Why did I jump up a pound?



  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Also, OP, get some perspective.

    It's fine. It will go away. Relax and stop micromanaging.

    Good job on sticking with it!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Keep in mind that muscle weighs 3x as much as fat.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (it was a joke wasn't it? If it wasn't, for the record, muscles is about 20% denser than fat not 3 x)

    To the OP, don't weigh yourself every day. Just for fun I weighed myself the morning of a 40km hard bike ride and the morning after and had "gained" 5lbs after recording what was close to a 1,000 calorie deficit the day of the ride (500 more than normal as I didn't eat back all of my exercise calories) which was just about what I expected as my muscles would have been retaining water.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    I find if I eat mostly the same foods and am sticking solidly to my diet plan, that I don't see much variation weighing daily, but the second I introduce a new drink, food, a few extra calories than normal, it's all over the board for a few days.

    A pound doesn't mean squat. Could be anything. What you're doing is obviously working so stick to it and the phantom poop pound will come and go.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    Keep in mind that muscle weighs 3x as much as fat.

    No, a pound is a pound is a pound regardless of its content. Now, 1 pound of muscle takes up less VOLUME then a pound of fat.

  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    This may sound silly, but I'm concerned.... I have been under my calorie goal every day for the past 10 days that I have been on MFP. I have lost 4 pounds. I have been exercising twice a day (at least 2 hours of cardio and some light weights the past few days). I got on the scale this morning and I was up a pound. I make the mistake, I guess, of getting on the scale every morning to check my weight. What could be happening?

    Weight same time once a week, hide scales inbetween, i used weigh myself everyday. in the friday i weighed, sunday had sneaky look and looked like i gained 2lb by the friday i had lost 2lb from my original weigh in 7 days on...
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    before or after you took a poo?
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    Keep in mind that muscle weighs 3x as much as fat.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (it was a joke wasn't it?)

    To the OP, don't weigh yourself every day. Just for fun I weighed myself the morning of a 40km hard bike ride and the morning after and had "gained" 5lbs after recording what was close to a 1,000 calorie deficit the day of the ride (500 more than normal as I didn't eat back all of my exercise calories) which was just about what I expected as my muscles would have been retaining water.

    Seconded. On the weekends when I workout really hard and spend all day doing yardwork and sweating I am usually running a total 1,000 - 2,000 calorie deficit. For the next few days, I will gain between 5 - 6 lbs of water weight after replacing the lost water. But then a few days later, it all comes off and I end up weighing less. So relax, as long as your eating right and keeping up with your exercise, it will come off!
  • iwannatri
    iwannatri Posts: 5 Member
    I have boobs & a brain, so I always subtract 5lbs when I weigh....LOL
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Keep in mind that muscle weighs 3x as much as fat.
    I cannot agree with this and I hate when people say muscle weighs more than fat. 1 lb of fat still weighs the same as 1 lb of muscle. Same as feathers, rocks, etc, etc. It's the amount of space that each takes up that is the difference. 1 lb of muscle looks better than 1 lb of fat but the actual weight on the scale is still 1 lb.

    Sorry, I digress but that annoys me when people say that.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    OP, wanted to make one more point since I didn't see this mentioned...(sorry if I missed it)

    Not sure if you're new at exercise or have started doing something different lately, it was hard to tell from your post. While, from what I understand, it's pretty much impossible to gain muscle while on a calorie deficit, your muscles may be swollen because of an introduction/increase in activity. Think of it like when you sprain your ankle - the injury causes fluid retention/swelling in that area, right? Well, the same thing happens when you use your muscles in new/different ways. Small tears are made and this causes the muscle fibers to retain water as part of the healing process. The swelling's not very noticable visibly but the extra fluid may show as a gain on the scale.

    Pretty much any increase, if not related to calories, is related to water retention in some way shape or form. Or waste, as some have mentioned.

    Put it this way, this past weekend, I was completely inactive and lost a pound. Once I got back to the gym, I was up a pound. It's also TOM for me though so could be that too - damn hormones! :)
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member

    You will drive yourself crazy wieghing yourself every day as food and water will cause flucations. Weight yourself and take inch measurements once a week on the same day and same time of day. Bodies are environments with lots of variables and sometimes this will happen :)

    Also, make sure you're not undereating. You want to pretty much at your calorie goal, eating back much of your exercise cals. On top of that, you may be overtraining. 2 hours of cardio plus weights every day sounds a lot like overtraining which, like undereating, will cause your body to greedily hang on to fat for dear life. Cool it :) This should be enjoyable and not eat up your entire life. 1.5 h work outs 5-6 days a week is recommended by any fitness/fat loss mag out there. Using a combo of cardio and strength training depending on your goals.

    Getting fit and losing weight isn't easy. You may benefit from reading up and educating yourself so you don't do things like under eat and over train. Pick up a copy of Fitness Px Women, Oxygen (my fav), or Women's Fitness, Runners World if you love cardio. Shape is okay for beginners but it's loaded with make up and fashion.

    Don't get discouraged :)
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    Sorry have I misunderstood your OP? You've been doing MFP for 10 days and in that time have lost 4lbs is that right?

    Your rogue lb is one of these things: Water weight. Time of the month. Something you ate yesterday. Something you ate today. The time of day you weighed yourself. Natural fluctuation. Not been to the bathroom yet...

    Seriously. It's nothing.