In need of C25K support!

Hey everyone. I started C25K 3+ weeks ago, and have been routinely running on M/W/F. I've been overweight my whole life, and have NEVER run a mile without walking. Over the first three weeks, I've been able to do all of the intervals without much problem. Yes, I was winded and thought I might give up, but I kept powering through. Running for three straight minutes during week three was a huge accomplishment for me.

Now I'm on week four, which is 5m warmup, 3m run, 90s walk, 5m run, 2.5m walk, 3m run, 90s walk, 5m run, but when I tried on Monday, I just couldn't do it. I did the first three runs, but when I finished my 90s walk before the last run, I just couldn't start up again. My body was too beat and winded and tired. It killed me inside, because I hit this brick wall. Ive been demotivated, and though I'm going to keep trying, I'm a bit disheartened.

Has anyone else run into similar problems either in week 4, or any other weeks? How did you get through it? How did you get around your brick wall? Any motivation will be greatly appreciated.



  • erika320
    erika320 Posts: 1 Member

    I am not really sure what C23K is, so I hope this response helps. I run outside and for me the weather lately has been brutal. I"m not sure where you are of if you are experiencing anything like the crazy heat/drought we are having near Chicago but it has made running extra hard. I find myself wanting to quit early. I also know that I think my body is very trained to do what I ask it. I routinely run 1.25 miles around a path by my house. I went to a friend's house to run last week and could barely make it a mile. I think it had to do with the conditioning. I've been consistently running that 1.25 miles, but when I tried to do it in a new area, it really kicked my butt.

    I'm not sure if this helps and I think the moral here is to keep going, remember ANY exercise is better than no exercise. But hang in there!

  • nkyjennifer
    nkyjennifer Posts: 135 Member
    You ran for 11 minutes!! Focus on what you've accomplished, not on what you couldn't yet do. :flowerforyou:

    I was stuck in week 2 for weeks. I thought I would never get to the point where I could run for 90 whole seconds. It might take me weeks to get through week 3 now. But that won't stop me. By this fall I WILL be running 5k's!

    You have to give yourself a chance to build up to running more. Keep at it - you'll get there!
  • Kelhulsey72
    Make sure you are hydrated and keep hydrated during your training session no matter how short the workout is, it WILL make a BIG difference on how you feel. It's also important to properly fuel yourself.
    BUT WHATEVER YOU DO....DON'T GIVE UP! We all hit walls, but you will never break through them if you don't keep trying!
    The more you do it the stronger you will get. We all have good and bad days. So forget the bad and keep going for the good. YOU GOT THIS!!!!!! XOX
  • Trajikmajik
    Trajikmajik Posts: 12 Member
    Im on week 5 myself and yea week 4 was not easy. I do Sun/Tues/Thurs and use Sun as my first day of the new interval. I actually stopped on the very last interval but started up again. Took sheer willpower. Did much better on the other two days and it actually got easier. Week 5 aint no picnic either with 5m run, 3m walk, 5m run, 3m walk and 5m run. Good luck and keep on chugging along.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Week 4 is tough! No shame in repeating a day or even a whole week of the program - you are not alone. There's a great group for c25k here:

    Lots of great info and support in there, check it out!
  • ryanbobila
    Thank you all for your motivation and support. I'll post back here tomorrow to let you know how my run goes!
  • jeremycatrett
    jeremycatrett Posts: 16 Member
    i'm in week 7 currently, doing 25 minutes straight. i know that sounds ridiculously far away from where you are at the moment but keep at it. the program works.

    if i could offer one bit of advice...

    i know we are here to lose weight but when you are building up your endurance try to make sure you are properly fueled and hydrated. it makes a TON of difference. that doesn't mean you have to eat more, just time your meals so that they help you get through the hard stuff.

    good luck.
  • ryanbobila
    Everyone...I DID IT! It was too hot to run outside today, and at night, it rained, so I was stuck on a treadmill, but I was able to power through and make it. It's such an accomplishment to be able to run for 5 minutes straight, and to do it twice in one session feels unbelievable.

    Thanks for your motivation and support. You guys rock!
  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 202 Member
    Now I'm on week four, which is 5m warmup, 3m run, 90s walk, 5m run, 2.5m walk, 3m run, 90s walk, 5m run, but when I tried on Monday, I just couldn't do it. I did the first three runs, but when I finished my 90s walk before the last run, I just couldn't start up again. My body was too beat and winded and tired. It killed me inside, because I hit this brick wall. Ive been demotivated, and though I'm going to keep trying, I'm a bit disheartened.

    Has anyone else run into similar problems either in week 4, or any other weeks? How did you get through it? How did you get around your brick wall? Any motivation will be greatly appreciated.

    I started C25k May1st at over 250 pounds. Week 3 I hurt my knee and took 8 days off and restarted. Got back to week 3 and felt like it was a struggle to breathe. Someone advised me to SLOW DOWN. 2 weeks later, after nearling giving up, I heeded their advice and I graduated the C25k program almost 2 weeks ago!!! I am still slow but I can run 2 miles straight... with EFFORT though. I am working on increasing that pace and getting better at form and I am also transitioning to the outdoors. (I did training on treadmill). STICK WITH IT. SLOW DOWN. You CAN do this. I am down to 226 as of July1st!!! Feeling better and better every day!
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Keep plugging away! I'm doing the 5k runner program (similar to c25k, but not exact), and I'm on W5D2 tomorrow. My W5D1 was Monday, and I was nervous. I had to: WU, run 5 minutes, walk 3 minutes, run 6 minutes, walk 3 minutes, run 5 minutes, CD. I owned it though, and it felt AMAZING! Tomorrow I have to WU, run 5 minutes, walk 3 minutes, run 8 minutes, walk 5 minutes, run 5 minutes, CD.

    I have been alternating with what I refer to as my "free run days" where I just do a warm up for 5 minutes and then run as long as I can (Tuesday, I got to 12:55!!!) and then do walk/run intervals in whatever I can handle. Tuesday, I did four more runs of 5 minutes each! I was so stoked. When I first started, I thought I'd die just doing the short runs. lol

    Keep going, and hydrate well each day, and you'll do fine. Repeat a day if you have to. No shame in that. :)
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Didn't do c25k, but as a runner I know that sometimes you just have a bad day. Sometimes it's due to weather, dehydration, not enough food, etc., or sometimes your body just doesn't get into the groove. I'm always disappointed when I have a bad day, but the important thing is that you did SOMETHING instead of staying in bed. Just remember that next time will be better. Good luck!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Everyone...I DID IT! It was too hot to run outside today, and at night, it rained, so I was stuck on a treadmill, but I was able to power through and make it. It's such an accomplishment to be able to run for 5 minutes straight, and to do it twice in one session feels unbelievable.

    Thanks for your motivation and support. You guys rock!
    That's awesome! Well done! :bigsmile:
  • Cheeta_HH
    Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member
    Don't let yourself get discouraged! I think it is normal to get to a point in C25K when you struggle and have to repeat. I think for me it was when I got to the 18 minutes of running. I just could NOT do it without stopping. I repeated that one 8 times before I finally did it. Once I pushed through that wall, I got better.

    I didn't read the responses here, so I may be repeating some of the same advice. Just slow down, take deep breaths, and if you can't do it today, try again tomorrow. You will get there! Also, I'm not sure where you live, but the weather is probably a factor too! This heat wave really throws off everything!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm currently working on the Bridge to 10K. (And just like C25K, I have hit the point where it is getting more difficult for me and I need to start doing some repeat sessions!)

    Good luck!
  • slippymcgee
    You're doing great! Some days are just plain hard. If you're having a hard day, I would suggest slowing down a bit. It really will make a difference. I finished week 9 last week- even though I met my goal, there are still some days where I just have to take it slower. I call those my shuffle days :)