Weight loss issues

i just wanted to say that I'm glad i've found myfitnesspal. Since i started back in 8/11 i have currently lost 70 pounds. I couldnt be happier. There was been some issues that have been worrying me though.

Even when i was 265 pounds I had "normal" 120/80 blood pressure. Here recently I've been dealing with light headedness upon standing and dizziness. Being an EMT i started to snoop around. I check my SPO2 and it was 98%. I checked my pulse and it was in the 80's. Then i checked my blood pressure and today it was 91/60. I almost fainted. It has never been that low. thats a little too low if you ask me. This issue has been going on for the past month i would say. 70% of the time when i get up, I get light headed and dizzy for about 5 seconds then it goes away. I'm clueless as to why this is happening. I did increase the ammount of coffee and Zero calorie soda i've been drinking over the past few months. I even checked my blood sugar and it was in the 90's.

Last week I started to cut back on the caffine products and drink more tap water hoping this will help. Also in the past year I've noticed that when i sit in my recliner at home, my right thigh starts to go numb. I've also gotten more forgetful to the point where i carry around a pad and paper to jot stuff down. Also, I used to be quick witted and think quick on my feet and thats even eluded me. I feel like I'm falling apart. I'm to the point where I almost wish I didnt lose the weight becuase non of this happened when i was heavy.

I know I need to call the doctor and I will be giving him a call tomorrow to schedule an appointment. This has really scared me. I have a 18mo old and a wife that I gotta think about. I be around for the long haul andbe healthy doing it. Another thing that worries me is my father had a quad bypass 2 years ago and his dad died of a heart attack. So i know I gotta get my *kitten* seen ASAP.

Anyone with more medical knowledge than myself have any insight as to what i'm experiencing? I would like to start doing some early research because I hate surprises.

Thanks for reading this in advance and for any info you might pass on,
Kevin S.


  • waveindigo
    waveindigo Posts: 39 Member
    Correlation does not imply causation.

    Best to talk to your doctor.
  • shimewazaMan
    shimewazaMan Posts: 413
    Hey there. I'm not a medical professional ... sorry! But after reading your post, I really wanted to offer some advice. First of all, I do hope you went ahead and scheduled a doctor appointment. Changes like you mention should definitely be investigated by a medical professional. Based on the fact that you recently lost quite a bit of weight, maybe you are deficient in some vitamins/nutrients. I would keep a detailed journal of what you are eating (or if you have been logging everything in MFP, print it out) and bring it to a nutritionist. As far as the numbness, I don't think that is a major issue. For years I have had a problem with my right arm and hand going numb when I am reading in bed. I've had it investigated and nothing was ever found. The best answer I got was that something is pressing on a nerve somewhere when I am in certain positions. Good luck! I hope everything checks out fine for you and that the symptoms you are experiencing are from something minor like a nutritional issue. Keep us posted!
  • LORRIE22
    LORRIE22 Posts: 26 Member
    I started to get very forgetful too. I read somewhere that if you drink whole milk, the memory will return.
    I had been on my diet for a few months and had switched from whole milk to skim milk.
    I was also getting muscle aches and pains and numbness in my hands.
    And my blood pressure was just a little low.
    IT WAS my diet changes.

    So I switched right back to drinking whole milk, 3 glasses a day.
    My memory came back in a few days. WOW. It worked.
    And over a few months time, the aches and pains went away too.
    So now I try to drink 2 glasses of whole milk every day. 16 ounces per day minimum.
    It is higher in calories, but I am much healthier for it.

    Cheese, yogurt and butter were of no help to me. It have to drink the whole milk.
    I had to stop drinking green tea. It was adding to my pain.

    (I went to a lot of doctors to find a remedy, but they were no help at all.
    All they wanted to do was give me pain pills, which I refused to take.)

    I count my calories and have slowly lost over 40 pounds in the last 2 years.
    Best of luck to you.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Not a medical professional, but have you significantly altered your sodium intake?
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I'm an ED nurse - great to 'find' someone else in the field! Sounds like you are experiencing postural hypotension. Can you stand and take your BP immediately after standing, then take it sitting and then lying? allow several minutes between position change before taking BP. Are you out in the heat a lot? Working out and sweating a lot? how is your fluid intake? How many calories are you eating a day? Do you track your meals on MFP? Are you willing to open up your food diary so we can see it? You may not be eating or drinking enough. Are you doing any type of exercise? Def see your doc and get a good checkup, but it may just be related to your diet.

    Man, that's a LOT of questions but is just things for you to explore.

  • k140db
    k140db Posts: 3

    I hooked myself up to a lifepack12 a few weeks ago and my bp standing was 110/70's and then standing it was 100/60's(not exact numbers but close). Being a firefighter/emt I am in and out of the heat. Especially when i go from a cold livingroom to a hot engine bay. Its a 30-40 increase in temps at times. I'm really not killing myself on the workouts. Maybe 2 days a week tops. Not lifting heavy weights and am doing a walk/run exercise. I've been doing better with fluids. When i started MFP, i was drinking alot of unsweetened iced tea and coffee(5-6cups/day). Then over the past 2 months I started drink coke zero and pepsi max like it was going out of style along with the coffee. So here recently i have cut down to 1 can of soda a day and 1-2 less cups of coffee. Back to the iced tea and water. Calories range from 1400-1900 a day depending on my situation. I've been buying alot of products for the house that is low calorie. Anything food product that i can replace with a lower calorie version i've done(bacon, hotdogs, cheese, salad dressings, milk...etc). I have been noticing i've been getting frequent headaches/head pressure here recently. Usually only one time during the day and i say 4-5 days a week average.

    Thanks to everyone that has replyed to my topic. This shows there are still some good people out there.

    ***Just some quick info me. I'm a white male, 33, 6'1, 198#. 10 years ago i was 320# before i started eating healthier and working out so i could get hired into a fire department. When i got hired i was 255# and my heaviest was 270#. Hope this helps somewhat.***
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