i just ate til i was sick!!!!

today i decided to take control of my diet, there has been a big build up and id done so well.
i kept in calories and started insanity

couple of hours ago my 1 year old niece was rushed for major surgery. since i have done nothing but eat! im over 5 hours away from her, no car and no transport at this time of night

well i just ate til the point i was sick!! what am i doing!!!!!!


  • blaze1zanebrobst
    so sorry i know how that feels. start over tomorrow. thank God for the new day!
  • third_time_lucky
    third_time_lucky Posts: 103 Member
    she has had such a rough life so far bless her, feel so useless!! i think ive been eating to distract me from whats going on but still not good.
    Thank you though, your right. tomorrow is another day :)
  • karaselby
    karaselby Posts: 5
    Just know that your not alone. I eat like that sometimes just bc I am sad or having a bad day and you had a much better reason that that! I am praying for your neice. The previous woman was right...tomorrow is a new day and take it in stride! Good luck!
  • mjsamee
    mjsamee Posts: 215 Member
    I got into a verbal fight with my teenager and the first thing I did was start eating, :sad: Its like the food gives you a big hug...so distracting and comforting...very sad!!:frown: I hope things get better!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Many, many people struggle with eating as an emotional response. I wish it were as easy as just "starting fresh" tomorrow - but until you address the root of your problem (an unhealthy relationship with food), and change your automatic response to situations that would normally trigger overeating, then the chances of this happening again are pretty good. You'll have to really work over time to re-train your brain so that you no longer turn to food when dealing with emotions (what emotions they are could vary - some people eat when they're bored, some when they're sad, others when they're happy - others for almost any emotion!).

    I highly recommend any of the "Beck Diet" books - they aren't really about dieting at all, but are about changing your thinking and behavioral patterns to encourage long-term success. Here's a link to the one I would recommend (it's their newest version). You might be able to find this at a local library. http://www.amazon.com/The-Complete-Beck-Diet-Life/dp/B004KAB35W/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1342477858&sr=8-3&keywords=Beck+Diet

    (No, I'm not connected to the Beck diet books in any way - I've just read them myself after they were recommended to me by my therapist, and I find the information/approach in them to be quite helpful and a huge change from most weigh-loss related material out there.)
  • third_time_lucky
    third_time_lucky Posts: 103 Member
    i have never done this before, infact, other than portion control i think ive always had a pretty healthy relationship with food. im thinking its been playing on my mind too much til past week and ive put a lot of pressure on myself today to burn 1000 cals and eat under my goal. i think it may be a sign i need to relax a little about it.
    then again i adore my niece and ive never had to deal with anything like this before so i guess i dont know how i would normally act!!
    why did i move sooooo far away from all my family!!! :)
    Many, many people struggle with eating as an emotional response. I wish it were as easy as just "starting fresh" tomorrow - but until you address the root of your problem (an unhealthy relationship with food), and change your automatic response to situations that would normally trigger overeating, then the chances of this happening again are pretty good. You'll have to really work over time to re-train your brain so that you no longer turn to food when dealing with emotions (what emotions they are could vary - some people eat when they're bored, some when they're sad, others when they're happy - others for almost any emotion!).

    I highly recommend any of the "Beck Diet" books - they aren't really about dieting at all, but are about changing your thinking and behavioral patterns to encourage long-term success. Here's a link to the one I would recommend (it's their newest version). You might be able to find this at a local library. http://www.amazon.com/The-Complete-Beck-Diet-Life/dp/B004KAB35W/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1342477858&sr=8-3&keywords=Beck+Diet

    (No, I'm not connected to the Beck diet books in any way - I've just read them myself after they were recommended to me by my therapist, and I find the information/approach in them to be quite helpful and a huge change from most weigh-loss related material out there.)
  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    Sweetie t's ok, It happens to al of us. Just log everything you eat. That's a good first step. It's hard to deal with stress and the feeling of helplessness. But tomorrow is a new day.

    I had the same kind of day today. I had to get my ex husband 20 miles away and bring him back to the town where I live in so he can get on a train. He finally realized if he did't stop the drugs he was going to die. He starts rehab in Alabama on wednesday. His Cousin who used to be an addict is paying for it. But he had no other way. This way I know he wont be just showing up at my door, and I won't be waiting for the call that he was found dead. It was very hard. I still care about him. He was the biggest love of my life. So I have eaten 1500 calories over so far. I log it though. At least so I have some control. It's hard we all have bad days. Mine is also during my TOM and I have a back injury and the pain meds make me ravenous.
  • mjsamee
    mjsamee Posts: 215 Member
    I got into a verbal fight with my teenager and the first thing I did was start eating, :sad: Its like the food gives you a big hug...so distracting and comforting...very sad!!:frown: I hope things get better!!

    On a good note, I logged everything I ate and I was still under my calorie goal, so atleast talking about it and catching ourselves and acknowledging it is a step in the right direction, I love mfp we can vent and recieve support to keep on keepong on!! :flowerforyou:
  • peridot1383
    peridot1383 Posts: 49 Member
    You probably feel out of control because of your niece's situation, especially considering you are upset with how far away you are. Food is something we can control. And a lot of times as emotional eaters we eat because we can control it all on the way in. We choose the flavors and take comfort in the consistency and reliability of its presence. But, the comfort derived from control should be the reverse. It should stem from knowing that we can stay on track and maintain good habits even in times of adversity and struggle. You are fine. Don't get upset.. Just start one meal at a time. Do your Insanity workout today (even if you don't do it really hardcore..just finish it) and remember to breath for a few when you have the impulse to grab for something to eat. We are all here for you.