Just left WW for MFP -- anyone else?

jmort29 Posts: 6 Member
Anyone else recently leave WW for MFP? I just canceled my WW account today after using MFP for about a week. I lost 20 lbs on WW since last December but stopped going to meetings around April because I didn't like the vibe of the meeting or relate to the leader. I know I could find another meeting, but decided to quit paying the monthly WW fee and try MFP for awhile. I've also become interested in cleaner eating and don't feel WW supports that very well. Anyone have better success here than WW? I'm still looking around, so any helpful tips for this site are appreciated. For instance, is there a way to input your own food if you know all the nutritional info or can you only find things in the database? Haven't figured that out yet. LOVE reading all of the inspirational stories out here!


  • Chocolate_Queen
    Chocolate_Queen Posts: 59 Member

    You can add your own foods. If you go to the food tab and then click on My Foods you should see a create food button. The database is pretty comprehensive though. If you need any extra help, just short.

    I've never done WW myself but know a few people who have. It seems to work well in the short term, but isn't a lifestyle change/choice for most. The points thing always seemed really confusing and restrictive to me.

  • sheneema
    sheneema Posts: 15
    I have done WW before and keeping up with the points especially when eating out can be quite a challenge. This app is absolutely wonderful for that. During my first week I found myself making healthier choices because I had immediate access to the calorie count.
  • onpoint1920
    I actually JUST canceled my WW online subscription yesterday. This app is actually 10 times better than the official WW app, which is sad - considering how much money we pay. I love this app/community and look forward to growing with it!
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    Did that over a year ago, MFP works just as well for weight loss and the database is so much better in my opinion! Not so time consuming to log things in here. Also the online support is phenominal. I love my friends here, they are so supportive and better than meetings were for me.
  • candice382
    candice382 Posts: 60 Member
    I did WW on and off for 10 years. It could be so challenging to find the points for stuff. MFP has a much larger database, even generic foods. Plus instead of figuring points I could also keep track of how much protein, carbs, and sodium I was taking in a day. I feel I have a much better understanding of what I am eating ....and I am saving money. The time that I spent at meetings..(which I never got much out of) I now spend on my treadmill. Do not get me wrong...I think WW is a great program...but MFP has helped me stay on my budget and lose weight!
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    Left May 12th and never have looked back yet~ I have lost 18 pounds since May 12th with MFP~ on the new WW program- um...I gained because I ate too many fruits that did not get counted~ I love MFP!!
  • myf1101
    myf1101 Posts: 99
    I have cancelled weightwatchers and use this now. It works much better for me and I can still use WW recipes and use the create foods button to input the recipe and get an MFP accurate calorie, carbs, protein etc reading. This is great and I have lost 18lbs already since February and I have difficulty losing weight, my friends has lost 30 lbs in a similar timescale so weight loss is relatively easy on this site. Best of all is that it is free.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    everyone i know that did WW put the weight back on! it sounds very frustrating. glad you like mfp!
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    I did Weight Watchers online until a friend of mine told me about this site. It is so much less confusing than WW and you can't beat the price! I've been in maintenance mode for almost a year now and I LOVE this site! Welcome and good luck! :)
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    I too have done WW before, and it worked, I am not going to lie...

    that being said, I think very person is different. I was following points and this time when I joined WW it just wasn't working, no matter how diligent I was. So, I spoke with my doc, and he put me on a low carb diet, which has done WONDERS allt he way around.

    So I can't say I left WW for MFP but I can say that MFP has worked better for me than WW. And the support here is awesome. The people in my meetings were kind of stand offish, but that was just my own experience.

    I really like it here.

  • newmom_kali
    What MFP? my bad myfiness pal
  • alevans1981
    alevans1981 Posts: 6 Member
    I have done both WW meetings and online. I didn't like the meetings and found them to be a waste of time. I like WW online, but it is not worth the monthly fee. I find MFP to be very similar to WW online. I am also interesting in clean eating and choosing the right foods. WW does little to encourage that. The points system is also very complex and almost mysterious. I found it hard to look at nutrition info and know how many points it was and how it fit into my day--especially after the switch to points plus. With MFP I've learned what to look for in the nutrition info--calories, fat, protein, carbs, sugars, and nutrients. I'm making choices based on much more info than I did with WW.
  • gydwhoa
    gydwhoa Posts: 8 Member
    WW never worked for me so I tried Dukan diet - it works. I finished the program and am at the maintenance part where MFP allows me to watch what I eat.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Yup, lost loads of weight at WW and SW but the pressure of a weekly weigh-in was horrendous and no loss when you know you've stuck to it was so disheartening and would make me eat crap. On here, if I don't lose I just don't log it and just carry on logging my food and exercise; psychologically it doesn't bring me down in the way that a public weigh-in did (plus the 'look' from the consultant who didn't ever really believe that you'd stuck to it if you didn't lose).

    All the very best on here. It's a brilliant site with incredibly supportive and encouraging people, some of whom I now consider to be really close friends; they are a real blessing to me on my journey x
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    Lost 60lbs on WW in about 2 years... Couldn't afford it anymore... Stop counting points, and gained 55 back in 10 months.
    I've been on here since May and have lost 27lbs! and it's free!
  • kelgalon
    kelgalon Posts: 34 Member
    I switched over last year and its been great for me! I definitely eat cleaner, drink more water, and don't feel as hungry anymore because I really had to look at what I was eating vs just low point foods. Best of luck!
  • findingme07
    findingme07 Posts: 156 Member
    I was with WW last year, and while I was thinking of rejoining, I came across MFP and have been hooked ever since! Welcome!
  • Timalein
    Timalein Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I've been doing this for a week (but I am still doing WW too). I lost 85 pounds on WW so I have a soft spot for them. You can add food in MFP but thus far I have found everything I have logged so far readily available in their database. I think both resources My Fitness Pal & WW are both useful, I'm just not ready to loose out on my WW resources, besides I will spend $18.95 on something, so why not something useful and calorie free :)
    Anyway, best of luck to you :)!
  • caraguard
    caraguard Posts: 41
    I cancelled WW a few months ago. I'm new to MFP and loving it! For starters, MFP's smartphone app is exponentially better than the WW app. Also, the MFP food database kicks the WW database's *kitten*!!

    I did find WW challenging at times if I didn't mesh well with a meeting leader. And sometimes, depending on the leader, meetings could be a waste of time and not very motivating. So far, I like MFP better because inspiration and support are everywhere!!

    Also, I find that tracking calories instead of WW points is faster and easier.

    Feel free to add me if you want a buddy!
  • missymuffet459
    I was not happy with WW in the least bit. Points are so ridiculous.