Can't stop eating!

So last week I was on vacation - and while I didn't gain a ton of weight or go crazy, since I've been back I've been trying to get back into a consistent routine, and of course I'm struggling!

I find that everyday I can do a great job - breakfast, lunch, etc. while I'm at work and avoid the bad snacking - but it's the evenings - dinner time, whether it's at home and wanting to much or going out to eat and trying to make good choices but not always do that! I try my best to plan ahead when I go out to eat, but I find that there's always some kind of temptation around!

What do you guys do to keep yourself satisfied throughout the day? I try to eat every few hours so that I don't need to over do it in one sitting because I tell myself if I"m hungry I can eat again. I just hate when I get myself to the point of being over full - I like to be satisifed, not stuffed, not starving - but sometimes I just over do it! The hardest is once I get my mouth in gear it doesn't want to stop!

I try to drink a lot of water so I stay fuller - but if there's any other ideas you guys have other then just telling myself no && quit it (working on that self control again!) - I'd love to hear! :D


  • djphranq
    djphranq Posts: 18
    The numbers are what do it for me. Trying to keep track of the calories kind of keeps me in control. I think its a gamer or math thing I guess... trying to get that perfect score.

    I've found that warm drinks like black coffee or tea lessen my appetite.
  • lick_broccoli
    I struggle with this too. I did hear that if you are craving sweets to lick some cinnamon off of the back of your hand to curb your cravings. It does help.

    I've also read if you feel like you're are craving something, wait 15 minutes before you eat it (like, 15 minutes before going in the kitchen and getting out the cookie jar), and see if you still want it. This works for me a lot. During the 15 minutes I'm waiting I'll put away dishes or something- it's a good distraction. Anyway, if you still want it after 15 minutes, just have it. A sensible serving, of course. Having taboo foods makes you crave them more and can lead to a binge. For me, at least!

    Also, I drink an energy drink called "Spark" by Advocare. For me, it helps suppress my hunger. It's sugar free and has 21 vitamins and minerals. Plus, it gives me energy. It's seriously like, motivation in a cup! lol
  • dynamicwon
    dynamicwon Posts: 175 Member
    try saving some of your calories for the evening and maybe get some one hundred calorie snack packs or weight watcher desserts, chocolate yogurt etc. anything that is single serving. I have to do that or I lose control. I cant have alot of junk around the house. If I want something I will usually make a run to 7-11 or grocery store for an individual treat or keep a few (not many) weight watcher desserts in my freezer.
  • fieryred0424
    fieryred0424 Posts: 48 Member
    Take fiber in the morning before you eat anything... That is what I do and it helps me to feel full when I eat and not overeat... It also cuts back on the want to snack.
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    Eat lots of eggs or cottage cheese, you won't have the need for cravings anymore. Something about the protein, that keeps you full and very satisfied.
  • Devinthebrave
    I focus on eating whole foods and combining complex carbs with lean proteins everytime I eat. I stay fuller longer and don't get cravings. I don't keep processed foods in my office and avoid people who offer them. I eat oatmeal with fruit for breakfast. A serving will fill anyone up. I snack on fruits, veggies, lowfat cheeses, etc. throughout the day.
    Nights are hard for me to. I try to work out 4 times a week, which helps me to remember that binging is sabotaging my hard work. When I have a sweets craving, which is most of the time, I will have some cherries or (my fave) a pink lady apple with some all natural (no sugar or salt added) pb. It has good fats and tons of protein to keep your belly full while you sleep. Good luck!
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    Excises more so you can eat more:)
  • sradnan
    sradnan Posts: 17 Member
    Can I tell you something that might sound ridiculous when you're trying to lose weight? But make sure you are eating enough fats, and of course enough protein.
    Aim for 1gm of protein per 1lb of lean body weight and this should keep so so full and satisfied. You won't get the sugar spikes and crashes so won't be looking for more energy from anymore. It provides you with long lasting, slow release, steady energy and satiety! :)
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    Can I tell you something that might sound ridiculous when you're trying to lose weight? But make sure you are eating enough fats, and of course enough protein.
    Aim for 1gm of protein per 1lb of lean body weight and this should keep so so full and satisfied. You won't get the sugar spikes and crashes so won't be looking for more energy from anymore. It provides you with long lasting, slow release, steady energy and satiety! :)

  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    I find that berries are really good for satisfying those cravings. They do have sugar in them, but you do need some sugar during the day. Plus all the other goodness in them makes them amazing. My personal favourite is strawberries but blueberries in particular have a lot of anti oxidants that help with muscle repair and the immune system. Try making smoothies and having them in the fridge. Or try snacking on nuts and seeds. They have a lot of the good fats that you need to get the balance right.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    And yes, as others have said, lots and lots of protein will help keep you fuller for longer!
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    Cravings and hunger are not the same thing. If you crave something, make it the treat in your day. For example if you MUST have some chocolate then have a piece - just don't eat the whole bag or never more than a serving - want a cookie, eat a cookie - ONE. Not ever deviating takes away your life, spontaniaty. But count everything, plan for a treat, and stay within your numbers. I keep my proteins and fiber high so I keep the hunger away, but when I CRAVE chocolate, I have a piece. That keeps me sane and happy. I may not lose 5 pounds a week, but 2 - 3 is plenty for me!
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Evenings are my Waterloo, too. I find that I binge when I am preparing dinner, so my trainer suggested drinking green tea during that time as it is an appetite suppressant. Dinner at our house isn't usually until 7:30 due to sports schedules, so I try to either work late or hit the gym after work so that I don't have a lot of idle time on my hands. Also, with it being summer, dinner has been fish, chicken, or steak on the grill with vegetables on the side--nothing too labor intensive--so it keeps me out of the kitchen.
  • NotGivingUpDammit
    What helps me is to keep my fiber count high - whole grains, pulses, keeping processed carbs at a minimum, etc. The better I do with that, the fewer cravings I get later on. Eggs also keep me feeling full for a long time.

    I can identify with the going out problem though, mainly when it comes to alcohol. Those calories count, but when you're out on the town, you never know exactly how many you'll have. There are also times when you just want to have fun and not be planning things.
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    I eat when i get bored or when i'm siting still. having a desk job, this is really bad, so i've learned to bring good for you snacks that i can munch on whenever i feel hungry.

    15 almonds... 100 calories, 5 g protein
    12 baby carrots and 2 Tbsp Hummus: 100 calories, 4 g protein
    pre portioned fruit - berries, grapes, cherries...

    plus, i have one piece of chocolate a day. everyday. :) as long as i have that, i don't feel the need to eat other junk food...
  • dajero1
    dajero1 Posts: 78 Member
  • titanl1
    titanl1 Posts: 1
    I strictly count my calories with iPhone app. When I feel like i could eat everything in sight I look at my calories available then take a little walk to the mirror. For a good sweet fix no fat fig newtons are awesome if you like them. I would recommend 1 meal per week to eat exactly what you want and as much as you want. Helps with sanity. Good Luck....
  • gorguslyjealous
    gorguslyjealous Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks everyone for your feedback!! It is really helpful to have all of that advice, and a lot of it I do try my best to do! The problem for me is PROTEIN! I am a pescatarian (I eat seafood but not meat) so it's not as easy for me to just go with lean meats to get my protein, I have to be a little more creative! I do eat fish, but I don't pack that a lot for work because I'd have to make tuna or something and that gets boring! I do have my meat free proteins (soy products) that are packed and delicious - but I try to get my protein's from my greek yogurts, almonds, edamame etc.

    Does anyone else live a meatless lifestyle (or cut back on meat products) and has any suggestions for other ways to get your protein?
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Try getting a protein powder and mixing it in with smoothies. I don't eat a lot of meat as I just don't like the taste and fish gets boring after a while, so protein powder is a great way of upping that. You can have it on it's own or, as I said mix it into a smoothie or milkshake or something. It's saved me definitely.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Protine is the big thing as everybody has said but I just want to add that I have found that non-animal protine keeps me feeling fuller for longer. If I have eggs in the morning instead of my trusty whole grain toast with natural peanutbutter and a cup of almond milk (I steam it and add a teeny bit of non-dairy creamer for flavor), then I feel so much hungrier by lunch time. Same thing at lunch, if I have a tuna sandwitch instead of bean soup or bean and vegi tostatas then my belly is talking loud before my afternoon snack time. I tend to have animal protine for dinner and keep busy until bedtime. If I really want something to eat after that, I try to either pick something that will fuel my body or have just a small amount of something. Lastnight I really wanted chocolate so I ate about 8 of those mini m&m's. I try to savor my treats and just kind of getting the taste in my mouth really helps. The final big player on my anti-snacking squad is salad. I have a small arsenal of dressings (mostly low cal) so that I have options and then eat a salad (about 2 cups of romaine, green leaf, red leaf and spinich with a bit of carrot and/or a couple cherry or pear tomatos) before lunch and dinner. If I try to just have a salad with a hard boiled egg or some grilled chicken I a) don't feel full for very long and b) get burned out on it pretty fast. I have found that this way it's just part of my meal and I don't dwell on it. Good luck!