Law of Attraction and Weightloss

I am a believer in Law of Attraction and using positive energy to create more positive energy. I am observing a lot of folks using very negative lanquage to describe themelves and their weightloss experience. I know it can be frustrating and discouraging when the scale doesnt drop or when things dont seem to be going your way. It might even be force of habit for a lot of us MFPers to be constantly down on ourselves unless we meet our own extreme ideals of perfection. I just want to share my belief that how you view yourself and the words you say to yourself, so shall it be. It might suit these self depricaters better to be more kind to themselves, tell themselves empowering things, and view themselves as the lovely and magnificant creators that they are. The term "catch more flie's with honey than vinegar" applies to the self too. You might drop more inches and gain more success with a little self love.

Anyone else use Law of Attraction for their helath goals?


  • littledumplings
    littledumplings Posts: 223 Member
    I swear by the Law of Attraction!! :) I use it in everything I do! Postive positive positive thinking! I CAN and WILL lose this weight xx
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I tryyyy to do it! =p It is so hard to think positive sometimes. =|
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    yes i'm a big believer in law of attraction.

    i think it would be better suited to using it to correct the issues that caused us to gain weight in the first place (ie low self esteem, need to feel comfort etc)

    for instance, part of my overeating issue stems from wanting to gain weight since it would be an extra cushion between me and everyone else and a way to keep me safe. the other issue was dealing with a feeling of being deprived of food when i grew up because my mom was anorexic and i never got as much food as i needed. both of those things led to me binge eating.

    anyway, what i do everyday is remind myself that i'm safe, in a safe environment . i also remind myself that i have an abundance of everything i need.
  • HausfrauB
    HausfrauB Posts: 104 Member
    I couldn't agree more!

    Most of my life has been filled with negative body talk/thoughts. I've lost weight before, but always for an external reason, so it always returned (plus more, because it's generous like that!)

    This is the first time that I feel positive, kind and nurturing to myself while "dieting." I realize now that I couldn't treat myself that way before because deep down I didn't think I deserved it.

    I feel proud of each day I get on here and log. I'm going to find something to appreciate about where I am now and remember that doing this right takes time.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I totally agree. Plus, the words of our mouths will speak what we will get. Think and speak positive everyone.
  • andric1
    andric1 Posts: 23
    Don't you think you're shoving your opinion down everyone's throat a little? I feel better when I can "insult" myself and tell myself I'm nowhere where I deserve and should be. If I don't push myself no one else's going to do so.

    This is my opinion regarding losing weight/working out, other than that the theory "mind over body" is absolutely true concering your everyday life.
  • I initially misunderstood the law of attraction. It was easy to have positive thoughts but nothing changed until I had positive "feelings".

    My experience is that the law does not work with just what you say and what you think. It works on what you FEEL!

  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    At the risk of sounding like a motivational speaker I think happiness results when what we think, say and do are all in accord.

    I am a big believer in repeatedly visualising a target, really feeling it, and letting my subconscious go to work.

    Go things come from good things, pay it forward and all that :)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Don't you think you're shoving your opinion down everyone's throat a little? I feel better when I can "insult" myself and tell myself I'm nowhere where I deserve and should be. If I don't push myself no one else's going to do so.

    This is my opinion regarding losing weight/working out, other than that the theory "mind over body" is absolutely true concering your everyday life.

    An over-reaction to a relatively benign topic, surely?

    Must be all those insults ... So much testosterone ;)
  • andric1
    andric1 Posts: 23
    An over-reaction to a relatively benign topic, surely?

    Must be all those insults ... So much testosterone ;)

    Nah, I'm just a spirited personality.

    Also yeah, must be all that testo.
  • Don't you think you're shoving your opinion down everyone's throat a little? I feel better when I can "insult" myself and tell myself I'm nowhere where I deserve and should be. If I don't push myself no one else's going to do so.

    This is my opinion regarding losing weight/working out, other than that the theory "mind over body" is absolutely true concering your everyday life.

    I prefer sharing over shoving:happy:
    Actually what Im trying to do with this post is find like minded people. I think its important to surround myself with like energy or at least balance it out a little bit. @ the time I wrote this post there seemed to be a influx of comments and messages that leaned toward the self loathing. I know from experience that it can be hard to remain grounded when people around you are in a bad way. Sometimes its easier to shake off the ickies when you know other people that have the tools to do so also.
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    TheDreadPirateRoberts Posts: 225 Member
    I post the Daily Teachings from the Secret on my profile every day...

    However, I post it and take the mickey out of it as I'm not exactly a fan and think it sounds like it was written by someone who has spent most of their time on mind altering chemicals.

    Each to their own, but personally I think its a total load of drivel.
  • Journalartista
    Journalartista Posts: 84 Member
    I was thinking the same thing recently, especially when people have "fat" somewhere in thier user name. I am a big believer in LOA (add me!), and I avoid those threads. :)
  • amandaxh
    amandaxh Posts: 38 Member
    Don't you think you're shoving your opinion down everyone's throat a little? I feel better when I can "insult" myself and tell myself I'm nowhere where I deserve and should be. If I don't push myself no one else's going to do so.

    This is my opinion regarding losing weight/working out, other than that the theory "mind over body" is absolutely true concering your everyday life.

    I don't believe she was shoving anything anywhere, but opening up discussion for people who prefer to use positivity as a key for success in achieving their goals, nothing more, nothing less.

    Some people have poor self image, self esteem, ideas of self worth and self love. For people who suffer these emotional issues (regardless of WHY), self insulting and getting down on one's self about their progress does not motivate, but depricates and can lead to further psychological conflict, and perhaps even serious negative eating and body habits.

    On the other hand, folks who generally have a positive image of themselves and have always felt decent or good about who they are, but merely wanted to make a physical change -- maybe self insulting and reminding themselves that they aren't where they need to be in a .. harsher sense is the reality that they need in order to push through hard times.

    In general, I do truly believe it depends on the psychological and emotional state of the individual who is embarking on a weightloss and life style journey: that is different for everyone. There is nothing wrong with either approach (assuming being harsh on one's self does not lead to a poor self image), it merely depends on the person.

    Self esteemed person + Self assurance & Positivity = Could lead to someone who is not in tune with reality, not motivated enough, settling because of their already current state of self esteem.
    Self esteemed person + Harsher self-talk approach = Probably more in line with the sort of self talk that will lead to motivation and change.
    Non self esteemed person + Harsher self talk approach = Depression, anxiety, mental turmoil, giving up, psychological issues
    Non self esteemed person + Self assurance and Positivity = Motivation, intuned with reality, new view of self to encourage change.

    Its all about being in tune and real with one's self and being balanced in emotion. Hence why 2 of these work, and 2 of these probably don't. Thats not to say that there are not people who lose weight who have poor self esteem and are very harsh on themselves, or people who begin their journey with self esteem and are motivated by more positivity, they are probably just the minority. And hey -- sometimes people might change in between these strategies because people transform and grow and change.

    Think outside the box, and do what works for you in accordance to your best health: physical and mental.
  • 333reese
    333reese Posts: 1
    I Love and appreciate your post. thank you.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    i totally believe this! and if anyone wants to add me go ahead! i love having friends on my list who support and i support and i try to do this in daily life. it doesnt always work, but this time i am determined not to gain it back and keep at it, i can do this!!!!!!!!!!
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member

    In general, I do truly believe it depends on the psychological and emotional state of the individual who is embarking on a weightloss and life style journey: that is different for everyone. There is nothing wrong with either approach (assuming being harsh on one's self does not lead to a poor self image), it merely depends on the person.

    Self esteemed person + Self assurance & Positivity = Could lead to someone who is not in tune with reality, not motivated enough, settling because of their already current state of self esteem.
    Self esteemed person + Harsher self-talk approach = Probably more in line with the sort of self talk that will lead to motivation and change.
    Non self esteemed person + Harsher self talk approach = Depression, anxiety, mental turmoil, giving up, psychological issues
    Non self esteemed person + Self assurance and Positivity = Motivation, intuned with reality, new view of self to encourage change.

    This is a very interesting take on the subject.

    However, I do think we need to be careful about our internal and external dialog. I think we program our brains with our internal dialog, we believe what we tell ourselves, our internal dialog can either support or undermine long term success.
  • I Love and appreciate your post. thank you.
    Thank you:flowerforyou:
  • bdotshaw
    bdotshaw Posts: 90 Member
    As a newbie to the idea of the Law of Attraction, I LIKE this post :D. Positive self-talk is sooo important and I'm really working on being kind to myself and TRULY believing in the power of positivity. This is awesome.