So Frustrating!

I've been pretty diligent about what I eat, how much I eat, making sure I get a workout in, etc. But I'm just not seeing results :( Scale has barely moved the last month, and what's worse, the only change I'm seeing in my body is that it looks WORSE. How is that possible?? What am I doing wrong?


  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    I have only lost four pounds, but today my blood pressure has gone down to 100/60 and even lower. Sometimes it's not all about the scale. I have to see my doctor tomorrow to get advice on dropping my blood pressure medicines safely. This is a great improvement in health! Open your diary and post your height for more info. Sometimes people don't eat enough fruits and veggies, that is part of the problem.
  • My diary is open for people to see, and I'll go post my height on my profile somewhere. I'm 6'3 by the way.

    It's not just that the scale isn't moving, that I could deal with. But I feel like my body looks worse than it did before. My muffin tops look bigger than normal, my "pooch" looks bigger, etc. I don't know, it's just frustrating, because I feel like I'm doing everything right, but it's not doing any good :(

    And lately I have been eating a CRAP TON of fruits and veggies lol. Other than some whole grain bread here and there, and some meat for protein, I eat mostly fruits and veggies. Soooooooo yummy :)
  • Maybe you could try a low carb diet. Start off eating 100g of carbs and 100g of protein. Then go down to 80g carbs. It looks like you are not eating that much. I saw your diary and there are a lot of days eating only 200 or 400 calories. It works at first then your metabolize shuts down.
  • Are those recent days? There were a couple days a few weeks ago that i just logged one meal cause I was busy, but didn't want to lose out on my days in a row. I don't think there's really been days that I only eat 200-400 calories. I'd die! lol.
  • paris458
    paris458 Posts: 229 Member
    I feel the same way. I barely eat my 1200 calories a day and not only do I not lose weight I gain it. I have to not eat carbs just to maintain my current weight. :(
  • lainey486
    lainey486 Posts: 10
    I stayed exactly the same weight for three years. It didn't matter what I ate, or how active or inactive i was. When I started working out in May, I was dismayed by June to see that after all the running, the diet change and so on, and the scale still did not budge. I went in to the doc office for a physical. They found that I was suffering from Hypothyroidism, that explained the (initial) weight gain, I remember I jumped forty pounds so quickly. It explained me being soooo tired, I almost thought I had a sleeping disorder. Been on meds for about a month, and well, the scale is moving, just not quickly, but that is better than it sitting still.
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    you're several hundred below target every day = not eating enough.
  • Moyzilla
    Moyzilla Posts: 106 Member
    Make sure you're eating! You're 6' 3" you're going to be eating more than the average 5'5" girl! You'll also burn a lot more calories just going about your day to day life. (I'm 6' and it's taken me awhile to realize that I just need to eat a little more) Did you eat a lot of fruit and veggies before? Maybe you're bloating a little as you get used to eating more fiber?
  • kiwilass
    kiwilass Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there. I looked at you diary and you are seriously not eating enough. Try to stay away from processed foods and your sugar/sodium and fat levels will come down. Hang in there
  • I guess I'll try eating more. But I've tried that before, and it just never really helped, and usually made me gain weight. Sometimes it's hard to eat more too lol. I find when I'm avoiding bad for you foods with lots of calories, what I end up with doesn't have many, but still fill me up.

    So do I eat past when I'm full? Confusing!!
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    Fruit has a ton of sugar.You should limit your servings and make sure your veggie's are fresh(not canned or carton)I only allow myself 25g of sugar a day(including fruit).
  • Make sure you're eating! You're 6' 3" you're going to be eating more than the average 5'5" girl! You'll also burn a lot more calories just going about your day to day life. (I'm 6' and it's taken me awhile to realize that I just need to eat a little more) Did you eat a lot of fruit and veggies before? Maybe you're bloating a little as you get used to eating more fiber?

    I've always been a fruit fan, but lately have been snacking on them quite a bit more to avoid processed foods. So maybe the extra fiber is the cause. Guess we'll see when my body gets used to being full of fruit and veggies lol.
  • spearson288
    spearson288 Posts: 55 Member
    Take a look at my display picture. I have only lost 7lbs since April but my body is so different, I really didn't notice it in the mirror, but when I compared my pictures from then to now I couldn't believe I was looking at the same body.

    My advice:
    - Take pictures
    - Take measurements of everything!!!! (neck, arms, legs, chest, waist, knee's!! etc.)
    - Eat small meals every 2 1/2 to 3 hours (couple turkey sticks and an apple, greek yogurt with trail mix etc.)
    - Forget the scale

    You can have so many NSV's (non scale victories) without the numbers dropping at all.
  • d4wn66
    d4wn66 Posts: 48
    Hi don't lose heart.
    I've done every diet under the sun, we have a mini gym that I used it 40 to 60 mins aday every day , but the change was always minimal.
    Then I had an accident in March which stoped all exercise for 3 months or so.
    I then joined MTP end of May after putting more weight on ! By this time was able to get out and walk bit and kept to a very stricked 1200 cals .MTP has been a god send. And although exercise very restricted and was still enjoying a couple of glasses a night the weight still came off.
    Then when I thought my knee was doing well , had a massive set back, had surgery 2 weeks ago on my knee and I am virtually on bed rest and doing absolutely nothing. I thought great all that hard Work etc for nothing as I would start to gain weight again etc.
    But guess what I havnt , I am losing weight whilst maintaining 12000 cal intake, I can't believe it !
    I weigh less now than longer than I can remember !
    MTP has got to take credit for it because , as a serial dieter this is the best I have ever done and still enjoy my food and a drink.
    ( do tend to eat things that aid the metabolism )
    So I strongly support the post about not taking in enough calories. It was so tempting to just starve my self whilst I was on bed rest for fear of gaining weight but decided to trust the experts .
    Go on give it ago you got nothing to lose but weight.
    Good luck
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    Fruit has a ton of sugar.You should limit your servings and make sure your veggie's are fresh(not canned or carton)I only allow myself 25g of sugar a day(including fruit).

    Its natural sugar. I eat a big bowl of fruit w/ cottage cheese every night and I've managed to loose 110 lbs.
  • Hi don't lose heart.
    I've done every diet under the sun, we have a mini gym that I used it 40 to 60 mins aday every day , but the change was always minimal.
    Then I had an accident in March which stoped all exercise for 3 months or so.
    I then joined MTP end of May after putting more weight on ! By this time was able to get out and walk bit and kept to a very stricked 1200 cals .MTP has been a god send. And although exercise very restricted and was still enjoying a couple of glasses a night the weight still came off.
    Then when I thought my knee was doing well , had a massive set back, had surgery 2 weeks ago on my knee and I am virtually on bed rest and doing absolutely nothing. I thought great all that hard Work etc for nothing as I would start to gain weight again etc.
    But guess what I havnt , I am losing weight whilst maintaining 12000 cal intake, I can't believe it !
    I weigh less now than longer than I can remember !
    MTP has got to take credit for it because , as a serial dieter this is the best I have ever done and still enjoy my food and a drink.
    ( do tend to eat things that aid the metabolism )
    So I strongly support the post about not taking in enough calories. It was so tempting to just starve my self whilst I was on bed rest for fear of gaining weight but decided to trust the experts .
    Go on give it ago you got nothing to lose but weight.
    Good luck

    But what if I'm just not hungry?? The days that I don't get up to 1200 (or whatever my goal is for the day), it's because i'm just not hungry and I eat until I'm full. It was my understanding that it's bad to eat past when you're full. Is that wrong? I'm going to feel very dumb if it is lol. I'm by no means TRYING to starve myself. If I'm hungry, I eat. I just try to make sure it's something healthy.
  • Fruit has a ton of sugar.You should limit your servings and make sure your veggie's are fresh(not canned or carton)I only allow myself 25g of sugar a day(including fruit).

    Its natural sugar. I eat a big bowl of fruit w/ cottage cheese every night and I've managed to loose 110 lbs.

    That's what I thought! Even though it's got a ton of sugar, I eat a bunch of fruit because it's healthy, and i figure the natural sugars aren't too bad. I hope it's not the fruit killing my progress, because I love my fruit!!
  • daisy8833
    daisy8833 Posts: 2
    Keep up the good work!

    Whenever I'm bloated and it's not because of my cycle it's usually from eating to many carbs (good and bad) as well as a lot of fiber rich food. Just remember if you are eating a lot of fiber rich food you need to up your water intake. Fiber won't move as quickly if there isn't any fluid there to help it move along.

    Also, one thing I learned from using My Fitness Pal is to pay more attention to my sugar and carb intake. I got so fixated on that caloric number that I wan't paying attention to anything else. Even on days when I was just under my calorie goal, my sugar and carb intake was maybe double then what I should be eating. Thus I really haven't noticed the number on the scale go down any. I just recently figured all this out, so from here on out I'm paying a bit more attention to everything :o)

    Good Luck!
  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm 6'1" and find that I look worse when I lose weight for a little while - if I am doing it through calorie restriction and cardio alone. But if I throw in some ab, arm and leg work I suddenly look 1000% better, even after only a couple of days. Give that a go and you may find that some of the sagginess goes away. Good luck!
  • spearson288
    spearson288 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi don't lose heart.
    I've done every diet under the sun, we have a mini gym that I used it 40 to 60 mins aday every day , but the change was always minimal.
    Then I had an accident in March which stoped all exercise for 3 months or so.
    I then joined MTP end of May after putting more weight on ! By this time was able to get out and walk bit and kept to a very stricked 1200 cals .MTP has been a god send. And although exercise very restricted and was still enjoying a couple of glasses a night the weight still came off.
    Then when I thought my knee was doing well , had a massive set back, had surgery 2 weeks ago on my knee and I am virtually on bed rest and doing absolutely nothing. I thought great all that hard Work etc for nothing as I would start to gain weight again etc.
    But guess what I havnt , I am losing weight whilst maintaining 12000 cal intake, I can't believe it !
    I weigh less now than longer than I can remember !
    MTP has got to take credit for it because , as a serial dieter this is the best I have ever done and still enjoy my food and a drink.
    ( do tend to eat things that aid the metabolism )
    So I strongly support the post about not taking in enough calories. It was so tempting to just starve my self whilst I was on bed rest for fear of gaining weight but decided to trust the experts .
    Go on give it ago you got nothing to lose but weight.
    Good luck

    But what if I'm just not hungry?? The days that I don't get up to 1200 (or whatever my goal is for the day), it's because i'm just not hungry and I eat until I'm full. It was my understanding that it's bad to eat past when you're full. Is that wrong? I'm going to feel very dumb if it is lol. I'm by no means TRYING to starve myself. If I'm hungry, I eat. I just try to make sure it's something healthy.

    I think I was in the same situation as you, I literally had to retrain my body. Right now your body knows to be hungry around breakfast, lunch and dinner because that is when it gets its nutrition and then it stores it. You should never "feel hungry". The way I had it explained to me was that when you start to "feel hungry" your body is already starting to use itself for nutrition. Eating every 2-3 hours allows your body to have the resources it needs to feed itself without heading to your muscles. It finally got to the point that I wouldn't need to remind myself to eat every few hours my body did it for me.