Weigh yourself often?



  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    starting MFP weighing every day... then figured I would go NUTS... so now it's once a week!

    Thats me too ^ ... :flowerforyou:

    I used to weigh every day.. and drove myself mad..

    I HONESTLY think it often made me 'Give up' (again and again!!) .. because each time I saw it hadn't moved.. or had gone UP (at all!).. It would make me think.. 'Well.. thats the point in all this effort then????' ... Off to KFC.. McDonalds.. (wherever).. sabotage.. *rollseyes* ...

    and back the weight would start to go.

    Now.. THIS TIME.. I am doing it differently.. I am weighing once and week, and thats IT!!! .. (at least that way... IFFF it went up.. I would only panic (and stuff my face) on that one day.. and not 4-5 times a week!)

    But also because now.. I try instead of concentrating what COULD be happening on the scale .. I try instead to concentrate on HOW to burn more calories.. (even extra little walks, parking further away etc etc.. <as well as REAL exercise>) ...

    and trying to concentrate on what HEALTHY (or more healthy) foods I can eat, what meals I can customised and create that are better for me, (in cals, carb, protein, sugar)

    I WANT to weigh.. but nope.. no more. Once a week and thats it. :wink:
  • MichelleSwinehart
    Once a week, same day of the week (Friday) and as soon as I get up in the morning.
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    Oh.. also.. I didn't this month.. and won't ever again.. Weigh myself when 'Weighing' falls around TOM ..

    I dont want to see it go up.. I know it does, and I don't want to see it.. NO DISHEARTENING HERE!! :smokin:

    Those weeks, I will save myself the doubt and 'downy' .. and NOT weigh then.
  • jasminecandle
    I find myself getting on the scale multiple times per day. It's quite an addiction, actually.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    When I started on MFP I didn't even own a set of bathroom scales and had no idea of how heavy I was apart for the obvious fact of my large, rotund shape.

    For the first few months I weighed myself weekly and recorded that weight once a week in MFP.

    Since the start of this year I've weighed myself daily and I record that weight and update MFP as and when changes occur, both gains and losses. I also measure my neck, chest and waist once a month and I usually take some progress photos at the same time.

    I don't get upset (too much) by fluctuations in my weight and I can relate the gains and losses to particular behaviour, although I can also see that it sometimes takes a few days for a change to happen and sometimes I settle and don't see any movement at all.

    But it's early days yet and I've not had a chance for a full analysis of my diet/exercise/weight.
  • charlena48
    charlena48 Posts: 192 Member
    Twice a week. I weigh in mid-week to make sure I'm on track and on Monday. I used to weight in on the weekend and was not seeing the full results. I bumped my primary weigh in to Monday's when I noticed a difference - consistent weight loss.
  • dickster1961
    dickster1961 Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh myself daily every morning. As long as I stay under or at my daily calorie goal I do not worry or stress if I see the weight go up a half pound or pound as I understand there can be fluctuations daily. Sometimes, I even weigh myself just before going to bed. I know I am a couple pounds heavier at that time than I will be in the morning, so I use it as a guide as to how successful a day I had.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    I weigh daily as part of my morning routine. As far as how I react to the reading - I note daily fluctuations, but understand that they're not true weight/fat gain unless I've snuck in an extra few thousand calories over the last few days....so basically I ignore them, don't sweat it and get on with my day knowing that they'll level out in the next couple/few days.

    this. I know how fluctuations work and know if I eat on plan, they go away quickly. even really overeating in a day is insignificant as long as it doesn't happen too frequently.

    If it makes you depressed, don't weigh everyday.
  • thrudhammer
    thrudhammer Posts: 19 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and record the results. For me, weight loss is about breaking old habits and setting new ones and I need to keep my daily rhythm as constant as possible. With all the things I've changed - when I eat, what I eat, how I eat, etc., a morning weigh-in helps me focus at the start of each day. On the days when I'm up a bit, it helps me to think of my chart not as a bumpy slide but as a meandering path leading me towards a goal.

    If you gain two pounds from a glass of wine, you need to pour a smaller glass. :smile:
  • Bean615
    Bean615 Posts: 132 Member
    i was weighing myself every day but i drove myself crazy so now once a week
  • beautyofthedark
    beautyofthedark Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh once a month. I much prefer to go off what I look like/how my clothes fit and how my fitness levels are improving.

    I second this. I threw the scale out about a month ago. For me I would start eating right & exercising and the first week I would lose 5lbs just from cutting back on sodium & carbs. I knew it was just water weight but it still made the scale move. Then I would weigh myself the second week and I wouldn't lose any. I would immediately get discouraged and go back to my unhealthy ways. This happened more times than it should have and I finally got fed up & threw away my scale. Now I only weigh myself once a month at the local Y.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and record the results. For me, weight loss is about breaking old habits and setting new ones and I need to keep my daily rhythm as constant as possible. With all the things I've changed - when I eat, what I eat, how I eat, etc., a morning weigh-in helps me focus at the start of each day. On the days when I'm up a bit, it helps me to think of my chart not as a bumpy slide but as a meandering path leading me towards a goal.

    If you gain two pounds from a glass of wine, you need to pour a smaller glass. :smile:

    If you gain two pounds from a glass of wine you need to see a doctor because your body is screwed ;)
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    I TRY to weigh myself every Monday morning but sometimes i'll take a peek. It got frustrating for me because i wasn't seeing IMMEDIATE results and I knew I was working my butt off. For now I'm paying more attention to the inches I'm loosing compared to just the weight loss.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    Once a week. I don't own a set of scales so I go to the local pharmacy and use their scales, where I can also check body fat % as well.

    I would like to weight daily (and even several times a day) to track the numbers and see how my body fluctuates day to day, but then I'm a nerd. I most certainly wouldn't take those figures to heart or let them worry me.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    I try to keep it to once a week, same day, same time of day each week. But, if I get up on any given day and just feel . . . thinner . . . I weigh myself. And usually, I'll be down a pound or two, which is motivating for me. If I ever feel bloated or heavier, I may not even weigh if it's my normal day to weigh. I'll increase my water intake for a couple of days and then weigh. Works for me.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. There's nothing quite like anticipation after waking up, peeing, jumping on the scale and waiting for the numbers to appear! It's an emotional rollercoaster and my mood will fluctuate as the scale does, even though it's only a pound or two. But everytime I'm ready to cash in the chips, I'll get a loss I can post here. I'm hopelessly addicted.....but I'd rather be addicted to that than Krispy Kremes. Gladly, I'm only 13lbs away from my goal weight of 175....I want to be able to get on a scale at anytime of day and never weigh more than 180. My daily addiction to the scale will allow me to stay on top of things and adjust my diet as needed.
  • Angelsrose12
    Angelsrose12 Posts: 37 Member
    I find myself getting on the scale multiple times per day. It's quite an addiction, actually.

    Me too, unfortunately. I have found that if I weigh myself first thing in the morning, I weigh more than I do a couple hours in, regardless of if I have eaten breakfast, unless it is a big meal. I know I shouldn't and I only record it once a week. But I find I can't help it. Maybe my husband should hide the scale except on Fridays....;)
  • Tann19
    Tann19 Posts: 94 Member
    everyone is different, but for me weighing daily first thing in the morning works.
    Fluctuations don't bother me, I like to know whats going on. I measure inches monthly.
    Consistency keeps me accountable and aware. It's the same with working out, have to do it just about everyday or I won't keep it up.

    It's all about doing what works best for you!
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    When I first started, when the weight was coming off quickly, I'd weigh myself all the time. I'd hop on the scale and cheer at it (because that works).

    However, I was driving myself crazy. As the weight loss slowed down (if only it were healthy to keep the "faster" trend when you first start!), I settled into a routine. I weigh myself once in the morning and that's it. I got the FitBit Aria scale and now when I look at my weight, I really am not looking at the overall pounds, but at the percentage of fat versus lean. This helps me to calculate a truly measurable and *reasonable* ultimate goal. And so what I look for now is that little line of "lean muscle" and whether it goes up or down.

    Sometimes... I totally cheat and hop on the scale at other times during the day. I'm always disappointed and left feeling vaguely unhappy. Kind of like the times when I overindulged in stuff I knew I shouldn't have.

    As my lifestyle has changed, so too has my scale dependence changed.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I still want that hooker to tell me I've lost weight!!!

    (I maybe still cheer at it when it's been good to me, too...)
  • nickyskins
    nickyskins Posts: 100 Member
    i weigh myself first thing in the morning. Never weigh yourself after a workout because ur body tends to retain water after a workout and the scale will be a few pounds higher then it really should.