Baby weight (Can I say that when It has been 1 year)

Hi all; I am 31 and have always been small. I am 5.2 and currently weigh 132. For years (20s) I stayed around 110ish. I can even remember joining weight watchers when I reach *gasp* 118 lbs! Ha. Fast forward to my 30s and two kids later and I am holding on to about 10-12 lbs I would love to lose. My goal is 118-120. After the birth of my first child, 4 years ago, I lost down to 118 within the year of giving birth. It took the full 12 months. I had gained 30 lbs and used weight watchers as a mode of dieting. My weight lose with my second son, who turned 1 in May, has been slower. I only gained 20 lbs, but was about 10 lbs heavier the second time around when I got pregnant. I am still a nursing mom, so I have been slow in cutting calories drastically because of that. I am not planning on stopping nursing at this time, but because he nurses just a few times a day, I can now cut calories without jeopardizing milk production.

My biggest complaint about my body is probably the cellulite on my thighs. Seriously, that was not there in my 20s and because I tend to gain in my hips, pregnancy and the expansion of my hips made this an issue. Is there any hope of getting rid of this or lessening it? Realistically? Also, my lower stomach is not toned, more saggy. I did luck out and manage to avoid all stretch marks, so I shouldn't complain, but I can tell such a difference in how soft it is when I bend over compared to before. I want a third child, probably in about 2 years, and I dread thinking about how that will finish me off.

I have been using Loseit! for about a month before discovering MFP. It offers more food choices so I switched. I must admit, this is working so much better for me than weight watchers because I would burn out on converting points. The scanner and the list of foods that can be so easily added to my day, plus the fact that it is free, makes this so much better for my lifestyle. I started at 135 (really about 140 in May, but before using these apps, I rejoined the gym and watched what I was eating) and weighed this morning and was 128.9. YAY! I am entering weight at night though, so we will see what it looks like after dinner! ha!

Anyone else in a similar boat as me? Any suggestions about tummy toning?


  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    There is no "tummy toning" really, you just need to watch what you are eating and burn the fat off. We all have muscles hidden under there, just need to get to them with a calorie deficit. Since you are nursing, you need to take that into account (I think I have read 500 calories a day for that, but not sure). As far as cellulite, I too was free from it as a youngster. That has a lot to do with will see skinny-minnies with it too. Mine has definitely lessened through my diet and wieght lifting (which I seriously recommend for women!!).

    And the answer to your other question is "Yes"...because I have an almost eight-year old and still say I have baby weight lmao
  • AmberElena
    AmberElena Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 27 & I had my first child, a girl, on March 22, 2011. I gained 46lbs. I have always been very petite, 5'1'', always 100-105lbs. So it was hard for me to see myself gaining all this weight at such a rapid speed but I was okay with it for the health of my baby and for some reason in my mind, I swore to myself that i'd drop down to 105 with NO problem. Well, lucky for me (even with a c section) I still managed to go down from 151 to 115 in 2 weeks! I was happy but after I let my body heal (6 months had passed by) and I realized OMG my stomach, hips and thighs have stayed in the jumbo pregnancy version instead of going down. That's when I knew I had a problem and would have to work-out & eat right. I was extremely lazy and honestly just started working out & going on a diet this March 2012 and I've only lost about 7lbs but I see a total transformation in my body. The only problem is the inner thigh and of course, my lovely lower stomach (this is when being rich and getting lipo would be great LOL). You just have to work really hard at it and with time (because every one's body is different) all the weight will shed off on it's own - the best rule I can give you is to just know that it does not happen over-night; takes a lot of time if you want to do it the right & healthy way. Overall, it's all about being healthy and happy with yourself and for your family! :) Good luck!
  • snwadike
    snwadike Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 28 and just gave birth to my 3rd child in April. I am looking to get rid of my belly fat as well. I'm 5'7, 148 pounds trying o reach my goal weight of 135. I read online that these foods are beneficial in trying to loose belly fat: Avocados, Berries, Plain Greek Yougart, Almonds, Apples, Eggs and Salmon. I literally have been eating these everyday. I purchased the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution dvd because It's hard for me to go to the gym with a 6 year old, 1 year old and 3 month old at home. The dvd will kick your butt! I just started month 2 last night. The day I gave birth I weighed 195.. omg!! lol..To be at 148 now, I am really happy... 12 more pounds to go and I will be extremely happy! I just added this program to my phone.. I need the motivation!! :smile:
  • clyfsu
    clyfsu Posts: 1
    I feel ya! I'm in the same boat. My daughter is 19 months and while I lost the "baby weight" I'm fighting the last 15-20 pounds I put on right before I got pregnant. I've always worked out and never really been consistent, but now that I'm post-baby I know everything about my body (including how I loose and gain weight) is differnet so I'm motivated. I do a lot of at home work-outs too cause I don't want to shuffle my daughter from daycare to a gym daycare. I've found some good videos and keep trying more! Good Luck!
  • Glad to know it isn't just me! I can see a difference already. It is hard when you feel like your body has changed so much. I do enjoy weight lifting as well and am focusing on that at the gym. I don't mind that I will never see my size zero jeans I wore as a newly wed again, and will be thrilled to shed the size 8/10 I am in now for a 6. I am definitely working hard for this goal and my husband is doing it too so that is helping me stay motivated. Thanks for all of these tips!