What am I doing wrong?



  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    You need to think about the food you eat food not in terms of "Is this gong to make me lose weight?". But, in terms of "Is this good fuel for my body?". Eating 600 to 900 calories even of nutrient rich foods is not going to give your body the number of nutrients it needs. I am trying to get in the mindset that food is fuel. If I want to keep a campfire burning I have to feed it. If you want to keep your metabolism burning you got to give it good fuel. I know you have said you are having energy problems on this number of calories. I eat least 1400 calories and on the days I exercise I eat more. You would feel much better mentally and physically if you up your calories. You would have the energy for more exercise which in turn is going to fuel your metabolism even more and make you feel that much better about yourself. You have taken the hardest first steps in this journey, you CAN do it!

    Thanks friend. You are absolutely right. I'm going to stop being so protein bar dependent. haha
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    I just took a quick look at your diary and it looks like you may need to bump up your breakfast. Try some grains and protein in with the fruit. I am not a morning person and it kills me to eat breakfast but starting today I'm making a pack with myself to try my best to get a good meal in the am. When I do I feel better and I'm not as hungry when my 10 am break comes around.

    keep up the good work!

    I'm not a morning person either, but then again it could be I'm not giving my body the fuel it needs to get up and get moving! I used to do two hard-boiled eggs, turkey sausage and wheat toast and that was my perfect breakfast. Actually I could probably eat that for every meal of the day if there wasn't so much sodium! I've got to force myself to get back into that routine. I'd boil eggs on Sunday night for the entire week so I could just microwave them and go.

    Thanks for your advice. :)
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    Your sugar is very low...that is great! Your protein is also very low...not so great. You should have 1g of protein for each pound of muscle (some say your weight). So you really need to up that. Protein is what feeds your muscles and repairs your muscles after a workout. Also, you really do need to shoot for hitting your calories per day...and with "healthy" calories. The drink at Applebees helps boost your calorie intake, but you could've eaten 2 chicken breasts (260 calories/46g protein) and gotten better nutrition. I'm not saying skip the drink it didn't have sugar so that's good, but i'm saying think about where you are getting your calories from. You can friend me and look at my diet if you'd like. Good luck and know this is a work in progress!

    Haha I wondered if anyone would bust me on that drink! I don't drink that often and had they given me two chicken breasts instead of that Bahama Mama, I might have thrown them at someone's head yesterday. I am definitely going to look into better options.

    Things I've learned so far: More protein, more veggies, more fruit... carbs are okay in moderation, but stick to whole wheats.... don't skip breakfast... don't depend on protein bars and eat at least the recommended MFP calorie allowance, but possibly more because my BMR is actually higher than MFP's caloric intake suggestion... and move move move.

    And for my own benefit... more water. Log water. Love water. Become mermaid.
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    Ok everyone is throwing all this information at you but, if you are on phentermine and you are eating Healthwise suppliments you must be under the care of a doctor or nutritionist, no? If not where are you getting these things? If you are then they have given you a diet plan, including calories and a menu, right? sorry I'm just confused by looking at your food log.

    I am indeed under the care of a doctor. I go in on Thursdays to weigh and they check my blood pressure and give me a look over to make sure I'm relatively "healthy". Also, they give me the injection for the week.

    I raised concerns with my doctor about what my daily calorie intake should be and he told me not to worry about that, but to just make sure I'm eating protein.

    So again I asked if I should stay around 1200 calories and he said that sounded okay and then proceeded to tell me that most of his clients were between 6-900 calories a day. I remember thinking at the time that there was no way I could eat that little, but lo and behold here I am.

    As far as a meal plan, I was not given one. I was given a list of foods that were high in protein and that's all. Also, being such a picky eater, there are VERY few things on that list that I will even eat, so that's how I ended up relying on bars and fruit.
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    You are eating way under your calories.
    You are eating very few fresh fruits and vegetables.
    You are eating a lot of processed crap.
    Where is the real food?

    and where is the exercise?

    I think processed foods are going to be my biggest problem. I'm not a very good cook. I don't think I've ever boiled rice before in my life... and I don't know the first thing about steaming vegetables so it's easy to add seasoning packets and buy bagged veggies that I can just heat in the microwave... and then there's the issue of being invited out to lunch and dinner by co-workers and friends and trying to choose wisely because I don't want to be rude and turn them down.

    Fruit will definitely not be a problem. I love almost all fruits and I am more than happy to add more of those. Vegetables are a slight problem... I don't like steamed vegetables without flavoring and I don't like raw vegetables unless I have something to dip them in. I'm incredibly picky. I love a LOT of foods, but they are a lot of unhealthy foods.

    As far as exercise goes, I walk. My street has two steep hills that I climb on days that I do walk... the days that I don't walk are usually because I've done a lot of walking at the mall because I have an unhealthy obsession with shopping.

    I don't have any way to measure how many calories I've burned by walking though. I guess I know what my next shopping expenditure will be... Hello HRM! I don't trust the one on MFP to be accurate. Yes I walked for 30 minutes at a leisurely pace, but I climbed steep hills which took a lot more effort than walking leisurely at the park.

    Thank you for the input. I really appreciate all the comments. I have learned a lot today.
  • MicaelaFW
    MicaelaFW Posts: 63
    What kind of doctor are you seeing?? I can't even imagine a licensed professional telling you it was ok to eat 600-900 calories a day?? eeek?? I would look for advice from another physician, eat healthier, and exercise... GOOD JOB on seeking others advice and making an effort to better your life. xo
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I am indeed under the care of a doctor. I go in on Thursdays to weigh and they check my blood pressure and give me a look over to make sure I'm relatively "healthy". Also, they give me the injection for the week.

    I raised concerns with my doctor about what my daily calorie intake should be and he told me not to worry about that, but to just make sure I'm eating protein.

    So again I asked if I should stay around 1200 calories and he said that sounded okay and then proceeded to tell me that most of his clients were between 6-900 calories a day. I remember thinking at the time that there was no way I could eat that little, but lo and behold here I am.

    As far as a meal plan, I was not given one. I was given a list of foods that were high in protein and that's all. Also, being such a picky eater, there are VERY few things on that list that I will even eat, so that's how I ended up relying on bars and fruit.

    Horrible doctor!!! eeekkk You are getting good information here. Glad you realized you weren't getting good advice and went elsewhere. Please be careful with the phentermine and try not to take it very long. Best of luck to you girlie!!
  • clamar1012
    clamar1012 Posts: 12 Member
    We have about the same amount of weight to loss and I also hit a plateau around this point. Just keep pushing through and let your body also adjust to your new eating habit. You will continue to loose weight again. I know it gets hard and very frustrated that you ARE making these changes and not seeing any results - just stay strong and keep on going! Congrats on what you have accomplished so far and remember that you didnt put all your weight on at one time and you wont loose it all at the same time. Sometimes we also forget where we are going because we are too busy looking back at what you've done.

  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    less carbs (stick to healthy ones that are not processed!!)

    protein, veggies
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    What kind of doctor are you seeing?? I can't even imagine a licensed professional telling you it was ok to eat 600-900 calories a day?? eeek?? I would look for advice from another physician, eat healthier, and exercise... GOOD JOB on seeking others advice and making an effort to better your life. xo

    From what I understand he specializes solely in the diet market. The facility I go to offers no other services. I have an appointment with my primary care physician on August 2nd and I think you're right that I should bring up my concerns to her. Everyone here seems to be on the same page as far as advice and recommendations and I have really begun to wonder about the other doctor's credibility.

    Thanks for your input. I do appreciate it.
  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    Well..I'll tell you what I tell my kids...get over your picky eating. If all you have is fresh food and veggies to eat and you get hungry, you'll eat it. You have to try new foods about 10 times before you'll develop a taste for them. So choke down those veggies and high protein foods until you learn to like them.
  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    Grats on starting... Lets get to work then!

    Calculate your BMR here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/tools/bmr-calculator

    Calculate your TDEE here: http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html

    BMR = How much you burn simply being alive.

    TDEE = How much you burn in your every day life.

    You calorie goal should be to eat MORE than your BMR, but LESS than you TDEE.

    The deficit of calories you are looking for is 500 to 1000. If TDEE - BMR is less than that, you can throw in exercise to up spent calories for the day.

    Try not to have too high of a deficit. Also try to eat more than your BMR. Eating lower than BMR for long periods can cause adverse effects on the metabolism.

    thank you. i am so confused on how many calories i should be eating. i am going to try this. mfp calories i am starving. hope this calcs to more calories. lol.
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    What kind of doctor are you seeing?? I can't even imagine a licensed professional telling you it was ok to eat 600-900 calories a day?? eeek?? I would look for advice from another physician, eat healthier, and exercise... GOOD JOB on seeking others advice and making an effort to better your life. xo

    From what I understand he specializes solely in the diet market. The facility I go to offers no other services. I have an appointment with my primary care physician on August 2nd and I think you're right that I should bring up my concerns to her. Everyone here seems to be on the same page as far as advice and recommendations and I have really begun to wonder about the other doctor's credibility.

    Thanks for your input. I do appreciate it.

    Really glad you're going to talk to someone else! That doctor sounds like a quack who specializes in quick fixes. You're on the right track by looking for other sources of information! Good luck :)
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    We have about the same amount of weight to loss and I also hit a plateau around this point. Just keep pushing through and let your body also adjust to your new eating habit. You will continue to loose weight again. I know it gets hard and very frustrated that you ARE making these changes and not seeing any results - just stay strong and keep on going! Congrats on what you have accomplished so far and remember that you didnt put all your weight on at one time and you wont loose it all at the same time. Sometimes we also forget where we are going because we are too busy looking back at what you've done.


    I wasn't expecting to hit the dreaded plateau so soon. In total I've lost 25 lbs since I started, but I've gone up and down on the scale for several months. I just started back two weeks ago on Thursday and lost the 9lbs on the first week. Is it normal to have a plateau on week two?

    I'm sure it's going to take time.. probably longer for me than others because I still struggle with breaks in willpower and that's something I really have to work on, but I will do it! Thank you for the encouragement! I wish you the best of luck!
  • akiss4u2tam
    Mix up your routines... don't eat the same foods each day... Watch your hypoglycemic index... Are you drinking a lot of water? All these things can effect your weight... You will be fine!
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    Well..I'll tell you what I tell my kids...get over your picky eating. If all you have is fresh food and veggies to eat and you get hungry, you'll eat it. You have to try new foods about 10 times before you'll develop a taste for them. So choke down those veggies and high protein foods until you learn to like them.

    Is that true? Can you force yourself to like something?
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    Mix up your routines... don't eat the same foods each day... Watch your hypoglycemic index... Are you drinking a lot of water? All these things can effect your weight... You will be fine!

    I wondered if anyone would catch that too, haha. I have a terrible habit of getting stuck on the same foods until I tire of them and become obsessed with eating something else all the time.

    I'm drinking water, but I know I'm nowhere near the daily recommendation. On a good day I can drink 64+ ounces, but on normal days I may get through 20 ounces if even. Mostly I just forget. Terrible.
  • jaimemc86
    jaimemc86 Posts: 15 Member
    Just by taking a quick look, it looks like you are eating out a lot, which may mean that you don't 100% know whats going in your food OR the cals/nutrition. I'm saying that because they way restaurants prepare each item may vary, so the NI may not be 100% accurate.

    I think upping the fruits and veg, trying to focus meals around lean protein, not carbs, and cooking more at home would increase losses (and most definitely health!)

    I do need to cut back on eating out. My willpower is still very low and when my family brings home restaurant food it's hard to say no, but I do try to log everything and not go over my macros... but I didn't think about possible errors in reporting NI. It's really hard for me to log foods prepared at home also because I have no idea how much of everything my mom puts into dinner... I am living at home at the moment and I work until 6 p.m. so dinner is usually ready and waiting.

    I can definitely up the fruits, but I really dislike vegetables unless I have something to dip them in... and the only dressing/dip I like is Hidden Valley Ranch and not the light kind. I can't stand the light one. Also, I only like steamed vegetables if they have butter on them or I just can't force myself to eat them. I promise I'm not making excuses! haha I'm a really picky eater.

    Unfortunately, dear, one of the hard parts about doing what's right for your body is that sometimes it's not completely enjoyable. It really doesn't matter if you are picky, it matters that the food is the fuel for your body and will jumpstart your weightloss. You may develop a taste, you may not. But either way, it's still good for you. I can't stand the taste of broccoli, but I swallow it down every chance I get, because I know it's what is going to make the difference. If you don't like veggies, try cooking them with a little evoo. Definitely stay away from the butter. Holy high in fat! When it comes to the dips for raw veggies...get over the "light vs non-light". Once you eat the light ranch for a few days, you won't even be able to tell the difference.

    Also, I think that if your mom loves and supports you, she should be more than willing to make some healthier choices when it comes to cooking for your family. Even if she doesn't change her recipes, I'm sure she'd be more than willing to give you the breakdown of everything that is in the food so you can keep track of what you are putting in your body. Good luck!!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Grats on starting... Lets get to work then!

    Calculate your BMR here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/tools/bmr-calculator

    Calculate your TDEE here: http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html

    BMR = How much you burn simply being alive.

    TDEE = How much you burn in your every day life.

    You calorie goal should be to eat MORE than your BMR, but LESS than you TDEE.

    The deficit of calories you are looking for is 500 to 1000. If TDEE - BMR is less than that, you can throw in exercise to up spent calories for the day.

    Try not to have too high of a deficit. Also try to eat more than your BMR. Eating lower than BMR for long periods can cause adverse effects on the metabolism.

    Thanks, I needed to know this too.