When is it too much?

Hey guys,
I haven't used the forum in a while but was wondering if anyone has any clear help for me.

I've plateaued majorly [lost over 25kg in past 12 months] and am now struggling to get any more off so I have been carefully monitoring calorie intake and output.
I've been working out daily [on my rest day, Saturdays, I do 2 x 30min/5km walks one in AM, one in PM so I keep motivated without straining my body]

My question is, when is it too much?
For the past 3 days I have been incredible sore - it's from muscle workouts but I have been pushing through the pain to keep going - My motivation is "I can stop when I am dead" which helps push me through the pain.
Today I am in some serious, all over body pain, should I skip any exercise today? or push through the pain?

Will my body benefit, or is too much on my body?

Input would be greatly appreciated.


  • lpberry63
    lpberry63 Posts: 1

    Wow, I certainly commend you for your hard work and determination! But... I do think that your body needs time to repair. If you don't allow for recovery you may risk getting injured and then it will be even harder to exercise! My rule of thumb is not to revisit a certain exercise until I am no longer sore from doing it. I feel that 2 days of feeling it afterward is acceptable, but if it lingers longer than that, or if the pain is severe then I've overdone it. A few years ago I blew my knee from over-training with running. I am getting back into shape now, but have to be sooo careful to ease into it gradually so that I can stay in there for the long haul. You may want to just try something different and mix it up a little. What about yoga or swimming as these don't pound your body the same way (especially if you are doing most of your walking on cement)?

    Don't lose hope, the last few pounds are always the hardest to lose and it's a sure sign that you are running out of weight to trim off!
  • misslexii
    misslexii Posts: 19
    Thanks, I still have a far bit to go - but the majority is gone.
    I am down to my last 15kg or so.

    It's the middle of winter here in Australia so I am not so keen on swimming and I feel like Yoga is a bit useless [No judgement if anyone here loves it, I just don't reap the same benefits]

    Might just stick to some cardio, leave the weights and interval for a day or so.
  • 1patientperson
    1patientperson Posts: 2 Member
    I don't normally post so I may not be helpful at all but here goes... How close are you to your original goal? was that goal realistic or too close to the low end of your healthy weight?

    There are times when you just need to give your body a break and maintain the weight-loss you have achieved. If you can maintain for 3-6 weeks then you will set that weight much better and give your body a new starting point. It is just my opinion...i have lost 80lbs in the last 3 years but NEVER set a goal further than 20lbs out. When I reached my goal I would stop and maintain for as long as 3 months before actively trying to lose again.

    This is again just my method. 6 years ago I was anorexic. I got pregnant with my daughter and fought for my life to gain weight. I put on almost 110lbs trying to mask one eating disorder with another... now, I am within 20lbs of my HEALTHY normal weight. It took me a long while to get here but it was the HEALTHY way.

    sorry for sharing my story in your post...but I hope it puts your question "when is it too much" into perspective... too much is up to your own body...but it is as much mental as it is physical. Ask yourself why you have to keep losing NOW instead of maintaining what you have accomplished! You have done AMAZING work in the last 12 months!!! :)
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    First, open your diary so we can see what kind of food you are eating. For me, calories in calories out stop being enough and I had to start paying much closer attention to what calories were going in. Take are rest day!! You are not doing your body or your weight loss any good by pushing when you are in physical pain. Sore is one thing, pain is another. Don't risk an injury that could put you down for an extended period of time. The whole purpose in muscle workouts is to tear the muscles and repair. If you are sore, they are already torn. If they don't have time to repair.. they are not building. It's not doing any good. Focus on cardio to burn calories. Try interval training... run/walk on your walks. U will do a lot more burning that way. Try changing up your macros. Increase your protein and fat, lower your carbs. Increase your calories by 100 or decrease by 100. Sometimes our diets just need a little change up to get the scale moving again. Good luck.
  • MaybeAMonkey
    MaybeAMonkey Posts: 247
    Wow, I'm impressed by your dedication and you should definitely be commended for that, but I'm a huge advocate for giving your body rest - espeically if you're experiencing pain. Your body does benefit from that downtime, it allows your muscles to repair themselves. It's ok to give yourself a day off, or even a few days, so you can avoid injury. And that doesn't mean doing cardio instead, that's not taking a day off - that's still working your body. My doctor told me that working out 6-7 days a week is too much, that 4-5 days a week is reasonable since I'm not a bodybuilder or competitive athlete.

    I agree with the commenter 1patientperso - maybe its time to re-evaluate. You've lost a lot of weight and your BMR and TDEE have certainly changed since you set your original goals so it's definitely worth recalculating so you're on a better track towards reaching your goal of losing another 15kg.

    Congrats on the weight loss you've already achieved! Give your body a short break, you've earned it! Then look at all your new numbers and reset your goals so you can continue with your success. Good luck!
  • misslexii
    misslexii Posts: 19
    Wow - you have come such a long way, what an inspirational story.
    This is why I love MFP - goodluck for the rest of your journey and thank you for your imput.

    My current plateau has actually been going on for the past 4 months - an unexpected death in my immediate family has been to blame, a month of not eating anything mixed with days of binging caused a few problems and quite a setback.

    I have maintained my current weight over that period - with only very small changes either way [2kg + or -] so am definitely ready for the next drop.
  • misslexii
    misslexii Posts: 19
    Thanks for your input.
    My diary is set to public, but it's been a bit glitchy.

    My diet is very controlled and regulated.
    High protein, very low carbs [I am under care of a dietician due to health issues as well as being vegetarian]
    And my diet changes constantly and is very regulated by my very hands on dietician.
    She has been amazing.
  • misslexii
    misslexii Posts: 19
    Thanks :)

    I just find if I take a day off completely I lose my motivation.
    I may have to bite the bullet and start swimming and take the pressure off.