
    Hello :) I've "done" the diet before. It was when I realized I needed to lose weight and a friend was having success so why not me? And they really hook you with the first phase loseing a bunch of pounds.

    1) I experianced many things. One was an emptier wallet, two being that i now hate fat free ham, and 3 it was a good thing to make me start looking at what I ate and whats in it.

    2) I only tried one other diet before but I find carb restricting made my stomach not want to eat the foods. By the end I was having serious eating issues cause I'd rather have not ate.

    3) I didn't finish the diet. I started feeling ill and got off of it but I had gained back only 10 pounds after the OMG IM HUNGRY phase died down. I started at 265lbs and got down to 225 in 2 months. So you can only imagine eh :p now i wish I could take that off... without loseing muscle mass and the will to no longer eat.

    I believe in just eating right and exerciseing will do the trick. Slow and steady I guess. But good luck if you do try it just be careful
  • Hey, I've done the Dukan Diet and I can tell you how it worked out for me.
    I lost weight pretty fast and I didn't gained it back.
    BUT, I had to stop doing it. I don't think I ever felt so miserable in my whole life like being on Dukan. I had serious emotional breakdowns lol ( my husband could give you his 5cent to that) I felt weak most of the time and it's just impossible for me to eat the 1200 calories in proteins ( at the protein days)
    I've been most of the time under 900 calories just because I cant eat the amount in meat and dairy required, its impossible.
    But I heard from a lot of ppl. that they didn't had any problems with that at all, in fact they enjoyed eating all this meat.
    It deff. was the most successful diet but like I said not good for my mental status lol. The carving for carbs was huge and i just missed to bite in a bread or to eat cereals. Plus you can't eat fruits. So whenever you have the carving for sugar, you are pretty much lost. Dukan recommends to subst. with sweetener but that just made me more hungry.
    If you have the willpower and stay really strict on it I truly believe it can be a big success.
    Good Luck :)
  • Thanks for your replies :)
    I have decided against it, i'm just going to stick with a balanced 'clean' diet as I don't think my mental state would be right for it, I have only just recovered after doing a low carb one previously. I was stupid for thinking this would be the answer again.
    You can't short cut eating right and working out.
    I only have around 1stone to lose, so I guess I can hold out.
  • Springer007
    Springer007 Posts: 84 Member
    I have a co-worker and her husband that have been on it for over 6 months. She has lost 45 pounds and he has lost about 70. They love it. Swear by it. It starts off with this "Attack phase" that drops some serious pounds very quickly. I was very interested in the rapid weight loss that I was seeing on them so I decided to start it and try it. I dont think i made it through the first weekend. I could not abandon all carbs like that. I was never full and never felt satisfied. It was just not my thing. Im more of an "eat anything in moderation" (calorie counting) kind of person.
    I think its like all diets and that it can work for some but not for others.
  • Not all diets work for everyone unless the mind-set changes. I personally have had no trouble following the Dukan diet. I started early this May and have lost 11 pounds already. It isn’t just meat, meat and meat! The second phase does include carbs, although in controlled quantities. I am looking at losing 23 lbs more and I am pretty confident Dukan diet will get me there in good shape! Also, in case you are worried about ‘what to eat’, why don’t you look up other sites for real good low carb diet recipes? I do check out http://www.low-carb-diet-recipes.com/ occasionally (as long as it agrees with my Dukan food).
  • loufranks
    loufranks Posts: 45
    I tried it and lasted only a day before I realised that fad diets are not for me. I go for a diet now which doesn't exclude anything but have everything in moderation.

    On the plus side, i did like those Dukan pancakes! Have you tried them yet?
  • Thanks. I have decided against it, i don't think i'd do too well on this. I love fruit and veg too much! I am lowering carbs to just 60grams a day though.
    ooh no, what are the pancakes?? :)
  • I am currently on the Dukan Diet and I have lost 32 lbs the first month. Needless to say, I LOVE THIS DIET!!!
  • I started it and I like it's restrictiveness. In the book, Dukan says that it's not enough to tell someone to eat balanced servings of every food group. If it were that easy, overweight people wouldn't have the extra pounds to begin with! This is true for me. There are 100 foods and condiments, spices that are allowed. This lets me know that I need to make it work with the foods that I'm allowed to have. It's easier for me to shop on it, because I'm not all over the store and reading all the labels trying to figure out how much sugar and trans fat and blah blah blah that everything has in it.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I did it last year starting in March, One day I was struggling to bend over and tie my shoe laces so I did some research on diets and decided to give Dukan a go.

    I was 12 stone (168 pounds) and I wanted to get to 10 stone (140 pounds) I actually got to 10 stone 4 (144 pounds) by August and I felt really good about myself.. However even using the 'consolidation' phase rules I have gradually gone up to 11 stone.
    I found the choice of food very boring after a while and although I like fish and chicken a turkey I was becoming tired of eating it. I also didn't like not eating fruit in the first two phases as I like my 'five a day'.

    The protein days made me not want to eat at all and I think I have really messed up my metabolism using this diet.
    I think it gives results very quickly but it is not sustainable or healthy to do for more than a few months. I felt as though it effected my immune system too as I got a cold which turned into a really bad cough and throat and chest infection. I've never been so ill for such a long time, it may have been coincidence but I felt like it wan't giving me the nutrients my body needed.

    There's more to health than being slim! Don't forget that!

    What ever you decide, good luck!