Bowflex Classic

Hey Guys,
Does anyone have a Bowflex classic Home Gym? A lady I work with has a brand new one (only used by her husband a few times) and he never uses it, she's going to sell it to me for $105. I know thats a great deal for a Bowflex, but I was wondering if anyone who has one thinks its a good investment. I would love to be able to start working out and building more muscle. So what's y'alls opinion? Love it? Hate it? Thanks for any advice! :)


  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 547 Member
    A friend of mine had one and swore by it. For $105 if it's really in THAT good of shape seems like an easy decision assuming you have the room to put it somewhere. That's a steal!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I've heard mixed reviews on them and I've known a few people who had them. Some loved it, some hated it. I've used one myself and thought it was "okay." Ordinarily I would suggest that people look for something better, but for THAT price, yeah, go for it!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    For that price I'd grab it. I've only used Bowflex products a few times (while traveling - some hotels use them in their fitness centres) and the only thing I found was that they seemed overly complex to use compared to my very simple home gym or a bench with free weights (and I'm sure if I used them more it would become easier just based on familiarity), but for $105 you have nothing to lose.
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    I have one and just recently (last two weeks) have started doing some strength training. I use it now all the time. My husband and son don't really like so much, they are both way more into building muscles than me. I am doing an "A and B' day training and then walking and or cardio dvds (JM, BL).

    Not sure if this helps or not, but for me........ it is definitely worth the money.
  • BrittanyFordham
    Thanks guys! You've all been really helpful! :)
  • student0007
    student0007 Posts: 35 Member
    I just bought the Classic three weeks ago and I LOVE IT! I'm doing basic exercises now that take 20 minutes, but after working out 3x's week for 3 weeks, I'm ready to increase reps and weight. Easy to use and would recommend taking it if your friend is willing to give it up. I paid $1700, still worth it!