Loss of appetite?

For the past week or so, I've noticed a dramatic drop in my appetite. I'm not sick and I've certainly never had any issues with eating under my daily calorie limit before. The only thing I've done differently is dramatically increase my amount of exercise.

I've eaten as much as I've honestly been hungry for today, and it's come out to 1140 calories, NOT including the 382 I've burned from exercise. Should I eat more even if I'm not hungry? This is definitely not a problem I've had before.


  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    Can't see your diary.
    So can't help much

    Maybe you are tired of your food
    mix it up a bit
    and nuts are an easy way to add a few calories with good macros
  • SophieMFP
    SophieMFP Posts: 24 Member
    I feel exactly the same! When I started (almost 2 weeks back) I thought I was going to really struggle as I usually love my food and can't get enough!

    I've been off work so I've been exercising a lot (500 - 1200 calories burned per day), but I just don't feel interested in food. Yesterday I got a warning from MFP that I was eating too few calories so I had a protein shake with 500ml of semi-skimmed milk to hike my calories up, I got the same warning the day before too.

    I'm definitely not tired of my food as I've been trying lots of new things since starting my diet two weeks ago.

    I suppose I shouldn't be complaining, it's making losing weight a lot easier than I thought it would be, but it does feel unusual.
  • I'm the same. I think it's the exercise increase to be honest. I used to have a horrendously low appetite before I had my son. Then I ate like a starving animal at a buffet. Now it seems to have crept back down to 'never hungry' again. It's since I started working out. I can probably go til 2pm without food. It's really bad and very unhealthy.