Thursday Check In Group ... December 10th

magglett Posts: 2,000
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Good Morning ... I'm down ½ lb. this week ... again. Gotta do my morning Mail Run now but I hope to get back for a chat later. Take care all and have a great day.

YEAR END GOAL: I would like to be 20 lbs. lighter by then ... that would bring me to 169 lbs.
July 16 - 189 lbs.
July 23 - 187.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs.)
July 30 - 186 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-3 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 6 - 184.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-4.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 13 - 185 lbs (+.5 lbs. this week) (-4 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 20 - 183 lbs (-2 lbs. this week) (-6 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 27 - 180.5 lbs (-2.5 lbs. this week) (-8.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 3 - 181.5 lbs (+1 lb. this week) (-7.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 10 - 179.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-9.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 17 - 176.5 (-3 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 24 - 174.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-15 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 1 - 176 (+1.5 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 8 - 177 (+1 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 15 - 176 (-1 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 22 - 176 (stayed the same this week)
Oct 29 - 174 (-2 lb. this week) (-15.5 lbs total)
Nov 5 - 173½ (-½ lb. this week) (-16 lbs. total)
Nov 12 - 176 (+2½ lbs. this week) (-13.5 lbs. total)
Nov 19 - 176 (stayed the same this week)
Nov 26 - 175.5 (-½ lb this week) (-14 lbs. total) (not sure when my math went wrong??)
Dec 3 - 175 (-½ lb this week) (14 lbs. total)
Dec 10
Dec 17


  • Don't know how I did it, but I managed to go down 2 this week. I was scared that it would be a +2 since I have really been out of this week. No exercise.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Good for you Tonya! That means your doing something right. I lost another pound this week. I started with this group at 154 and now I am at 133. I can't believe it and today is my work holiday christmas party and I am happy that I can wear a dress and not feel bad because of the way I look in the article of clothes. For the first time in a long time I like what I see in the mirror when I look at myself and for me, thats a big accomplishment.

    I hope everyone has a great day!

    Talk soon,

    July 30th - 154 pounds
    August 6th - 150 pounds
    August 13th- 150 pounds
    August 20th - 147 pounds
    August 27th - 144 pounds
    September 3rd - 144 pounds
    September 10th - 144 pounds
    September 17th - 144 pounds
    September 24th - 142 pounds
    October 1st - 143 pounds
    October 8th - 141 pounds
    October 15th - 140 pounds
    October 22th - 139 pounds
    October 29th - 137 pounds
    November 5th - 140 pounds
    November 12th - 137 pounds
    November 19th - 136 pounds
    November 26th - 135 pounds
    December 3rd - 134 pounds
    December 10th -133 pounds
  • Hi All!!Great job to all of you!!!!
    I stayed the same this week, trying not to get discouraged, but this is going really slow.....I feel better, and do see a difference in my clothing, but 7 pounds for two months??ugghhhh....I used to eat a large bag of chips and chocolate bar every night, I thought buy cutting that out and exercising more, it would come off faster....starting to think the scales are plotting against me.
    Oct 8 - 201
    Oct 15 - 197
    Oct 22-198
    Oct 29-196
    Nov 5-195
    Nov 12-193
    Nov 19-189
    Nov 26-196
    Dec 3-194
    Dec 10-194
    Dec 17
    Dec 24
    Dec 31
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi friends ... I'm actually taking a quick break here at work ... It's still way too busy but I'm going to burn out if I don't watch it. So I went to the Doctor's last week because I was sooo sleepy all the time, and I'm always cold (especially my hands and feet), and my joints hurt, and my skin was dry, and my nails were splitting (and they're usually so strong), and my hair was thinning a lot (chunks coming out in the shower ... scary stuff). They did some blood tests and it turns out my iron is very low ... thank goodness it's something that can be fixed with diet and supplements. My vitamin D is also pretty low ... I asked for a prescription for a trip to Hawaii since there's so much vitamin D in the sun but they said no to that ... so I'll have to take supplements for that too. I'm so relieved that it isn't something more serious. Hopefully it won't take too long to get things back to normal. I hope all is well with you.
  • Maggie good to hear that they found the problem. It must have been scary not knowing what was going on. Great job everyone. I am still staying away from the scales for now but watching what i eat and going to start working out again I was a bit lazy and had the H1N1 shot and it drug me out but I seem to be wanting to get back at it so I think tomorrow will be a good start.
    Have a great week all. Nice to hear all your positve feelings again.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hey Sheri: It's so nice to hear from you ... I hope you keep in touch like this. Good luck with getting back to exercising ... it feels so good once we start. I'm hoping once I get my iron level and my energy up again I'll make exercise more of a priority again. Keep in touch my friend and take care of you.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    So I took my measurements today and they went up. I am losing weight but my measurements are increasing, how is that? Could it be possible that I am gaining muscle and maybe thats why? I am soo confused. Oh well.

    Talk soon,
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Tanya ... no problems my friend ... our body will change all throught this jouney ... more muscle is a good thing.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well, so far this week I have gained 2 1/2 lbs. How you may ask? It was easy. ROAD TRIP!! My friend had a business trip in Ohio and invited me for company. I completely forgot about my mission and acted like a teenage boy with an incredible metabolism. I ate sooooo much ... the food over on the American side of the river is way awesome ... I experienced for the first time ... Cracker Barrel, Country Buffet, and a Philly Swiss Cheese Hogie ... oh my goodness ... my intestines are screaming. It was really yummy going in ... but now even my skin it too tight. I'm back home now and downing the water ... hopefully it won't take long to reverse the damage. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey Maggie,

    Glad you enjoyed all the good stuff. Sometimes you just gotta go with the moment. I love the cracker barrel. Have'nt been there for a long time. I am on detox right now. Tomorrow will actually be my last day on detox, so I have been eating only fruits and vegies and I feel like a rabbit and can't wait to eat meat again. I did loose some weight in the progress though.

    Talk to everyone soon,
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Maggie, I did'nt see you post the new thread, so I did it. Hope you don't mind.

    Here is the new thread ladies:
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