Nervous and Scared about going on vacation

I have been doing great with my weight loss plan in the 7 weeks I've been using My Fitness Pal. I've been very dedicated in exercising and dilligent in my food choices - staying at or slightly below my caloric intake every day.

BUT....I am going on vacation in a few days. We are going to a family wedding and will be staying at the beach front hotel where the wedding will be. This will be a time of reuniting with family that I have not seen and I am anticipating brunches, lunches, and dinners together.

Now you have to understand me. One little thing can derail all of my efforts. In the past a long weekend or a couple of "bad" days in a row spiraled out of control resulting in all my weight that I lost being gained back in a matter of weeks. All my hard work - disappearing! I am weak, weak, weak when I am out of my routine. The exercise opportunities at the hotel are going to be very limited. There is a pool - but it will full of guests. There is the Gulf of Mexico but I am not a fan of being out in this type of water for long periods of time. I know I can walk on the beach - but it is a far cry from my 1000 calorie a day burns in my pool. I thinnk there is a fitness room, but who wants to see this body sweating and huffing and puffing when they are on vacation.

At least there is a small refrigerator in the room. I plan to take some apples and lots of water.

I am worried about how to handle the Rehearsal Dinner, Reception, After Wedding Brunch buffet and all of those things that have been so generously paid for by the family. I have no control over salt content, food preparation, and I just see myself falling back into the old habits. And then when I get home, if I see even a smidgen of weight gain - I am afraid everything will fall apart.

I am very, very nervous and scared.


  • bakercj13
    bakercj13 Posts: 26 Member
    Your fear is understandable, but don't let that fear cripple you while you are on vacation. Most people have set backs while on vacations, it happens! You can try and minimize the impact it will have on you realizing that you will not have great options at every meal. But as you already pointed out, walking on the beach is an option. While it might not be the 1,000 calorie burn you are use to it is better than nothing! If possible make time at the hotel fitness center, even if you do mild workouts this too is better than nothing!

    Go into determined to stay on the right path, but realize it may not always be possible while on vacation. I am betting if you keep you mind in this thought you will be ok. There is nothing so bad that can happen while you on vacation that can't be undone when you return home. will it be a set back? Maye, but it will be a temporary one at that.

    Keep focused and stay determined!
  • debbecake
    debbecake Posts: 20 Member
    I'm with ya! I leave Thursday to go see family I haven't seen in 7 years and attend my sisters wedding. There's always alot of food. I've only just last week gotten back on track with logging my food and seeing progress so I'm worried. I got my head back in the game and I'll be staying with family but I don't know how rude it would be to go to the store and have some of my own food there or if I should just try to eat a little of what they have. I'm getting paranoid about going because I don't want to derail. I would love to come back Monday night and have lost a pound. We both will just have to stay focused and keep our heads in the game. I imagine I'll give in a little on the wedding but I'm going to do my best to behave the rest of the time. I'm definitely going to keep logging because once I stop, it's fair game and I know I'll eat wrong. We can do this! Good luck!
  • Jkc9059
    Jkc9059 Posts: 151 Member
    Vacationed at the lake (I swear I get a tape worm when I am there) anyway took a video of 30ds and did it first thing int he morning. Ate what I wanted just tried to keep track of the portions. Was unable to log there. Got back and had gained 0.5 pounds. I was very happy!! You can do it!! Just don't let your fear ruin your fun!!
  • suegil314
    suegil314 Posts: 33 Member
    Someone just reminded me the other day that there will always be something......vacation, wedding, 4th of July, etc. and to think of this as a life style change, so have a plan in place for things like this and it will eventually become second nature. I am good for using these things in the past as an excuse to allow myself to be derailed.

    I went on vacation a few weeks ago and maintained my weight. I was nervous since we were going down South and all the great food! I watched portions, logged on MFP, lots of water and tried to stay active. We were staying at a friend's house, so one day I just exercised in my room, put music on Pandora and just kept moving. I did alow myself to have a few things since I was on vacation (if I deprived myself, it would be worse), but was able to stop myself before it got out of hand.

    Have a great time, remember how much you have acomplished, you can do it, and don't be too hard on yourself! The fact that you're thinking about this and planning is a sign of change. Good Luck!
  • Jalare
    Jalare Posts: 103
    Don't let the fear over take you. Go and have a good time. You don't have to become a glutton while on vacation. Eat what you want in moderation. You'll be fine. I'm taking my nephew to New York next month and I am so looking forward to it. I'm not worried about gaining a pound or two, because I know I can undo whatever happens when I get home. I'm not in a race to lose weight. I have changed my thinking to know that this is something I have to do for the rest of my life, so one week on vacation is not going to change that. To prepare for my trip I have been tightening up on my calories before I go so I don't have to live in fear of what I eat when I'm gone. I will be as aware as I can of what I am eating, but if a piece of cake ends up on my plate, oh well!:wink:
  • I went on vacation and it was before I started my diet. I was at the mercy of my parents. If they wanted mcdonalds then we ate mcdonalds. But you have control. There are still some low calorie breakfast items at mcdonalds like their egg mcmuffins and instead of getting a caramel frappe get a water. At resteraunts even getting a side of veggies instead of fries is better than nothing. I know you say your weak, but just stay focus and strong and I promise you will get through this vacation pain free. And for your exercise situation you don't want to be huffing and puffing in public and I know its embarrasing but it atleast shows you give a damn about your health and other people won't make fun of you. If you want to avoid it so you don't spoil your vacation then thats just a shame. Just take 30 minutes to an hour a day. You can even spread it out. Maybe 30 minutes in the gym and then 30 minutes at the pool or the ocean. You said you don't like to be in long and 30 minutes isnt bad. Just make it work and stay focused. Best of luck!