Do i have hope in losing 110 lbs.

Hello, I’m new to this site, i’ve never done something like this before, i’ve never been honest with myself, but today i’ve noticed i’ve let myself go for a while now, i’m unhappy with how i look, every time i look of how fat i am in the mirror i just break down and cry every night, it feels like a never ending nightmare.

so i’ve been thinking of losing 50 kg/110 lbs since i’m on summer vocation i might as well start now, is it unrealistic to accomplish in 6 months of 2 hours working out and diet plan?

i need motivation.


  • micky554
    micky554 Posts: 4
    Instead of thinking of a dead line, think of changing your life style, this way you will be thin for the rest of your life. You obviously have some bad habits you need to change. You must exercise a lot, do not drink soft drinks & juices, and don't bring junk food into the house, even if your children ask for it. I'd stay away from Alcohol as well. If you change these habits you will lose gradually and keep the weight off.
  • BeautifulBetsy
    BeautifulBetsy Posts: 60 Member
    You can totally do it. Just make it your mission, get crazy, get excited!
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    YOU CAN SO DO IT!!!!! I have just started my self two months ago needing to lose the same amount of weight. I've lost 8 pounds, but more important is that I am really working to change my life. I haven't put a time limit on it and I would tell you not to either. The slower you lose it, the more likely it will be permanent. It's easier to stay motivated if you just take one day at a time.

    I suggest the following:

    1. Make the commitment to log your food everyday regardless if you stay within your goal or not.
    2. Make an effort to get some type of exercise and log it every day of the week even if it's just going to the grocery store. Yes, that counts.
    3. Don't beat yourself up when you have a bad day. We ALL have them, even the skinny minis.
    4. Make lots of friends. Their posts are very motivating and supportive. You can add me if you want.
    5. Read the Forums!! The success stories are proof that 110 lbs IS an attainable goal.
    Blog. I do it once a day to not only keep track of how long I've been on the journey, but also to keep a record of how I feel each day. My hope is to be able to find and track the correlation between my weight loss and my health.
    6. Start learning about weight loss and what it takes to accomplish it.
    7. Start reading nutrition labels. Learn what a portion size is and mesure everything before it goes in your mouth.

    Hope this helps and welcome to our journey.
  • blf20
    blf20 Posts: 97 Member
    Welcome! We all started just like you - wondering whether we could do it or not. And by golly, we are doing it. The people above me have made some very good comments. Especially adbohls #3.
    At the end of the day, it comes down to math - not strange diets or expensive videos. If you count faithfully (food and exercise), you will lose.
    Good luck.
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member

    110 lbs in 6 months is not impossible but it will be extremely difficult. You have to know that weight does not come off in a straight line. You may actually gain weight some weeks after doing nothing wrong. It happens. I haven't met anyone who has stayed on thier weight loss plan every day for 6 months. There will be days that you go off the plan. The main thing is don't go off to much and try and stay within your calorie limit most days. Exercise is great but if you start out guns blazing then you're probably going to either get injured or get so sore that you're unable to complete what you started.

    I started at 1 mile a day. I progressed from there. Remember that motivation will come and go you need to form good habits for eating and exercise. Support from friends and family if you can get it. Support here is great also. Good Luck
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I know exactly how you feel as this time last year I was you. Since then I've lost 35kg (was 37kg week before damn water retention!) The chances of you losing 50kg in six months are close to impossible. That's a lot of weight and a very short time to do it. As someone else said focus on changing your lifestyle and you'll not just lose the weight you'll keep it off.

    To start with (and this is exactly what I did) was focus on hitting my calroies (I didn't really cut anything out) drank more water (well drank water. Went from none to 8 glasses a day) And I made sure I had 30 minutes a day of exercise. For the first month it was just walking 20 min to work in the morning and 20 min in the afternoon. I did (and still do) have Jenny Craig which has helped me a lot. It's not necessary though.

    It's not required to only eat nuutrious foods, clan, low carb, Paleo and so on. Focus on eating he right amount of calories for you (based on what MFP recommends though I'd try not to go below 1600) and logging everything. Get into that habit before doing anything else.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I did it in 8 months. I'm not to goal yet so I started higher than you. It slows the closer to goal you get. I'm not saying you can't do it but it would be a lot of work and more exercise doesn't really help. As many here will tell you, weight loss is mostly done through diet. Exercise is for fitness and firming up.
  • YOU can do anything YOU want!
    Anything is possible!

    It's all about how bad you want it and how strong your commitment is.

    Keep a positive attitude and work hard.
    Everyone here will be fully supportive of your goals!

    Good luck and keep your head up!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I too have a lot to lose but don't set yourself up to fail, set small goals if you must set goals. I find logging my food daily to be an eye opener. The forums are great, especially the success stories, shows you what can be done when you find your motivation and stick to your plan. I take things one day at a pound at a time, as looking at the big picture will send me right to the fridge. For motivation I keep an old thin photo of myself on the fridge, shows what I used to look like when (when I lost #60 ...before I yo yo'd back to being fat).
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    It took me 8 months to drop 107, give it your best shot and whats the worst that happens? you only lose 20 in 6 months? better than nothing! just keep at it and you will get there!
  • You can do it. But I urge you to not give it a deadline. Instead give it your best shot. Make it a point to make the necessary lifestyle and diet changes and STICK to it. If you think about it as reaching a finish line, you might not follow a healthy diet and (worse) if you don’t get the desired results you might feel disheartened and give up altogether. Give yourself small, achievable goals and take one step at a time. Pick a diet that is manageable and nutritious- you don’t want to starve. I went on the Dukan diet in January this year and I lost a total of 36 pounds. The diet works well for me and I don’t have any trouble sticking to it. You could visit their website to take a look at their weight loss diet tips, if it helps.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    YES! If I can do it.. so can you!
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    It isn't impossible to lose that kind of weight, but why are you in such a hurry. 110 pounds is a lot of weight to lose in 6 months. You are more likely to keep the weight off if you take your time and do exercises you can continue with the rest of your life.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    To do this you need SELF MOTIVATION!!! Yours is a long time program. You have to eat less, eat smarter and excersize more. It is a rewarding thing for you, but you have to do it!!!!

  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member

    110 lbs in 6 months is not impossible but it will be extremely difficult. You have to know that weight does not come off in a straight line. You may actually gain weight some weeks after doing nothing wrong. It happens. I haven't met anyone who has stayed on thier weight loss plan every day for 6 months. There will be days that you go off the plan. The main thing is don't go off to much and try and stay within your calorie limit most days. Exercise is great but if you start out guns blazing then you're probably going to either get injured or get so sore that you're unable to complete what you started.

    I started at 1 mile a day. I progressed from there. Remember that motivation will come and go you need to form good habits for eating and exercise. Support from friends and family if you can get it. Support here is great also. Good Luck

    ^^ this.

    It has taken me a long time, and I will admit I'm somwhat obsessed with weight loss/healthy diet/exercise. Even being as obsessed as I am, I have my off days. Don't worry about meeting that deadline by a certain time. I always tell myself I live for the day/moment. I go day by day. Some days are good, some are bad, but I'm still here! That's what matters! Best of luck to you!
  • tanias001
    tanias001 Posts: 41 Member
    set small goals and once you reach it make another, that's what I have been doing for the past 2 years and in that time i have lost almost 20 kilos.
    Set small goals like a few pounds at a time and when you reach it buy yourself something nice or treat yourself to a healthy meal as a reward.
    I st myself goals like being at a certain weight for my daughter's wedding and i was which was great.
    Like everything take small steps and one at a time.
    If i can do this so can you once you set your mind to it any thing is possible, just think of how much better you will feel even if you lose a fraction of the weight you want too. Look forward to all the good health benifits of losing weight, the pluses outweigh the negatives.
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Yes you can do it but giving yourself unrealistic goals may not be helpful. I lost 115lbs 5 years ago and am still maintaining. It took me 10 months and that was still very quick.

    I would honestly say take it a stone at a time, set yourself interim goals and always always do the following.
    1. Log everything you eat good & bad.
    2. Try to get some exercise everyday even if it's just walking to the shops.
    3. Keep a food and mood journal, it will help you to recognise your eating behaviours and how you can work on changing them.
    4. Take pictures and measure yourself once a month.
    5. Only weigh yourself once a week at the same time on the same scales.
    6. Get as many supportive friends as you can on here and use them.

    There you go the benefit of my wisdom such as it is. Really good luck with your journey and know if I can do it so can you.
    Jules xx
  • You can do it. But I urge you to not give it a deadline. Instead give it your best shot. Make it a point to make the necessary lifestyle and diet changes and STICK to it. If you think about it as reaching a finish line, you might not follow a healthy diet and (worse) if you don’t get the desired results you might feel disheartened and give up altogether. Give yourself small, achievable goals and take one step at a time. Pick a diet that is manageable and nutritious- you don’t want to starve. I went on the Dukan diet in January this year and I lost a total of 36 pounds. The diet works well for me and I don’t have any trouble sticking to it. You could visit their website to take a look at their weight loss diet tips, if it helps.
  • obmckenzie
    obmckenzie Posts: 75 Member
    Don't think of the distance you have to go, focus on today.

    What would make you FEEL GOOD about today? When you face a challenge think about the outcome and how you'll feel when lying in bed. Remember that each decision is a new chance to do good, so If you messed up the morning try and focus on doing better in the afternoon.

    It's a long road to change and things are not going to change as fast as we want. I have about 65 or so over all pounds to loose butt this week I'm focusing on trying to be more active. I'll still be happy to see the scale drop down but I'm trying to not let myself stress about that too much.

    Joining this site is great start. I'd say focus on keeping track of EVERYTHING you eat this first week and try and move a bit more than normal. Logging is great way for you to understand what you are eating and helps you take stock. (I know if I didn't I'd totally forget that cookie or soda that I had, and then I'd wonder what was wrong. Remember no one will punish you for what you write down, I still struggle with this).

    I totally also recommend the Fitness catagory on Pintrest. When I feel down of frustrated I spend a few minutes and feel completely inspired to get up and move.

    Good luck =D We are all cheering for you!
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    Yes you do. My friend lost 165 over a two year period. It was hard work, and she had to do more than diet and exercise. She had to find out why she overate in the first place, so she went to a therapist who helped her tremendously. The therapist helped her by giving her strategies to deal with frustration, cravings, and family members who would sabotage her weight loss.