Chaffing and rashes. So embarrassing.

I made this sn so I can ask a few questions that are deeply embarrassing... but I really need help!

I am a size 16 but have been up to a size 22 in the past. Hold your applause. This means that my skin all over my body is saggy. Now, with my MUCH more active lifestyle (biking 30+ miles a week plus other aerobic stuff), I sweat and it gets in my... folds... and doesn't dry. If it's a hot night, I'll wake up all sweaty in my creases.

I've had to start wearing long cotton shorts instead of panties because it was chaffing me too much in my thigh creases in my groin area. That's really the area that is most affected.I've been using baby powder when possible but it doesn't really seem to be working. I've had a yeast infection in my crease as well as my belly button because of this.

If you have ANY tips, please share. I am desperate for help.


  • HorseWithNoName27
    HorseWithNoName27 Posts: 188 Member
    Shower after physical activity and apply baby powder after showering. I would also make sure you are drinking enough water to replace sweat. If you are getting rashes, try treating the area with some hydrocortisone cream. I had this issue a few years ago when I was in shape and an athlete...rashes under my arms. They sucked. Hydrocortisone and making sure to stay clean cleared the rash. I hope that helps ya. :drinker:
  • shimila1101
    shimila1101 Posts: 119
    Monistat makes an anti-chafing cream that does work. You can find it in the feminine product section of most stores.
  • anonsn5
    anonsn5 Posts: 2
    Bump for more ideas.

    More info:
    I can't shower every time I work out because I commute to work on my bike, so I'm sweaty when I get there. I do shower a lot lately because of this problem, which is a whole separate problem for a different thread. So, I carry around the baby powder but it doesn't always help. Not to mention it gets all over my clothes. Urgh.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    Bump for more ideas.

    More info:
    I can't shower every time I work out because I commute to work on my bike, so I'm sweaty when I get there. I do shower a lot lately because of this problem, which is a whole separate problem for a different thread. So, I carry around the baby powder but it doesn't always help. Not to mention it gets all over my clothes. Urgh.

    Honestly I think you shouldn't bike to work then if you walk in sweaty. I see a lot of bike messengers who have skinny legs but big bellies and I read somewhere that cycling is the best thing for thin legs. So I've concluded that if you want an overall reduction cycling is not the way to go. You might also want to carry your dress shirt in a bag and bike in a different shirt.

    You might like this product:
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Monistat makes an anti-chafing cream that does work. You can find it in the feminine product section of most stores.

    This works well!

    I also happen to use this product as a makeup primer because it's basically the same ingredients :wink:
  • sarabluebell
    sarabluebell Posts: 68 Member
    make sure after you shower that all those areas are completly dry too...I have a larger stomah that hangs a bit. (Iused to be350) if its not completly dry i can get a rash in about 6 hours of just daily avt. not even exercising. I'm just thinking if u start out dry that might help.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    Body Glide is amazing stuff.
  • emmab852012
    emmab852012 Posts: 82 Member
    baby power
  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    I assume skin removal surgery is not an option? It would be the only permanent solution (other than regaining of course!)
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    The rashes may be a yeast infection. That is what I get. The doctor gave me some cream to get rid of it and if it's not too bad one application makes it go away, but I read that hydrogen peroxide works, too. I tried it and it does. I just rinse the rash off with it and it helps the rashes to go away (if it's yeast infection). I used to use corn starch to keep legs from chafing, too. It works better than powder; it has kind of a slickness to it that helps the glide.
  • char128
    char128 Posts: 8 Member
    Body Glide and A&D ointment work great for me. I use baby powder after i shower but it really don't help with the chafing. I put on the Body Glide prior to working out and then use the A&D ointment at bedtime when it's really bad .
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    For when you cannot shower, baby wipes would be a good thing to have with your to clean off. body glide is also a great idea.. Consider wearing compression shorts while exercising, it will keep the chubb rub away!
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I apply deodorant to my inner thigh to prevent chaffing.
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    I had to switch my workout clothes to wool based, as they "wick" moisture so much better than my all cotton clothing ... and I cannot stand the feeling of synthetic fabrics.

    I also have woolen undies now, and that has helped a great deal. My favs are from Icebreaker and Ibex.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Anti- monkey butt... no joke.. google it. Stuff works great! I use it alot when I ride my motocycle, do my daily walks. wonderful stuff
  • charitas32
    charitas32 Posts: 58
    baby powder is basically chalk and very drying plus and this always makes me ugh, been found in ovarian cysts. Cornstarch based ones are much kinder to your skin and Lush do some lovely ones with really nice perfumes in. I used to crochet on the bottom of Granny type thermal shorts with bright colours so I could wear them under a knee length skirt for hiking, way cooler the trousers. Hope this helps
  • alyssa_nicole
    I know a girl who uses baby oil on her thighs and she swears by it!
  • ephemerata
    ephemerata Posts: 82 Member
    a couple of suggestions. your mileage may vary.

    - carry a backpack around with you with moist towels and a clean cloth. wipe the problem areas down with the towels, then dry off really well in the bathroom.
    - make sure all of your clothes are breathable.
    - organic apple cider vinegar works wonders on yeast, oddly enough. take a cotton ball and soak it in apple cider vinegar at night, apply it to the problem areas, and dry off well with a clean cloth.
    - you may want to consider ditching the baby powder. it could be complicating the situation.
  • Moira810
    Moira810 Posts: 2
    I second the deodorant idea. I am deployed to Kuwait and it gets up to 130 degrees here. Just walking around I am dripping in sweat all day. I put deodorant under my sports bra straps, and it helps a ton! I go through a lot of deodorant over here :)
  • vara123
    vara123 Posts: 60 Member
    Don't be embarrassed about this problem, it seems a lot of people get it. When I was larger, my thighs used to rub together quite badly if I wore a skirt without tights (pantyhose?) and walked more 20+ mins/got sweaty. I went to Australia on vacation, in summer, and was dreading it... high heat, high humidity, skirts with bare legs... So I bought a tube of monistat, and a tube of lanacane to 'try them out' - and honestly, both worked brilliantly, no chaffing at all. I bought them online, but I guess you could get them in a store too.