Anyone with Hypothyroidism?



  • scottyg354
    scottyg354 Posts: 13
    my partner has it - she had a serious Grave's episode a couple years ago - she takes T3 - but it's from a compounding pharmacy - and now she cannot gain weight to save her soul. (yes, HYPO,not hyper) She has all the energy and is completely back to "normal" except the weight - but she's on a strict gluten free diet too ... people with thyroid issues should possibly try to avoid gluten as it mimics the thyroid hormone.

    Have your doctors checked T3 levels as well as T4? Have you considered going gluten-free?

    +1 for the gluten. I dont think you need to be as strict as somone with Celiac, but I try to eat it as little as possible. A bowl of whole wheat pasta once in a while wont hurt, but I would keep it a daily part of your diet.
  • ami6880
    ami6880 Posts: 1
    you're so lucky! I don't feel like my meds are helping me at all. They made my hair fall out, and I've been on them for months and I'm still consistently shaky. Only thing I connect the shakiness to is the meds. I can't keep going to the doctor all the time either, I don't have insurance anymore, I'm trying to avoid going as often as they say I should. :(

    You need to go back to the doctor. This happened to me when my meds were too high, I lost so much hair you could see my scalp and I was shaky and my heart raced. It isn't good for you, I know it is hard without insurance, but you don't want to mess with that :)
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I have hypo ... being treated with a low dose of synthroid. I'm losing speedily well with low calorie and low carb diet.

    I load up on veggies and protein, a little less on fat and lesser still on carbs.

    lost 30+ lbs since May 27 2012
  • EileenT72
    EileenT72 Posts: 15 Member
    I have it and take Synthroid. I've lost 38 lbs. since May so yes, it is possible!!! :smile:
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    I've probably been hypothyroid for close to 35 years and finally was diagnosed four months ago. I'm on Levothyroxine. Even so losing weight--or even not gaining weight--is a constant struggle. I gain on 1,400 kcal per day, despite a physically demanding job and daily exercise :grumble:

    Recently my doctor has put me on iron supplements (Floradix, anything else will cause my hypo-sluggish digestion to pack up and go home). I'm iron deficient, which seems to be a common side order with hypothyroidism. Since taking the supplements my metabolism seems to have perked up quite a bit--I'm sweating again, which is huge! :bigsmile:

    So, I'd suggest you have your iron levels checked if you're struggling badly with your weight.
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    you're so lucky! I don't feel like my meds are helping me at all. They made my hair fall out, and I've been on them for months and I'm still consistently shaky. Only thing I connect the shakiness to is the meds. I can't keep going to the doctor all the time either, I don't have insurance anymore, I'm trying to avoid going as often as they say I should. :(

    I used to get that when i was on levo. Apparently it's one of the "rare" side effects- I now pay 15 dollars more a month for my medication but I no longer shake- have mood swings- have hair fall out- Or have my face freeze when I get stressed or irritated.
  • newmommynewfitme
    I have hypothyroidism due to hashimoto's and I'm currently on 375 mg mcg of levothyroxine , before I got pregnant I was losing very well on 200 mcg and hope that I continue to once I have our baby. Weight loss is harder but totally possible!!