I need everyone's help

My daughter thinks that her legs and hips are fat. Anyone have ideals on what she can do to slim them down? Thanks!


  • andric1
    andric1 Posts: 23
    Lose weight probably.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Lose weight probably.
  • fitfunnygal
    No she is skinny everyewhere else. I just need something that will help thin out her thighs.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    How old is your daughter?
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    No she is skinny everyewhere else. I just need something that will help thin out her thighs.

  • fitfunnygal
    She is only 15 to young to do that and I would not do that even is she was older. Isn't there anything she can do?
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You can't spot reduce.

    Does she play sports? My daughter is always complaining about her thick legs. But she plays soccer and knows why her legs are big.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Liposuction was a joke. Please tell your daughter she is beautiful just the way she is. I wish my mom had told me that when I was 15 years old and went on a diet that turned into anorexia.
  • fitfunnygal
    I tell her that everyday! She is very beautiful, but if she doesn't see that in her legs I want to help.
  • fitfunnygal
    Yes she plays scoccer and she also walks up and down tons of stairs while at school. Loves to swim too. I just don't get why the rest of her is so skinny and not her legs.
  • MomOf7Blessings
    I have read a lot where Pilates is good for that
  • raeraeti
    raeraeti Posts: 108
    If weight loss isn't on her agenda she needs to tone up.

    Do 20 lunges each leg and 2- 60 second wall sits each evening.
    Explosive exercises like sprints should help as well. Sprint to the end of the street, take a 30 second breather (no more) and sprint back. Repeat 1-2x.

    I'd do them with her if I were you. If that's not enough add in some burpees, mountain climbers, or step-ups.
  • MommaSpunk
    MommaSpunk Posts: 113
    Question is...are her legs larger because of playing sports? This does sometime happen to female athletes it seems.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    We all have different shapes. If her body fat percentage is healthy and weight loss isn't necessary just set her up with someone who can help her start a weight training program. She can tone her legs and butt up.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Yes she plays scoccer and she also walks up and down tons of stairs while at school. Loves to swim too. I just don't get why the rest of her is so skinny and not her legs.

    It's just the way she is shaped.

    Having her work on self-esteem is the best long term resolution of this. I have the same shape as your daughter and when I lose weight my top gets very small and my thighs stay very big. This bothered me for years starting at about age 11.

    Squats and lunges can help her build muscle in her legs.
    She could try to lose a little body fat (doesn't always mean lose weight) to see more muscle definition in her legs, maybe she will like them more.

    But the best thing is definitely having her do some work on her own body image, how she sees herself. Good luck.
  • akaOtherWise
    akaOtherWise Posts: 110 Member
    Tell her to start lifting weights. Resistance training together with a little bit more food will help her build some muscle.
  • angelashay42
    angelashay42 Posts: 286
    Exercising her legs is just going to build muscle and make her legs look bigger. You can't spot reduce (lose weight from one place in your body). Your body burns fat for energy, you can't dictate where that fat comes from. If she doesn't need to lose weight, then she is fine the way she is. I doubt you could find a 15 year old girl that is completely happy with the way they look.
  • raeraeti
    raeraeti Posts: 108
    Yes she plays scoccer and she also walks up and down tons of stairs while at school. Loves to swim too. I just don't get why the rest of her is so skinny and not her legs.

    Soccer players tend to have a small upper body and muscular legs. What you're mistaking for flab is probably muscle. Have her flex her leg and then see how much fat is on there. I'm betting there will be hardly anything.

    To balance out her body she should work on push ups and other upper body exercises. The only thing to shirk those legs will be to loose muscle (which i do not recommend).
  • pookeyism
    pookeyism Posts: 84 Member
    Not enough info - is it really excessive? Is it muscle? Is she still proportionate?

    MY first observation - why are you trying to get your physically active daughter info on how to trim down? especially if she is not overweight? Is this a healthy way to address this?
  • fitfunnygal
    Yea her and I have talked about that alot. She just had someone say she was fat so that just upset her. I will try everything you all have said, see if that works.

    I just don't like to see my daughter upset. I have had weight issues most of my life and don't want her to grow up hating her body.