New and need some help!!

I'm wondering if anyone can give me some ideas for a good lunch? Perhaps even a good website I can use to guide my meal planning. Anything at this point! I struggled bad today trying to figure out what to have for lunch!!! I have breakfast and dinner down pretty good! Thank you SO much!!


  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Welcome! :) They say it's good to eat items from the outside edges of the store. Like vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy, etc. Foods with one ingredient are good to eat. Canned, processed, frozen food, etc sometimes tend to have more ingredients, salt, etc in them.

    You can also look at other people's food diaries to get ideas. Some are open to the public and some are closed.
  • AspiringPinkPinUp
    Welcome! :) They say it's good to eat items from the outside edges of the store. Like vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy, etc. Foods with one ingredient are good to eat. Canned, processed, frozen food, etc sometimes tend to have more ingredients, salt, etc in them.

    You can also look at other people's food diaries to get ideas. Some are open to the public and some are closed.

    Okay, thank you so much! =) What about frozen veggies?? Are those okay?
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    Some of my brown bag lunch standards include:
    -A cup of couscous with a bunch of roasted veggies (tomato, eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash) with a bit of good parmesean
    -A cup of pasta with roasted eggplant and tomatoes and an ounce of mozzarella.
    -Turkey sandwiches with a mayo/mustard mix and tomato.
    -A cup of rice with half a cup of black beans, half a cup of corn, salsa, and a squeeze of lime.
    -A big mixed greens salad with grilled chicken breast and balsamic vinegarette
    -Pita with hummus, tomatoes and cucumbers
    -Small, measured portions of leftovers from dinner
    I'll also pack myself a cup of fruit, usually melons or berries, for an afternoon snack.

    If I'm working with what is offered in my work cafeteria, I just try to stick to small servings, and avoid the added calories. That usually winds up being about 2-3 oz protein, 1/2 cup starch, ample veggies, and about 1-2 cups of the lame iceburg lettuce and carrot "salad" they offer, with some fat free italian dressing. Usually my cafeteria offers some sort of fruit as well.

    I rarely get lunch out, because I worry about all the added, hidden calories in restaurant food. But Panera and Ruby Tuesday's have some good calorie controlled options.

    Today it was from the cafeteria, so it was a 3 oz bone in baked pork chop, 1/2 cup of instant mashed postatoes, 1/2 cup of baked apples, and salad.

    It's not gourmet, but it fits in my calorie allowance.
  • pinkie1981
    pinkie1981 Posts: 30
    I love the website, I have tried several receipes and they have all been excellent. Feel free to add me if you need some encouragement :):smile:
  • karrie2213
    karrie2213 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm wondering if anyone can give me some ideas for a good lunch? Perhaps even a good website I can use to guide my meal planning. Anything at this point! I struggled bad today trying to figure out what to have for lunch!!! I have breakfast and dinner down pretty good! Thank you SO much!!

    Hello and Welcome!
    It's very hot this summer in Minnesota, so I try to eat "cool" things for favorite so far has been cottage cheese with fresh veggies cut up - I use yellow and orange bell peppers, grape tomatoes, carrots & celery. The whole plate is not only delicious and nutritious, but it is pleasing to the eyes.
  • tumblyweed
    tumblyweed Posts: 416 Member
    I liked all of the recipes at ABS Diet online. If I remember correctly, they will even plan out your meals. No fake sugars or chemicals, just sensible fresh foods and the right amount of calories, proteins and fats.
  • tinawhitlock
    Land o' Frost lunch kit works well for me.

    You have 1 flour tortilla, ham and cheese. The cheese and ham are already portioned out. Total 220 calories.

    Then I just add a salad and some light dressing.

    Also, just a plain sandwich with turkey and mustard is easy. Filling and rewarding to know it isn't that many calories.

    I think it is more of a portion control and wondering if something is really worth the calories.

    Add me if you like.
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    What types of food do you enjoy? Here are my favorites - depending on mood:

    Spicy - Black beans, cilantro lime rice, , green/red peppers, chicken, on a tortilla (watchyour tortilllas - they eat up your calories!

    Pizza - Fresh mozzerella, mushrooms (cooked in a pat of butter and dab of worchesshire sauce), green/red peppers, chicken, torn spinach leaves on a low calorie flatbread -- broil for a couple minutes -- I add basil too.

    Sugary - mixed green salad with blue cheese, cut up apples, walnuts and a light raspberry viniagrette

    Meat and Potatoes -- I can't eat this at lunch, I'll be asleep at my desk in 5 minutes! But my faves are tuna steak and a good homemade burger with sweet potato fries!

    Salty -- chips and guacamole or salsa

    The funnest part of my "healthy lifestyle" is expermenting with the healhty foods I love! I dont' force myself to eat things I don't like. I eat the things I like - but make it healthy.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member

    I'm addicted to this website.
    When I need food Porn I go here as well lol!
  • Jesse_Hunter
    Jesse_Hunter Posts: 162 Member
    This isn't what I personally eat, but here are your normally fitness meal plan foods...

    turkey steak
    skinless chicken breasts
    lean beef cuts
    lean ground meats
    whey powder/shakes
    fresh fruit (not canned or packaged)
    Vegetables fresh or frozen (not canned, and if frozen make sure it is just the vegetable, no additives, sugar,salt, etc.)
    Black beans/kidney beans
    brown rice
    egg whites or liquid egg whites
    rolled or steel cut oats
    yams/sweet potatoes (not canned)
    greek yogurt
    peanut butter (low sodium is best)

    I probably left off a few items, but a general rule of thumb is that "if it comes in a bag or a box, avoid it!" Obviously there are a few exceptions, My best advice is learn, learn, and learn some more. Learn to read labels and learn how your body works. Good luck!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Batch-cook soups, stews, chili on your downtime ...... poach chicken breasts ...... use some, and portion out & freeze some for a later date ......

    During the winter, we roast a lot of veggies ..... during the summer, we grill a lot of veggies ..... they're good hot, cold or room temp .....

    Best of luck :drinker: