Help breaking the diet soda habit



  • DreamSM85
    DreamSM85 Posts: 38 Member

    I think I'm going to join you and slowly cut out diet soda! I think I will do 1 soda a day for 2 weeks then try every other day for another 2 weeks. So, hopefully in a month I will stick to Water! I drink 1 cup hot tea in the morning but I think I'm going to keep that...less chemicals at least.

    Good luck!

  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    I went cold turkey on the diet soda. I felt like when I drank it, I was sabotaging my diet. It made me crave sweets and junk all the time. I never felt full after eating meals and I think sipping on the soda all day had something to do with that, too. It has made my teeth sensitive and my stomach would hurt. It's just bad for your body. I drink water now... no artificially sweetened water either. Yeah, it's boring so I chew gum when I need some flavor in my mouth. :flowerforyou: Good luck to all of you who want to quit!
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    Let me start by saying that I love Diet Coke. Having said that....I had a can in my fridge, and decided to treat myself last night. I have all but eliminated DC from my life...and I really did not enjoy it. Didn't even finish the full 12 ounces...and used to almost chug a 20 ounce bottle without batting an eye.

    I was rather surprised...but not entirely sorry about it. I know it contains some chemicals that I can do without-but now that I am really watching my overall intake, it seemed like a liveable vice. Guess not so much anymore. Yeah, I drink lots of water...and some days that can be a real drag....

    Hope this helps....onward we go!
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    It wasn't terribly hard for me because I LOVE seltzer water (I know most people think its nasty). I mixed diet with seltzer and little by little it became all seltzer. Havent had soda since November. I don't miss it at all.
  • TXCC
    TXCC Posts: 56
    It has taken me a long time to break the diet soda habit. I try to drink all of my water before I allow myself to have a diet soda. I also stopped buying it and don't keep it at the house. Now I have a diet soda about once every 3 or 4 months if I go out to eat. I find that I don't really like them as much anymore.
  • kenyajae
    kenyajae Posts: 48
    Ok we all know soda diet or otherwise is bad for you. all the empty calories, all the chemicals, no nutritional value....caffeine, wonderful & evil :devil: Caffeine... Yet I have just like so many have consumed enough in my life to drown an elephant.:noway: I tried to quit drinking it about 6 months ago &through terrible headaches & withdrawls I managed to cut back, but I didnt completely quit....

    So now I am here to say Im going cold turkey, with my trusty bottle of Advil in hand.:drinker:

    Just wondering how you're doing with this. I'm another week in, and I haven't had a diet soda, so about 2 weeks now. I still completely hate it when I hear someone in the office open up a can.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I went with fresh brewed green tea over ice as well as lemon juice and water.
    It's took some time, and after a month, the cravings ceased.
    And more than that, I just developed a dislike for soda.
    Sometimes when I went out, I'd have a "diet" soda, and they tasted horrible.
    Other times I would order a sweetened soda, and it tasted like drinking syrup.

    I could never go back to either.
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    I joined the diet drink war this week. My advice is have some fruit on hand, watermelon, grapes, etc. That's what has helped me. And for the headaches.... i don't have them.... i still have one cup of coffee in the morning. :( It will get better but you just have to make a habit out of choosing water over the soda. Hope this helps!
  • I lived on Diet Pepsi and giving it up was hard. I did it slowing cutting it down bit by bit to avoid the headaches. I hated drinking water too so replacing soda with water? blehhh but I did it. I've been off soda now since Christmas. I drink water with every meal even in restaurants.
  • emilynyman00
    emilynyman00 Posts: 25 Member
    This is what i did, i cut my soda down to 7 a week, one per day for 2 weeks, not getting any soda from a fast food restraunt, or even a sit in, always water, just me and the can.
    Then after a while you cut it down to 5, then you choose 5 days a week ( mon - fri for me )
    Then cut down to 3. Any days
    Then down to one. the day you need it most

    then. bam! No more soda, drink alot of water when you normally drink soda, also try drinking tea instead, its healthy and alot of time, not cals! And it still has caffeine but way less and it good for you with everything in it
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I quit again.

    We have free fountain soda at work in both Pepsi and Coke products so it is tempting.

    I go through spurts of stopping and starting the bad habit. I find it best to go cold turkey.

    The thirst part goes away. I feel like that is more of the craving part kicking in than real thirst. I really know what you are talking about.

    I can't cut back to quit, I have to go cold turkey. Just sipping on it, makes me crave it all that much more.

    I am currently on a water only kick and feel so much better.
  • I decided to quit about three weeks ago...It is VERY bad for you. I'd say maybe treat yourself to a small bottle or can once a week, but other than that, the stuff is nasty (once you realise what the chemicals can do to you)....Read this link, I guarantee if you care about your health & future you will be only too happy to quit with no cravings or longings. ~ If it doesn't show up as a clickable link, plz copy & paste into your address bar..V informative..xo
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member