Need helpful friends

Hi I'm looking for friends to encourage me in my diet I have lost almost 80 lbs but now its hard to lose more. If any one can please give me some idea or thoughts that can help me I would greatly appreciate it :0)


  • lisasch67
    lisasch67 Posts: 135 Member
    First, congratulations on your weight loss, that is amazing!!! I am not sure what the best route is to help you lose more... sometimes the body needs a jolt, maybe add more strength training or cardio depending on what you do more of now. Or change up your diet a bit. Sometimes INCREASING your calories help. Anyway, I am sending a friend request cuz I could always use more friends on here.
  • natpalit
    natpalit Posts: 113 Member

    It would be good if you opened up your diary, so people could comment on what you're eating. Feel free to add me.
  • jenypri
    jenypri Posts: 46
    Good morning Alexis!
    You are one ROCK STAR, 80lbs!!! look at you go. Nothing is worse than hitting your plateau, however its all about stepping it up another notch. Try circuit training, holy geez will that knock you on your bottom! I am currently battling my plateau as well.
    Feel free to consider me one of your cheerleaders!!