New and need help...

I just had my son in May and I ate everything and anything I I need to loose 25 lbs and I have no idea what to eat???
I also need more motivation to work out....any ideas??

thanks so much


  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here I hope you have a great day
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    Grab a walking buddy. Any moving is better than no moving that's my motto. I'm sure having a baby you are on an increased activity level now. As far as eating. I don't prohibit myself from anything..eating in moderation and this website has helped a LOT! I can look in the food database to see what something is going to cost me in calories...see where I am for the day and how bad do I really want/need to eat that particular food.

    congrats on the baby and just start anywhere :)
  • thank you :)
  • susher71
    susher71 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone. I have been on here for about a month now. I could use a few friends to help with this new chapter in my life.
  • In the morning I usually eat a piece of toast and an egg or two scrambled. This morning I also had some fresh strawberries (They are yummy and low in calories, fat, carbs, and sugar!). You can eat whatever you would like but just count the calories. I've realized that my body does not do well with a lot of carbs nor sugar. Also, this morning I realized that I have been going wayyyyy over in sodium, so I would recommend keeping an eye on that as well.

    As far as working out goes, I started the jillian michaels 30 day shred. The first few days are tough. But I am now on day 5 and it is getting easier, even though my mussels are really sore.
  • In the morning I usually eat a piece of toast and an egg or two scrambled. This morning I also had some fresh strawberries (They are yummy and low in calories, fat, carbs, and sugar!). You can eat whatever you would like but just count the calories. I've realized that my body does not do well with a lot of carbs nor sugar. Also, this morning I realized that I have been going wayyyyy over in sodium, so I would recommend keeping an eye on that as well.

    As far as working out goes, I started the jillian michaels 30 day shred. The first few days are tough. But I am now on day 5 and it is getting easier, even though my mussels are really sore.

    Thank you.....I also have that DVD its just doing it thats hard for me. I just need to get off my butt and do it.... its just hard because I have a 9 week old who is fussy all the time and im tired all the time from him.
  • tdp8700
    tdp8700 Posts: 24
    I walk. That's where I started. One foot in front of the other one by one and before you know it you are exercising. You don't have to deny yourself anything. If you love chocolate cake you can eat your chocolate cake. Make it fit in to YOUR plan. If you want something bad enough work for it. Get those calories back by walking or running or even doing some gardening. You can do it. We all have it in us. Sometimes we just need to be told by people who don't know us. :laugh: That way we can't tell them "Well you have to say that. You're biased."

    Add me if you like can always use new friends. :flowerforyou:
  • I just started too. I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast and a salad for lunch but always seem to snack all day long ... need to kick that habit! I have been doing some weight lifting at the gym then 30-45 minutes on the eliptical.

    I will have to try the 30 day shred as Hayleigh's Mom suggested.
  • Gyllain
    Gyllain Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I find having an exercise bike in front of the TV helps.
  • midge69
    midge69 Posts: 22
    I just had my son in May and I ate everything and anything I I need to loose 25 lbs and I have no idea what to eat???
    I also need more motivation to work out....any ideas??

    thanks so much
    learning what to eat is my hardest thing.. Are you a big fruit eater that is helpful and if you have insurance I'd go to my doctor they are the ones whom are helping me and the one who suggested this site.. So being here is a good start it seems.. There is other sites that can help you make out a food diary of foods to eat.. The fruit thing lesson learned stay away from the bananas they are killer on your belly ,grapefruit is a good weight loss fruit I lost 13 pounds with grapefruit. MOST OF ALL GOOD LUCK:bigsmile: and welcome to fitness pal add friends they are helpful with advice
  • njohn06
    njohn06 Posts: 1 Member
    Try a boot camp, they are usually 30 mins and you feel it for days
  • I just started too. I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast and a salad for lunch but always seem to snack all day long ... need to kick that habit! I have been doing some weight lifting at the gym then 30-45 minutes on the eliptical.

    I will have to try the 30 day shred as Hayleigh's Mom suggested.

    I love to snack as well....its very hard not to as I work at a desk all day :/ I just keep telling myself that I really don't need that.
  • Darcyw4
    Darcyw4 Posts: 44
    My suggestion is to eat all day..literally. Dont let your body get hungry because then you binge eat and tend to eat the nasty stuff. I have breakfast (coffee and a fiber bar) about two hours later, I will have a snack (fruit, graham crackers), then its lunch time, snack again, supper time, snack and bed. I know that it sounds like alot but if you dont eat properly and eat enough, your body starts to go into survival mode and stores fat while muscle gets broken down. Snacks should consist of healthy things or if you want those oreos, go for it - but only have a couple. You also want to make sure to exercise, but dont over do it right away - you will burn yourself out. Start small, walking a half hour a day is a great start. It will help to have a walking buddy to keep you motivated and ring your doorbell - that makes it hard to say no. :) Drink a lot of water, eat fruits, vegetables - there are a lot of good snacks out there to choose from. I really like the reduced fat Cheez-its or the little wedges of cheese to spread on wheat thins. Stay positive and stay strong. The weight doesnt come off over night, its a process and there are a lot of us here who will be part of your support system. I wish you the best of luck!!
  • I just had my son in May and I ate everything and anything I I need to loose 25 lbs and I have no idea what to eat???
    I also need more motivation to work out....any ideas??

    thanks so much
    learning what to eat is my hardest thing.. Are you a big fruit eater that is helpful and if you have insurance I'd go to my doctor they are the ones whom are helping me and the one who suggested this site.. So being here is a good start it seems.. There is other sites that can help you make out a food diary of foods to eat.. The fruit thing lesson learned stay away from the bananas they are killer on your belly ,grapefruit is a good weight loss fruit I lost 13 pounds with grapefruit. MOST OF ALL GOOD LUCK:bigsmile: and welcome to fitness pal add friends they are helpful with advice

    Wow i didn't know that about bananas and ive been eating them! Thank you!
  • kstewart1215
    kstewart1215 Posts: 2 Member
    I have found that I do much better on my weight loss & sticking to it, if I go higher in protein & lower my carbs.
    Protein keeps me full longer and it just seems my body needs this. However, if you are exercising, do NOT eliminate carbs altogether. Try to focus on carbs that come from fresh fruit or vegies instead of cookies or cakes. Try to each whole grain breads & wheat buns instead of white.
    If you are going out to eat....don't panic...pick something on the menu like steak dinner, but ask for double vegies instead of fries or potato. Ask if the vegies can be steamed.
    I use egg beaters for breakfast a lot...add in some reduced fat cheese & diced tomato....yum!

    Menu planning will REALLY help. As a new Mom I know this may be hard, but set aside Sunday evening or Monday's nap time (whatever regular time works for you) to look through healthy recipe books & figure out what 8-10 meals you want to grocery shop for. Write down the menus, reference the books & page #s, and build your grocery list. Put the menu list on the frig & as you cook a meal, cross it off the list.
    This helps make sure you don't defautl to chicken nuggets and fries as a quick meal AND helps your food budget!
    It helps make sure you have healthy snacks available like celery & carrot sticks.
    It helps ensure you have all the ingredients you need to make the meals.

    Make sure you drink all day long....thirst can often trigger a 'hunger' type feeling instead of thirst. I drink Crystal Light, Powerade Zero, water, but limit myself to one diet soda a day (just so not good for you, but diet pepsi is my addiction).

    As you enter your items in this tool, you'll start to realize what has more calories vs less. I also use it to determine if I can have a cookie or a dish of ice cream (do I have enough calories left available) or if I need to get a walk added to my day to correct going 'over' :)

    Good luck!
  • My suggestion is to eat all day..literally. Dont let your body get hungry because then you binge eat and tend to eat the nasty stuff. I have breakfast (coffee and a fiber bar) about two hours later, I will have a snack (fruit, graham crackers), then its lunch time, snack again, supper time, snack and bed. I know that it sounds like alot but if you dont eat properly and eat enough, your body starts to go into survival mode and stores fat while muscle gets broken down. Snacks should consist of healthy things or if you want those oreos, go for it - but only have a couple. You also want to make sure to exercise, but dont over do it right away - you will burn yourself out. Start small, walking a half hour a day is a great start. It will help to have a walking buddy to keep you motivated and ring your doorbell - that makes it hard to say no. :) Drink a lot of water, eat fruits, vegetables - there are a lot of good snacks out there to choose from. I really like the reduced fat Cheez-its or the little wedges of cheese to spread on wheat thins. Stay positive and stay strong. The weight doesnt come off over night, its a process and there are a lot of us here who will be part of your support system. I wish you the best of luck!!

    Thank you!!
  • Start slow, and work your way up. Walking is the best to start with, it help you to lose inches all over. Also include some strenght training, start small, it may seem easy but the next day you will be glad you did.
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    I found with new babies (and I've had 4) - it was best to eat 6 small meals/snacks per day - lots of protein and fruits and veggies and water. Buy things that are easy to grab or prepare quickly. Keep it simple. The best exercise is probably just walking - either with baby in a stroller or a carrier. I used to hit the mall in the summer (it is very hot and humid where I am) and just walk laps. Sleep (or rather lack thereoff) is also a big factor. Try and get as much as you can. I found that until I was getting decent sleep - I could not lose weight. Congrats on your new baby and good luck to you!
  • I found with new babies (and I've had 4) - it was best to eat 6 small meals/snacks per day - lots of protein and fruits and veggies and water. Buy things that are easy to grab or prepare quickly. Keep it simple. The best exercise is probably just walking - either with baby in a stroller or a carrier. I used to hit the mall in the summer (it is very hot and humid where I am) and just walk laps. Sleep (or rather lack thereoff) is also a big factor. Try and get as much as you can. I found that until I was getting decent sleep - I could not lose weight. Congrats on your new baby and good luck to you!

    Thank you....I wish I could get more sleep but my baby is very fussy even at night :( He only sleeps good on his tummy but because of SIDS they say not to so we keep him on his back.
  • Check out for great recipes. They are easy, healthy and most of them have been entered into myfitnesspal. Good luck!