I'm Back...

Aalsup08 Posts: 24 Member

I'm back again but this time I am going to get it right. For the last 8 years or so, I have really struggled with my weight. I've tried a few things here and there but now I am ready to make a lifestyle change rather than diet. My long term goal is to lose at least 40 pounds. My short term goal is to lose at least 20 pounds by November. I am doing this alone so any support I could get would be great.



  • premiere1908
    That is so great! I think I have hit that crossroad too. I've tried diets in the past that just did not work for me. Now it's about my health and wanting to live a long and happy life with my husband, son, and step daughter. My overall goal is to lose 60 pounds by next year. I am not rushing because this time I want to get things right. I don't have an accountability partner either. Let's support each other, we all should :-)