anyone need to lose 50 lbs or more

corky90 Posts: 35 Member
i am 22and have been trying to lose weight since jan of this year .... i just cant seem to stick with anything ... i could really use some help and support


  • shrympie
    shrympie Posts: 8
    I am 28. I want to lose 60 lbs. I lost 30 pounds in 2010 but gained it back after my pregnancy and hasn't lost it yet. Staying motivated is the hardest thing for me. The cravings take over.i need help and support
  • cjbrock01
    cjbrock01 Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe you should write down what you eat for at least two weeks and then after that start looking at that and make small changes in your diet- if you eat things with fiber it makes you fuller and might help with eating less. Also take small steps and say I want to lose 2 lbs this instead of a big huge number- it make it not overwhelming. If you have a smartphone which I been using you can put myfitnesspal on it. Hope this helps and let me know if it helps

  • cjbrock01
    cjbrock01 Posts: 3 Member
    Shrympie maybe if the cravings are taking over you might want to try eating more often but have smaller meals and maybe adding fruits and veggies and fiber in your diet. The yoplait yogurt good to have such as the light and they fiber yogurt yoplait makes. Special K is good to have too
  • AmberLeighD
    AmberLeighD Posts: 112
    Feb of 2010 I was a size 28 - 306 lbs. I have lost 114lbs so far. I still have about 50 more to go.

    I just remind myself I didn't put it on in a day, so I'm not going to take it off in a day.

    Increase your activity level (even if it's parking at the furthest spot at the store), and try your best to avoid the quick grab snacks (candy, chips, soda) and fast food. For me that was one of the best starting points for me. I went from having chocolate in the house, to baking. If I want something sweet it has to be worth making, and cleaning up afterwards, and I bundle up 1/2 of it as soon as it's cool to go out the door to the boyfriend's or next door to the neighbor.

    Best of luck!
  • shrympie
    shrympie Posts: 8
    Cjbrock01, you are absolutely right. I eat 2-3 times a day. So by the time i eat, I'm starving. I just got myfitnesspal oon my kindle fire today so that i can track my eating and i am going to the grocery later to pick up some veggies and healthy snacks
  • AriG88
    AriG88 Posts: 14
    If you need a buddy, I'm here for ya! I've been wanting to lose weight, too, and I figure now is as good a time as any. I found that I need something FUN to do. I like cooking, so I pre make my own food, so when I get hungry I can just grab a measured portion of what I already made. I also love dancing, so Zumba works for me and burns twice as many calories as boring ellipticals and stationary bikes (as long as you do the moves correctly and really put in effort). It keeps me sweating and entertained and since I started my diet last week I've already lost 3 lbs. (I had to work my butt off the last few days burning off all the alcohol calories from the girl's weekend we just had). Just find what works for you and stick with it. :) temptation is all around. hopefully we will be strong enough to overcome it.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    When I started in Jan 2011, I was 332 pounds. I am now 230 and want to get down to 175 so I have 55 more to go. It helps to break it down into smaller goals instead of focusing on the big picture. It requires hard work and dedication, but is so worth it. Good luck!
  • ANMUR43
    ANMUR43 Posts: 20
    I have tried many things to lose weight and keep it off. What works for me is OA (overeaters anonymous).
    Great support and if followed can change your whole life from the inside out.
    Best Wishes.:flowerforyou:
  • niesje520
    niesje520 Posts: 8 Member
    31 yrs old. Pregnancy weight I topped out at 260 after was in size 20 started MFP end of Feb 2012. Currently I have lost over 40 pds now size 16. And still losing! MFP Works if you use it right! Don’t ever go below 1200 calories!!

    You have to journal everything you put in your mouth. Sometimes it helps to do it before you eat it…..that is what helped me. Eating a lot of chicken, fish, rice, and veggies, but that is easy for me because I love it all. In the beginning I felt hungry but after a week that goes away. DRINK at LEAST 64 oz of water a day or more. Water naturally speeds up your metabolism flushing the bad crap way.

    Sometimes it helps to have a spike day once a week and go over your calorie goal this also helps the scale to move. Yes by eating more!!! Go over about 150-250, your body sometimes needs a jump start.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    I'm 18 and I started out this year with 70 pounds to lose too. I've only lost 20 since then :/ feel free to add me if you want!
  • whamann1
    whamann1 Posts: 40 Member
    I have it on my Nook and also on my phone. My phone is always with me. MFP takes the chore of logging and looking up foods into the 21st century!!! (I am having agonizing flashbacks to my WW days and having to look everything up, write it all down and then do the math myself... ARGH!!!!... thank you MFP!!!!!!!!!!!:happy:
  • friend2cptsolo
    friend2cptsolo Posts: 29 Member
    Keep on the MPF and exercise whenever you can. I also have switched over to drinking my 8 cups of water a day that helps flush your system and keep weight loss happening.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I think it's all relative, whether you have 15lbs to lose or 50, just take it 2lbs at a time and congratulate yourself on hitting your small goals with non-food rewards and remember the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step and there are always people here for you if you need advice!
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    I'm 21, 5'2'', and 174lbs. I really want to lose 40 lbs to get to around 130-135, but who knows. I may want to lose 10 more lbs once I'm there. that'll put me at 124 which is still in my healthy range, so 50lbs is a shot, too!

    Add me for support as I may need some, too lol.
  • cdm1221
    cdm1221 Posts: 7
    I totally agree!

    Speaking from someone who's tried almost everything! There is no magic pill, no magic diet, no magic fitness program...unfortunately :) But once you realize this and understand that the motivation has to come from within, you'll be on your way.

    These things worked for me...

    1. Slow changes. At the start of the year I decided that every month, I was going to try to do something small to make a healthy lifestyle change that stuck! So, first I stopped drinking sodas and juices - yep, only water or tea - and now it's habit. The next month, I said I'm going to park far away and use the stairs whenever possible. And as you get used to making these subtle changes permanent, you can add on tougher challenges for yourself.

    2. Learning that I am a social eater. If left alone for six months, you better believe I'd be at my goal weight by now. Unfortunately, I like people :) And when I'm with friends and family (and even my husband), I just can't seem to eat well. So, to address this, I try to limit my social engagements and outings to 1-2 a month until I get a better handle on my social eating. Also, to deal with my bad habits with my husband, I limit how often we eat out as well to 1-2 a week.

    3. Tracking my diet and exercise. It seems like a nuisance, but it's necessary. Necessary because if you've never done it, it's an EYE OPENER. You'll never look at food the same. When you realize how many calories are baked into some dishes, it makes it easy to pass them up e.g. any Cheesecake Factory slice of cheesecake. And on the other side, when you realize how few calories you burn exercising compared to how many you eat, it helps get you focused on your diet. I will say that I have tried multiple diet trackers as well (e.g. MFP, Noom,, etc), and MFP is the easiest and most convenient to use.

    4. Consistency. For the weight to come off and stay off, you have to stay consistent with your eating and working out. I've lost the weight before and quickly put it back on when I reverted back to old habits. You have to understand that there is no short-term fix. These are lifestyle changes...lifelong changes...and you have to be ready for it.

    Now I haven't lost a substantial amount of weight yet, or reached my goal, but these are words of advice from someone who's tried it all, and honestly feels differently about it this time around. I feel motivated, confident, and I know I will do it this time because I'm being honest with myself :)

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • parisiantwyst
    I still have about 50lbs to lose- although the inches are more important to me! Add me, and I'll throw some support your way!
  • RenaHope
    RenaHope Posts: 80
    I'm a senior in highschool and have about 70 lbs to lose. My starting weight was 210 and I've lingered around that because of muscle gain from my workout program. My goal is to be around 135-140.
  • cjbrock01
    cjbrock01 Posts: 3 Member
    The best desert is dump cake and it easy- it has crushed pineapple 1 can, 1 can of sugar free cherry pie filling, 1 box of sugar free yellow cake and 1 stick of margarine or butter instead of two because this makes it less fat.

    here the website for it

    it a really good desert to have and I would recommend it to anyone

  • corky90
    corky90 Posts: 35 Member
    thank you everyone for the support it really does help to know im not alone
  • amberm912
    amberm912 Posts: 85 Member
    My Goal is to lose 75-80 lbs :-) I am down 23 so far!!! So I still have 52-57 left to lose.

    I gained 32lbs before I got pregnant and 49lbs when I was pregnant at the age of 16/17. So I WOOPING 81lbs. I lost 59lbs of that about 3 years ago and I gained 53 back over the past 1.5 years or so! My goal is to top that 59 and hit 75-80lbs lost and KEEP IT off this time. I am always here to help motivate and push people to be what they could only dream of!!! Just like myself...I needed this push and MFP is helping me take control of my life again and it feels so good!!!

    You can add me if you would like some motivation or encouragment! Who doesnt need it lol!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
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