The Biggest Loser, Not possible in my life

I watch the biggest loser and really feel motivated.
Then I realize that I don't have the luxury of working hours a day on my weight.
Then I think, "If I can just change my lifestyle and could lose 1lb per week in a year I will have lost 52 pounds.
Maybe I can do this


  • lisa451999
    Absolutely, you can do it! Maybe not on the same scale as the Biggest Loser contestants (8 hour workouts) but you are worth the effort. Just take it one day, one meal, one workout at a time. Stay positive and you will be amazed at what you can achieve. I am cheering for you! Good luck on your weight loss journey. :-)
  • rheign
    rheign Posts: 56
    You could probably lose more than 1lb/week through proper diet and exercise. Few people have the luxury of working out several hours a day, but by making exercise a priority in your life, you might be amazed at the results you'll see. Good luck. ;]
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    I know you can do it and it doesn't take many hours a day because I have done it with just one hour a day allocated to exercise. I am a male who's about 10 yrsolder than you who had a lot more to lose than you. Many people have asked me about my "plan of action" so here it is again:

    My "plan of action" which made it possible for me to lose 113 lbs in just over one year is just that: "Action!" No "gonna get started tomorrow", no "I don't feel up to it today", no "what's one more (drink, helping, donut, [insert your own vice] today , I'll work it off tomorrow" - You get the picture.

    Here's the changes I've made:

    Exercise every day for at least 1 hr to get my heart rate up to the target training level for my age - at least 113 bpm. I'm lucky that my employer provides an exercise facility that I can use after work each day. (I'm in law enforcement)

    Stopped going out for lunch at work - I have to give my wonderful wife the credit for helping me on that by her agreement to do the shopping for good foods and pack them in a healthy lunch for me to take to work.

    Practice portion control and don't eat because I'm bored, tired, depressed, etc. Eat when I'm hungry, take small bites and chew my food slowly. Put the fork down between bites. Don't eat and read, watch TV, or otherwise not pay attention to the food I'm eating and the person(s) I'm eating with.
    Generally that is my wife and that means we talk at meals. Not eat and run.

    Record everything I eat and all of my exercise on MFP. I didn't hear about MFP until my company had an "Exercise - Minute by Minute" program this summer and the coordinator publicized it in his monthly newsletter. BTW I won the prize for the most minutes by an individual. It has made me a believer in keeping track of calories in vs. calories out on a daily basis

    And finally, because I had so much trouble during my first month (hunger headaches, nausea & dry heaves, and general grouchiness and nasty attitudes) I asked my doctor for help because I knew I wasn't going to make it that way. He told me about Meridia and prescribed it. And it has been wonderful! I now get full fast, don't find myself craving anything between meals - in fact I force myself to have little snacks every couple of hours - and am a much nicer person to be around - ask my wife.
    He intends to keep me on it for 6 months after I reach my goal to give my body time to rebuild the proper amount of Leptin (the "fullness" hormone) needed to maintain my goal weight. He says my body is going to try to put the weight back on and this plan should prevent that. He says that's why so many dieters regain the weight - because the body depresses Leptin production during weight loss because it thinks it is being starved and does everything it can to prevent that.

    Anyway, that is all I have done. Nothing fancy - except maybe the Meridia.

    I know you, too, can do it! Good Luck!
  • Markturnbo
    Thanks for the encouragment.
  • Markturnbo
    Thank you for your words of encouragment.
    I see you have lost 70 pounds. WOW
    I'm so happy for you
  • CoryKS
    You don't need to work for hours every day. Develop a nutritional plan and find a physical activity that you enjoy doing, preferably one with at least moderate cardio intensity. If you love it, it's recreation and you'll look forward to it. If you don't, it's *sigh* work and you'll find ways to skip it. Oh, and schedule time for it. Don't try to cram it in between your "real" commitments. Good luck.
  • Markturnbo
    Thanks for all the advise, I'll sure try it.
  • abatres7
    abatres7 Posts: 146
    3435 post says it all...that is really what works. the combo of diet and exercise. I have done the same. No meds though...I went the route of adding fiber and mono unsaturated fats to the diet to keep sugar levels steady...which prevents hunger, mood etc..
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    No it doesn't take hours every day. I started off at 5 minutes @ 1.8 on the treadmill. Now I can do 25 minutes hardcore and still lose weight. Most people will tell you losing weight is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise. I started this last year and I'm still here working on it. This a lifetime committment for me. Every day I renew my spirit, restore my soul and redeem my body through proper nutrition and exercise.

    Many here have done it. These are few of their stories. Maybe one can help you shape your plan:flowerforyou:
  • Markturnbo
    I enjoyed reading this post.
    You inspire me to start again.
    Little at first and then move up.
    I also enjoy how you ended with a scripture.
    I am a pastor in southern Missouri myself.
    Thanks for the encouragement
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    You can so do this, Mark. Whether you lose 1 pound or 20 pounds in a week, it' doesn't matter, the point is that you made the choice to lose weight. Any loss is a huge victory.