How do I gain that much!

Is it possible to have like, a 4lb change due to water weight? I weighed in like Thursday morning and was 182.5. Friday I didn't eat that great, but saturday and sunday I ate pretty well and went really hard at the gym. The only thing was I had a ton of sodium on Sunday, but I tried to counter it by having over a gallon of water. Today I weighed in at 186! Is it possible to put on that much in just water weight?


  • wldlndcpt
    wldlndcpt Posts: 25
    Here is a fairly good explanation, but the quick answer is absolutely.
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member
    I retain water and it does make a is frustrating but I have to watch my sodium intake because of it. :ohwell:
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Yep, I do that over the weekends that we camp. Even though I go for a run on Saturday morning and workout on Sunday evening, I will easily go up 4lbs because I don't eat quite the same as during the week and don't get as much water.

    I don't weigh myself on Monday mornings anymore....rather get a good day or eating/hydration in before getting back on the scale.
  • kkova811
    kkova811 Posts: 89 Member
    I always thought of it as 1-2lbs, never this much. I never knew it could be as much as 5lbs of weight added! If I cut back on the sodium today, and keep having strong gym days, when does the water retention "break" so to speak?
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    Is it possible to have like, a 4lb change due to water weight?

    It's not only possible, it's probable! It would be more of a shock if it WASN'T water weight, and in 3 days you managed to put on 4 lbs of fat.

    I also fluctuate a ton when I eat too much sodium or carbs, or other more female-oriented reasons. I just had a big weekend of birthdays, drinking, and not logging which put me up 5 lb! I used to freak out about these instances but from experience I know it will go back down, probably even before next weekend, so I'm cool as a cucumber!