tereced Posts: 46 Member

I need to lose 20 lbs for pregnancy. Any friends out there?


  • Jessloumum
    Jessloumum Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,
    I need to lose 10kgs too. At least to begin with. I have two children and would like to have another, but I want to lose some weight first. I have set myself a 10 week goal. 4 weeks down and almost 3 kgs down. Are you pregnant already to planning to be?
  • KristiBell1
    KristiBell1 Posts: 61 Member
    This is why I started my weight loss journey. I have had 4 failed infertility treatments and now trying to prepare my body for IVF. The more weight I can lose the greater chance I will have at becoming a mom. Good luck on your journey!
  • kait_m83
    kait_m83 Posts: 7 Member
    I already have a 2 yr old but would really like to be fitter the next time around. I'm hoping to lose another 15-20lbs before I have another one:) Add me, I'll give you support for sure. Are you waiting to get pregnant? advised by a doc? just wanting your story so I can encourage you better. I'm not too great on using this site so I'll try and add you too :)
  • kristivahl
    kristivahl Posts: 11 Member
    I lost 10+ lbs last year for my wedding and I actually think I am pretty average weight (although I've put a few back on since then....), but now we are going to start trying for a baby (so excited!!! this will be our first!) and I would love to shed a few more pounds before actually getting pregnant. I've never had big weight fluctuations before - in fact this past year was my first ever real dieting effort - So I'm kind of afraid at how my body will react and respond to the weight gain that goes along with getting pregnant. I'm very fearful that I will put on 30+ pounds and then not ever be able to get back to my current weight! ....anyway - I guess I am just looking for some new friends that are in similar places in their lives, so feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!!!