


  • FitDadx3
    FitDadx3 Posts: 16 Member
    I am on day 54 of insanity, and I love it!! It has me beat about halfway through, but I just push through and dig deeper, and I am loving the results!!! I have lost 23 pounds so far, 20 inches off my body, and am gaining muscle tone!

    You are AWESOME! Seriously, 23lbs and 20 inches...that's a BIG deal! What advice can you give to the others just starting the program? I love your enthusiasm!
  • FitDadx3
    FitDadx3 Posts: 16 Member
    starting it tomorrow and am quite intimidated by it, but excited too! can't wait to see the results!

    Don't be intimidated! You're not going to be a superstar your first day or week...well you might be. Just go at your pace and work your butt off. Keep pushing play and results will come...guaranteed.
  • amj111
    amj111 Posts: 4
    I am on day 54 of insanity, and I love it!! It has me beat about halfway through, but I just push through and dig deeper, and I am loving the results!!! I have lost 23 pounds so far, 20 inches off my body, and am gaining muscle tone!

    You are AWESOME! Seriously, 23lbs and 20 inches...that's a BIG deal! What advice can you give to the others just starting the program? I love your enthusiasm!

    For those of you who are just starting the program, some advice.....
    Cut out all bad carbs, and the only carbs i eat now are from fruits and veggies and whole grains. Also, cut way down on the fat, so your body will be forced to use its excess supply instead of giving it an immediate supply of fat by eating fatty meals.

    As far as the workouts go, Stay focused! and do the absolute best you can do, even if you are so tired you cant stand it and your eyes are burning from all the sweat in them, just dig deeper! If you feel your legs are going to give out, take a little rest, and get back to it.

    DRINK LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER!! and take a protein shake immediately after you get done working out, just the water and powder (no milk, adds too many calories), and the pounds will start coming off! and you will be getting toned very soon! GOOD LUCK!!
  • brittneyburger
    brittneyburger Posts: 6 Member
    I just finished my first fit test! there is definitely room for improvement though but welll see how far i come in two weeks for the next test. :]

  • MariePR84
    MariePR84 Posts: 8
    I'm starting day 1 today!

    Question: what time of day would be best for this? Before (5am) or after (6pm) work?
  • myskinnyjourney
    myskinnyjourney Posts: 50 Member
    just did day2 of insanity its so weird when im about to start insanity im like wat have i got myself into and as soon as im done i want to dooo moree it is so dam addictive right now im just thinking about day 3 :P i hope i am this pumped everyday for the next 60 days...have to focus on my diet gotta clean it of luck everyone :)
  • Does anyone have the nutrition guide they would be willing to share with me? I feel like I'm not eating enough while doing insanity and on workout days, my net intake of calories is only 700-900, which is bad. Please message me! Thanks :)
  • myskinnyjourney
    myskinnyjourney Posts: 50 Member
    i have a question is anyone substituting the power jumps with anything else if so with what doing jumping jacks instead beacause i dont want to get injured while doing power jumps with the knees i have
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member
    Question for you people who have been doing Insanity for awhile. Do you go by the nutrition guide for calculating your calories and then just eat that amount every day, or do you use MFP to calculate for you and then eat back your exercise calories? I'm playing around with the numbers to see what works for me, but I was just interested in what everyone else is doing...
    i have a question is anyone substituting the power jumps with anything else if so with what doing jumping jacks instead beacause i dont want to get injured while doing power jumps with the knees i have

    I actually have to modify all jumps and the high impact stuff because of bad knees. Well, they don't hurt now, but I don't want to take any chances on hurting them again. Anyway, I use a mini trampoline for the power jumps, etc. Sure, it doesn't take *quite* as much energy to do a power jump on a trampoline like it does from the floor, but if I do enough of them in the time alloted for that exercise, my heart rates skyrockets. I keep it right where I exercise so I can jump on it when I need to, then I just move back to the floor for the next move. Highly recommend this for anyone doing Insanity with bad knees. :smile:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I am planning on starting today after work. I am going over the nutrition guide right now. Calculated that I need to eat 1900 calories so I set up MFP to reflect that. It's definitely going to take a lot of planning to decide all my meals!
  • FitDadx3
    FitDadx3 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm starting day 1 today!

    Question: what time of day would be best for this? Before (5am) or after (6pm) work?

    Good luck with the Fit Test! I prefer to workout in the morning (a) because I can get it done before my girls wake up, (b) I'm energized throughout the day, and (c) my performance suffers after a long work day. But the choice is yours.
  • FitDadx3
    FitDadx3 Posts: 16 Member
    I am planning on starting today after work. I am going over the nutrition guide right now. Calculated that I need to eat 1900 calories so I set up MFP to reflect that. It's definitely going to take a lot of planning to decide all my meals!

    Good luck on your first day! The recipes in the nutrition plan are really easy to make and pack a good amount of protein to keep you full.
  • FitDadx3
    FitDadx3 Posts: 16 Member
    i have a question is anyone substituting the power jumps with anything else if so with what doing jumping jacks instead beacause i dont want to get injured while doing power jumps with the knees i have

    There's a variety of exercises you can do. If power jumps are too high-impact for you I would suggest doing power knees so you can work your abs at the same time (it's in the fit test).
  • kcoburn327
    kcoburn327 Posts: 111 Member
    Great job yall! I am on week 3 day 2. I was so excited for my results from my second fit test. I was able to improve everything. Yay!

    Keep up the great work!
  • xstarburrst
    xstarburrst Posts: 19 Member
    I am in love with insanity. I just started week 6 and did my first max workout today and it was legitimately insane. Its weird- I wake up and honestly look forward to doing my workout! Never thought I'd say that.

    I was 138 when i started and 128.4 today, so almost 10 lbs down. I've been eating between 1500-1700 calories a day. (with a few slips here and there) I'm not following any specific plan..just generally trying to eat balanced and unprocessed. I'm also drinking 100+ oz of water a day.

    Its a tough program, but if you just do the best you can, and keep trying (I still can't do a workout straight through) you'll get results!!
  • kazoooo8
    kazoooo8 Posts: 71
    Question for you ... on the infomerical, I saw 1 guy that was like 47 or 49 doing it.... is this just a younger person's workout or can an overweight 48 yo women handle it? I'm not really into dancing type workouts. I like more of the Tae-Bo or guy-exercise videos cuz they have more exercise, less coordination issues :)
  • xstarburrst
    xstarburrst Posts: 19 Member
    Its basically a lot of calisthenics and body weight exercises (jumping squats, pushups and floor runs, etc) Its not choreography, so don't worry about that. It can be hard on the joints/knees if you're not careful about form.

    However, If you're new to working out, I might not start here. If you're already in shape/exercising frequently I'd say to give it a go. I can go out a run 6 miles on a whim if i wanted..but a 40 minute insanity workout kicked my butt at the start (and still does!). If you search online (specifically i know its on pintrest) you can find links to watch the insanity videos online to see if its for you! I think anyone can definitely do it if you're determined and paced yourself, but don't forget its called insanity for a reason!
    Question for you ... on the infomerical, I saw 1 guy that was like 47 or 49 doing it.... is this just a younger person's workout or can an overweight 48 yo women handle it? I'm not really into dancing type workouts. I like more of the Tae-Bo or guy-exercise videos cuz they have more exercise, less coordination issues :)
  • SeeDavidLose
    SeeDavidLose Posts: 11 Member
    I just started week 2 and it is amazing!

    For those that are just worn out after the first week, you may want to take an additional day off between week 1 and week 2, it worked for me.
  • FitDadx3
    FitDadx3 Posts: 16 Member
    D6 - Insanity: Fit Test - I went backwards this week 'cause I just wanted to GET STARTED! This was the best fit test I've done for Insanity thus far. Here are my results for week 1. *Note: the scorecard says 2 switch kicks = 1 rep; yet in the video they counted each one as a single rep, so that's what I did.

    Switch Kicks: 135
    Power Jacks: 60
    Power Knees: 105
    Power Jumps: 65
    Globe Jumps: 12
    Suicide Jumps: 22
    Push-up Jacks: 35
    Low Plank Oblique: 68

    Have a great day everyone!
  • myskinnyjourney
    myskinnyjourney Posts: 50 Member
    OH MY GOD JUST DID DAY5 PURE whattt the hell was that i took like a gazillion trillion breaks is shaun t serious is he sweating even after doing a half *kitten* workout i think more of it was to do with knowing there are no breaks in it so even the thought of having no breaks made me tired...i think haha...but wooowwww dat was one complete insane package ..glad its done