Need help! Lack Motivation... ugh!

Hi... so i have been struggling with weight for 5 or so years. it all started once i graduated from highschool. i have tried many exercise plans and dieting but its just really really hard! i cant get over the initial bump to put me in the right direction.

For dieting, i find it extra hard for me because i am sooo picky as is and i dont like most "healthy" meals because it has weird items in it! Also, i love candy and snacks and i honestly do NOT know how to break away from that. i know right there that would help but i just cannot force myself to do it. its kinda ridiuclous and im at the point now to where i would love to try anything but need some guidance!!!

i have been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred for a little while now, but i i will admit my downfall is not sticking to it EVERYDAY... sometimes i go 4-5 days without having done it, and i KNOW thats bad but UGH i need help! its like i need someone to actually hold me accountable... im just so sick of how i look and i just want to wear everything i own!!!!!! help?????? :)


  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    Coming here is your first step... Use the guide to track EVERYTHING that you eat and do, and it'll give you a clear sight picture of what you need to do to stay on track! You can DOOOOOOOO it!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Read the book Full-Filled by Renee Stephens. If that doesn't get your motivation going....nothing will
  • georgeinthecord
    georgeinthecord Posts: 84 Member
    Hey! I've struggled and continue to struggle for 31 years now! But I feel like I am finally making a change and I'm so excited about it.

    I feel like you know you can do it... you just have to stick with it and do it! You can try and cut back on how much you eat when you eat candy or something. With the MFP app & website, it's a lot easier to try and keep track of calories.

    Someone said something to me a few weeks ago and it really stuck with me. When she was training for a marathon a few years ago, doing the couch to 5k and she was ready to give up and she said, "if millions of other people have done this, why can't I?"

    That's how I feel about it... we really only get out of our weightloss attempts what we put into it! Good luck! :) You can definitely do it.
  • annielaurie88
    annielaurie88 Posts: 86 Member
    Thank you everyone so far for the support!

    i have been trying to use the tracker but of course i forget to every so often! i need to make it a haibt... among other things!

    i will look into that book-sounds interesting! thank you!!
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    Who doesn't love candy and snacks!? I'm not a big supporter of the "diet" thing. I like to think that changing your life in subtle little ways is going to be easier and more effective if you stick to it in the long run. Choose one area in your life where you're ready to make a change, and then commit to that change. Once you've mastered that change, move on to another area of emphasis and just make sure to keep up with all the changes. It's about building new, good habits. Don't try to change too fast or you'll end up like my first run at life changing: I lost 25 pounds and then had a bout of rough stress and let go of all my progress and gained it all back. "Friend" up if you'd like.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member

    For dieting, i find it extra hard for me because i am sooo picky as is and i dont like most "healthy" meals because it has weird items in it! Also, i love candy and snacks and i honestly do NOT know how to break away from that. i know right there that would help but i just cannot force myself to do it. its kinda ridiuclous and im at the point now to where i would love to try anything but need some guidance!!!

    Easy solution....DON"T BUY or CONSUME candy & snacks. Look, we've all been there. we all have foods like that. For me I loved a good quality beer and potato chips. For me the solution was not buying them, and replacing them with something else. - specifically veggies you can snack on them all you want. Experiment with different types of raw veggies to see what you might like.

    Eventually your tastes will change and you'll prefer good food to junk food...But only if you take responsibility and change your behaviors. It will get easier. Soon u wont have any desire for the junk.

    Eventually if you feel to can control yourself, you can add in 10% - 20% of your cals for these foods. But only until you believe you can eat one without the whole bag. We are going to a lifestyle change that has room for an indulgence here and there.
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    It is all to you. You can definitley do it. There are going to be times you don't want to but you have to do it any way. There will be times you don't just start back up. It is going to take time so be patient. Just do your best to start tracking everything everday and try to be active at least 4 days out of the week. Go for walks do Jillians 30DS. Anything is better than nothing. Eventually you'll get into a routine and you'll want to make healthier food choices and want to workout.
  • SaraBelle0312
    SaraBelle0312 Posts: 328 Member
    When I say this, I mean this in the NICEST MOST ENCOURAGING way possible.

    If you are having a problem getting to where you want to, it's not because of your motivation. It's because you don't want it enough. You have to force yourself to eat small amounts of sweets, log everyday, workout religiously. Motivation only gets you so far but if you don't have the determination and drive to back it up, then you won't get far. MFP is a logging tool and support tool, but you have to work for it. It's a tool and your are the power behind it & you cannot rely on this alone to get you somewhere. We are just a tool for your success, you ultimately, YOU alone cause your success. You have to push harder than you have ever gone and throw your excuses out the door, I CAN'T is NOT an option.

    What do you want more?

    Your candy, or the body & internal pride and success you have dreamed of.

    I sincerely wish you the best of luck and that you succeed. If you need help & support, I am here for you.
  • taylorb318
    First things, first - You have to figure out WHY you really want to get fit/healthy and WHAT you're willing to do and HOW much effort you're willing to put in to make it happen!

    I suggest doing some research as to why you crave certain foods (sweets, for example). Usually, when you crave sweet foods it's your body's way of telling you that your diet is lacking in another nutrient. Also, I know it is tedious to do research about food and what is actually in it, but it's a good way to know exactly what you're eating and what it's doing to your body.

    How badly do you want to fit into those skinny jeans? How rad would it be to go shopping and realized you have dropped a size?!

    I would also STRONGLY suggest that you one of my all-time favorite motivational sites: Pinterest! I use this whenever I need inspiration or motivation for anything. It even has it's own "Fitness" category (which most pictures actually direct you to sites with nutritional facts and advice).

    Lastly, realize that it WILL take time. You must be patient and not give up after 2 weeks! Know that it'll take a while to get used to the change but in the end it will be a lifestyle change that you'll want to stick with!
    Oh, and lift weights!! You will NOT bulk up like men do. Girls do not have the right genetics for that. In fact, having more lean muscle on your body will help you burn more calories!

    Good luck, girl! Stay positive.