Trouble meeting my calorie requirements

I'm having trouble meeting my calorie requirements, I'm alotted 1200 and usually fall 300 short when I add exercise. Last night I ate ice cream so I was only 200 short instead of 500. I eat three meals and a snack a day. I'm not hungry. Should I make myself eat the additional calories? I have 14 pounds to go to meet my goal.


  • kristen807
    kristen807 Posts: 361
    I have spoken with nutritionists before and you should eat a MINIMUM of 1,200 calories a day otherwise your body goes into starvation mode. If you are in starvation mode for long periods of time it can cause many harmful effects. Best of luck.
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    I have spoken with nutritionists before and you should eat a MINIMUM of 1,200 calories a day otherwise your body goes into starvation mode. If you are in starvation mode for long periods of time it can cause many harmful effects. Best of luck.

    Dont spread UTTERLY STUPID Mis-information.

  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    I dont get posts like this.

    Swap a meal for a packet of crisps(chips) and 2 chocolate bars

    Problem solved.
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    You do not have to eat back your exercise calories regardless of what some people think. Everyone is different. What works for some will not always work for others. Do what works for you. If I'm hungry, I'll eat them back. If I'm not, then I don't but I always try to eat at least 1200 calories a day.
  • stonerdude
    stonerdude Posts: 103
    If you open your diary then it would be easier to help you!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I WISH I had that problem! I'm set to maintenence (1550) and eat back all my exercise calories and I'm STILL hungry!
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    I have spoken with nutritionists before and you should eat a MINIMUM of 1,200 calories a day otherwise your body goes into starvation mode. If you are in starvation mode for long periods of time it can cause many harmful effects. Best of luck.

    Dont spread UTTERLY STUPID Mis-information.

    OMG!!!can people stop with starvation mode........
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    If you just wanta reach your calorie goal,eat a handful of almonds(unsalted,raw)Great fiber & protein.If your not hungry,don't eat.Are you on Diet pills?
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I have spoken with nutritionists before and you should eat a MINIMUM of 1,200 calories a day otherwise your body goes into starvation mode. If you are in starvation mode for long periods of time it can cause many harmful effects. Best of luck.

    Dont spread UTTERLY STUPID Mis-information.

    OMG!!!can people stop with starvation mode........

    I too do not agree with the starvation mode thing. I lost 50 pounds by eating less than 1200 calories a day for several months. If starvation mode were true, I wouldn't have lost that weight because my body would've been hoarding it according to this myth. And it wasn't muscle I was losing either, as I had horses at the time and an active job. The only reason it didn't work is Hershey came out with Reese's Peanut butter Caramel cups and I couldn't control myself with them. Omg I so miss them.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I am very tiny (5'1") and sedentary. If I eat more than 1000 calories a day, I gain weight. However, I eat 5+ times a day and am rarely hungry.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    Since everyone is is what works for me:

    Breakfast (6-630am)
    Morning Snack (930-10am)
    Lunch (12-1)
    Afternoon Snack (230-330)
    Dinner (after 530, before 7)
    Evening Snack (anytime before bed)

    Never force yourself to eat.
    You should however, eat healthy well balanced meals (especially if you are going to be under on calories), something with protein would have been better than ice cream before bed :)

    Don't worry though, you will figure this out. It takes time and getting to know your body.

  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I have spoken with nutritionists before and you should eat a MINIMUM of 1,200 calories a day otherwise your body goes into starvation mode. If you are in starvation mode for long periods of time it can cause many harmful effects. Best of luck.

    Dont spread UTTERLY STUPID Mis-information.

    OMG!!!can people stop with starvation mode........

    I too do not agree with the starvation mode thing. I lost 50 pounds by eating less than 1200 calories a day for several months. If starvation mode were true, I wouldn't have lost that weight because my body would've been hoarding it according to this myth. And it wasn't muscle I was losing either, as I had horses at the time and an active job. The only reason it didn't work is Hershey came out with Reese's Peanut butter Caramel cups and I couldn't control myself with them. Omg I so miss them.

    I eat way under 1200 a day....and I am loosing as well!
  • kristen807
    kristen807 Posts: 361
    I have spoken with nutritionists before and you should eat a MINIMUM of 1,200 calories a day otherwise your body goes into starvation mode. If you are in starvation mode for long periods of time it can cause many harmful effects. Best of luck.

    Dont spread UTTERLY STUPID Mis-information.


    You are entitled to your opinion you don't have to be rude....I was anorexic at one point in my life. Yes, you do lose the weight, however, be prepared for some unintended effects.
  • JayneCW
    JayneCW Posts: 8
    Do people here not believe in BMR? The Basic Metabolic Rate? I am concerned by the number of people eating less than 1200 calories. Many sources say that your body needs more than that to function. Even if you feel healthy/look healthy now, you may be doing some serious damage to your body with such carloric restrictions.
  • JayneCW
    JayneCW Posts: 8
    The point isn't just to boost calories, it's to keep the calories from each source at a certain percentage. For example you want your protein to be somewhere between 10-30% most sources say, while your fat should be around 30%, so substituting a high fat food just because it is higher calorie might not be the best choice if you've already consumed a good percent of your fat calories and are before a meal where you would eat more. You don't have to be religious about it, but it's generally not good to start eating a high fat food in place of a nutritious meal just because it is high calories.