Jump rope workouts?

GZinSea Posts: 50 Member
Hi all,

I've been hearing a little bit about the benefits of jumping rope, but I'm still not sure about the impact on knees or lower back as you really get into it. Also, as someone who works out in a gym frequently, how do you fit in jumping rope into your workout? Isn't the rope always sort of in the way? Do you do the jump rope part in intervals throughout the workout?

it sounds like a good addition from what i know but I don't know how to make it work without being too jerky to other gym members.



  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    Jumping rope is seen commonly in boxing.

    Maybe there are some jump rope workouts on youtube? Depending on where you live there might be a jump rope group you can join?

    Not sure about doing it in the gym - it wears holes in carpets and it's hard for people to manoeuver around a jumper.
  • Frelise
    Frelise Posts: 80 Member
    I started to jump rope at the gym about a week ago. (: It burns quite a bit of calories, and it's surprisingly fun! I'm not sure about the risks, but I'm sure it's no worse than running. I do it at the end of my work-out, though doing it in intervals would probably work even better - that way you don't die from overdoing it in one go, haha. I can only jump about 200 times (taking mini breathers in between) before I have to stop.

    I'm not sure what you mean by the rope being in the way. ^^ Most gyms should have a separate room for classes (yoga, boxing, dancing, whatever) that you have plenty of room to do it in. But you should totally give it a shot! Let us know if you do and how you like it!
  • sera799
    sera799 Posts: 9
    I use the jump rope every week I love it! As a warm up to kickboxing we do 3minute sets 4 times with 1minute rest inbetween. I do these same sets at home, I go onto the back patio of my house and skip for 30-40mins, (3min sets) It's great, it builds strength in your calves but it's also a good all round workout. I used to do it on the situps mat at the gym when I was a member but I like doing it at home now, what's the need to go to the gym just to use your jump rope! Once you get confident with skipping, you find you mix up your workouts with it, high knees, double skips etc.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    jump rope can either be high impact or low impact depending on your technique. ideally you should only be getting about 3 inches off the ground when you jump and always land on the balls of your feet. also you can further minimize impact by sticking exclusively to jumps that involve alternating legs, not both landing at the same time.
  • cartmail
    cartmail Posts: 36 Member
    I use one at home as I don't have the time/money for the gym. I find doing small burst in between other exercises works best for me coz on a good day I can reach 250 jumps but mostly round 150 before I need to stop.
  • GroverBlue78
    GroverBlue78 Posts: 97 Member
    I include rope jumping into my weight routines and make it a circuit. I jump 2 min as a warm up, do an exercise and then hit the rope again for 2 minutes (and repeat exercise, jump, until my weight workout it done). I know in actual circuit training the idea is to keep your heart rate up, but as I am just starting out so I don't power through the exercises. I am working up to that.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i jump rope for a few minutes as part of my warm up.
  • poledancing_ninja
    Do you have mats on the floor at your gym? If you jump on one of those you'll have space not to whip people in the face (which has happened to me before!) and not wear holes in the carpet lol
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I don't use a jump rope at the gym. I use my own (you're not allowed to bring your own equipment to our gym) rather than their crappy rope, and I do my jump rope outdoors, either alone or as part of a suspension trainer circuit using my CrossCore 180.
  • GZinSea
    GZinSea Posts: 50 Member
    thats my big fear, whipping others in the face at the gym! ugh