Need some advice please..

In 2006 I was in a very bad car wreck and it messed up my lower lumbar spine ( I have 3 bugling disks and a slightly rotated pelvis) and I had to do several months of physical therapy. They gave me some exercises to do but they put too much strain on my back and per my dr. I cannot lift more than 10 lbs at the most. He still cannot give me any exercises that won't hurt my back. Walking even puts a lot of strain, but I can walk at least a mile to 2 miles, Is there anything anyone can recommend that I could do to that won't hurt my back worse?


  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    Have you talked to your doctor about swimming?

    Many times people with joint injuries can get the best workouts by doing them in the water.

    Water aerobics is a great excerise. Or even just swimming at the local YMCA
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Can you swim - or ride a bike (stationary bike at the gym)
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Can you swim - or ride a bike (stationary bike at the gym)

    I agree on this one.
  • bslic
    bslic Posts: 245 Member
    I agree with swimming...heck just the resistance walking around would be beneficial for you. I really feel for you dealing with your injuries and back issues. My mom deals with back pain caused by bulging disks and it's quite debilitating.
    Good luck!!
  • Anise6789
    Anise6789 Posts: 100 Member
    Ive had two back surguries. I ride a recumbent bike, do pelvic tilts on a stationary ball. That helps my back, you should be able to also do your therapy excercises,and your walking is good. Heck you dont have to beat yourself just yet. There is also yoga, stretching, dance,and Tai chi. Just take your time, do mild excercise,and get well. Good luck jeanie
  • fionamacf
    Have you tried Pilates. A good instructor should help you. Worth doing a few one on one sessions so they can show you what will work for you before going to a group class.
  • aliciadenelsbeck
    Thank you all for the wonderful advice. I can swim and have been trying to do that as much as possible this summer, I haven't even thought about Pilates or yoga , I will definitely look into trying that. I actually have a stationary bike somewhere here at home in storage, I will dig that out and give it a try. Thank you all again for your help I very very much appreciate it.
  • aliciadenelsbeck
    Just wanted to update and say thank you all again for the wonderful advice, I invested into my own pool and have been using it religiously lol and have lost 10 lbs and my back doesn't hurt as much as when I try other things. Swimming and walking are my new best exercising friends :D Hope you are all doing well!