Weigh yourself often?

How often do you weigh yourself?

Daily, more than once a day - once a week? Do you skip weighing yourself if you think you have gained?

I weigh myself regularly, almost every day, I only though record my weight when I see my nutritionist, which is almost every week presently (it won't be like that forever :)

I know how sad and upset I can get when the scale goes up ,even though there is a reason for it - a glass of wine can add 2 lbs the following day ! Ok, so it does not last, but the mental trigger says - ah well, screw up, there you go....

I want to get a different handle on it, which is why I am interested in what you guys out there do, and how you react to especially a disappointing reading on your scale...


  • nene01pop
    nene01pop Posts: 80 Member
    starting MFP weighing every day... then figured I would go NUTS... so now it's once a week!
  • Trajikmajik
    Trajikmajik Posts: 12 Member
    Once a week - same day and around the same time to be consistent. Weighing daily is counterproductive and is not healthy. Too many variables can cause someone to gain one pound or lose a pound. Pick a day and time and stick to it.
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, but I have a heart condition that requires me knowing if I magically gain 4-5 lbs. overnight. IF so I up my water pill. I only record my weight one day per week.

    After years of this, I have become somewhat better about taking the scale results with a grain of salt when it comes to weight loss progress. Like you said if I were up even slightly for any reason I'd be in a bad mood. If it's drastic 3-5 lbs overnight I know it's nothing to do with weight. I no longer use a scale to judge my success. It just never seems to tell the whole story. For example when I lift weights regularly I will weigh at least 5 lbs more. However my clothes fell more comfortable when I lift on a regular basis. That took a long time for me to get over. I know it sounds completely stupid. the scale is what we use for our measuring stick for success. I have found that if I can feel good in certain pants or jeans I am on program, if those are starting to feel snug, I'm headed in the wrong direction,

    I worked for WW years ago and we were forbidden to weigh a member more than once in any week. I'm sure that is still their policy.

    It is a bad habit being scale dependent, and like any bad habit can be overcome with time and effort. Whichever way you choose just remember sometimes the scale doesn't tell the whole story.
  • 1mrslacey
    1mrslacey Posts: 8
    I weigh myself every morning sometimes every other morning. nut i never go more then 2 days without weighing in.. I was not aware that wine can make you gain 2lbs..
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I weigh daily as part of my morning routine. As far as how I react to the reading - I note daily fluctuations, but understand that they're not true weight/fat gain unless I've snuck in an extra few thousand calories over the last few days....so basically I ignore them, don't sweat it and get on with my day knowing that they'll level out in the next couple/few days.
  • Frelise
    Frelise Posts: 80 Member
    Once a week. (: I wanted to try daily, but like everyone else I found it too discouraging. :P
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    Usually every morning, no matter what weight I might be at. It is a lifelong habit. When I am gaining weight, it is not that I do not realize it is going on ..... I know it day to day. I make no excuses like, "wow, I did not realize what was happening". I DO realize it, cuz I weigh daily.

    Weighing daily is way to face the reality of how I am doing with my weight: good, bad, or otherwise.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i was weighing everyday awfull thing to do!:noway: then moved on to weekly but still cant as my body holds water SOOOOO badly 2 times of the month:mad: on two weekly at mo tring to move to monthly!:wink:
    scales are a weighers worst nightmare they can make or break you!:mad: Keep off for a s long as possible! trust me! :sad:
  • cersela
    cersela Posts: 160 Member
    I weigh myself twice a day (once before a workout and then again after word, because any weight lost during a workout is water weight/dehydration, so I know how much water to drink when I am done) but I only record my weight loss once a week.
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    I weigh in daily. I also take a 10 day average for my official weight. This takes into account the water I retain when I drink a lot or water because it's hot outside, or when I have a long run and am a little dehydrated.

    It is disappointing to look at the scale and say "I've gained a couple of pounds after eating healthy and that hard workout", but with the average, it moves in the direction I'm going anyhow. Two days later, I'll 'lose' 3 pounds and so on. The average keeps me sane and lets me know I'm on the right track.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I weigh myself every day and have learned not to be bothered by the up days. If I was getting sad and upset every time it went up, I would have to stop weighing every day because there's no point in torturing yourself! I gain weight on the scale at least once a week, even if I'm eating and exercising right. Weight loss is not linear, but it's the overall trend that matters. As long as that's going down (or staying the same if you're maintaining) then it doesn't really matter what it says each day. If you can, try and emotionally detach yourself from the number on the scale. It's a useful tool to track your progress, but it's not the only tool, or even the best one. Keep an eye on measurements, how well your clothes fit and take regular photos, and you'll see the bigger picture.

    Alcohol has the opposite effect on me. If I've drunk a lot then even if I've overeaten as well, the scale always shows a loss of a couple of pounds the next morning, presumably due to dehydration. It always goes back up again afterwards.
  • raccooncityangel
    raccooncityangel Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh myself daily because i want to know what sort of effect diet, exercise, and water have on the day to day. It does occasionally get discouraging, but i'm getting over it.
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    Back when I first started losing weight many many years ago I weighed myself 6+ times a day. This random weighing schedule gave me the opportunity to evaluate the best time, for me, to weight to offer the most consistent results. Ultimately I deemed the most reliable time to be straight out of the shower (interestingly not before the shower).

    So I weigh everyday and take pride in the amount I have lost regardless of what the scale tells me that day. I watch for trends and it gives me a lot of data to evaluate what works for me.
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    I weigh once a month. I much prefer to go off what I look like/how my clothes fit and how my fitness levels are improving.
  • vwkauffman
    vwkauffman Posts: 39 Member
    I weigh myself once a week. It's better for me. I was getting annoyed with the daily weigh in; jut not for me. Once a week is much better. I understand that there might be some fluctuation with water, etc., but it's better for my psyche to step on the scale once a week.
  • 57silverfox
    57silverfox Posts: 56 Member
    every morning gives me pos attitude for the day
  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    I weigh myself daily because i want to know what sort of effect diet, exercise, and water have on the day to day. It does occasionally get discouraging, but i'm getting over it.

    ^^^ Same here. Same reason.
  • EvaJ20
    EvaJ20 Posts: 33
    I was only weighing myself once in a while when I felt like the scale would show a good number, but obviously I was not holding myself accountable. Now I weigh myself everyday at the same time. I am DEFINITELY more accountable and have even lost more weight because I know what is working and not working.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I weigh most days so that I can see right away if there is a problem. But, if I were to feel as you do, then I would cut back to once a week. No sense in getting yourself upset over a slight gain.
  • bakz4
    bakz4 Posts: 64 Member
    Everyone has their pwn opinions as to when and how often. Some say once a week, others every couple of days, others yet say once a week. Personally and since I use a digital scale, even the amount of clothes you wear will vary by tenths of a pound, so I keep it as routine as possible. I weigh myself every day....before morning coffee, breakfast, etc...My first-thing-in-the-morning weigh in takes place as soon as I get out of bed and after using the toilet while wearing only my underwear. I feel that gives me the most consistent information and it's at about the same time every day.