


  • jjmnet
    jjmnet Posts: 110
    I have a friend and sister-in-law that stay up late, so I call them to chat about their day - no one can eat chips over the phone and get away with it! It works to get my mind off food.....another thing I do is send a text or two to my husband who works nights, I know it's a distraction, but again it works for me :)
  • PinkyFran
    PinkyFran Posts: 54
    I am eating wheat thins candy bars ice cream. Any kind of junk food I can find. This is horrible. I do awesome during the day and then that happens. I think that I am going to try brushing my teeth and going to bed. That might work. I hate how things taste after I brush LOL.

    get all those things out of your reach/way/house!.....i find to stop the sweet cravings, sugar free jelly( or sweet jello for u.s.a?) and strawberries...i eat a lot of strawberries but it cures that sweet craving! and i dont have anything snacky in the house extra than exactly what i need for my calories ....u can do it!
  • HelenSwithenbank
    HelenSwithenbank Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem with cravings.... I have half a tub of fat free cottage cheese with a scoop of whey protein, sweetener and lemon juice for taste and 100g of mixed frozen berries.. fills the GAP!
  • WhatDoesLisa
    WhatDoesLisa Posts: 214
    This is my coping mechanism. I have to have 100 calories packs of a sweet and a salty snack in my house. I know that I am going to eat something after dinner so I decide on sweet or salty and have the snack. Those calories are factored into my plan so I am not doing any damage. Also, I know what I can't have in my house or I will binge and that is peanut butter and hummus.

    My snacks are Skinny Pop 100 calories bags, Pop Chips 100 calories bags and for sweets, either a single piece of dark chocolate or I cut Kind bars in half and only eat one half. Store the Kind bars in the fridge, they are harder to eat when cold!

    I don't know about anyone else but knowing I have a treat in the house makes me calm down and think LESS about food.
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    I use sunflower seeds when that happens. 2/3 of a cup run me about 190 calories but it takes me so long to crack through them that I normally find that I don't eat them all before bed. They really curb that need to munch.
  • Catiec76
    Catiec76 Posts: 55 Member
    Sunflower seeds good ides. What do you think about pistachios?
  • lil_pixie
    lil_pixie Posts: 48
    I have the same problem. My husband often works nights so we eat early then he goes out at 7 and i'm alone the rest of the night and found myself picking and snacking. Now I've taken up knitting which i can do whilst watching TV or listening to music, but it keeps my hands busy and because I'm concentrating on that I'm not thinking of my cravings. It's working really well and my friends love it as I'm making cute cardigans/jumpers for their kids. :)
  • Sappy320
    Sappy320 Posts: 77 Member
    I do the same exact thing, which I think is mostly due to habit. But, i have found that I can curb those cravings by substituting. If I can potato chips, I eat the Mt. Olive pickle snackers, because I want the salt. If i want something sweet or choclate, I eat a square of really dark choclate. It's all about training yourself to find a satisfying alternative. (even though, there really isn't one for ice cream lol) And even if you feel hungary, you might really just be thirsty, so drink a big glass of water.
  • I have cravings, I think we all do. I will some times give in. I count the calories than later usually realize maybe it wasn't worth it. I had strawberry shortcake last week and it really did not hurt me at all. I just counted the calories and went on. If we don't give in once in a while we will go off completely. I was told that and it really is true.
  • mulcahya
    mulcahya Posts: 82 Member
    Similar problem!

    I usually try to reserve a lot of calories for night-time, as I prefer to eat at night rather than during the day (or rather, I'm not as good at resisting cravings at night!).

    I recently found a recipe for double chocolate cookies which are 51 cals per cookie. They are small cookies (a few bites) but flavour is great and they fill me up! The recipe is on my blog :) Add me if you'd like!

    Tonight I had terrible cravings so I had a small turkey burger (homemade - turkey mince, parsley, onion) in one slice of wholemeal bread. The protein helped me feel fuller but it's also something I enjoy, so it seemed like a treat! I also had 3 of my double chocolate cookies, making sure I kept under my calorie goal.

    I suggest maybe have ready some food you enjoy that can fit with your calorie goal - a protein based one as well as a sweet one for when you're really craving sweets! Also - drink more water. Even if you decide to have a snack, make sure you drink water before and during. Helps fill you up!
  • lsm0509
    lsm0509 Posts: 19 Member
    I've heard that cinnamon is supposed to kick the sugar craving. Maybe try some plain greek yogurt sweetened with a little honey and cinnamon?
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Okay I've had this problem for almost 6 months straight....Then I changed my diet to much higher fat and lowered all my refined carbs (under 120g) and continued to eat the high protein that I do (100-120g) and my cravings have completely stopped for over a week..SO WEIRD but I know its the carb/fat combination because I've done everything... nuts, cinnamon, coffee, blah blah it didn't work for me...So just try upping your fats some :D
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    Only thing that has helped me lately has been dark chocolate chunks with 62% cacao. I keep them in the freezer and have a few after dinner. Probably not the healthiest thing in the world, but I save some cals for them and don't overeat them like I do other sweets. After a few, I'm totally done.
  • kashmyre
    kashmyre Posts: 105 Member
    After dinner I always want a snack. My son always has a "dessert" so we make sure to have low calorie and healthy choices in the house. The Kashi Granola bars (peanutty fudge ones are awesome!). We always have dried fruit which can be a little high calorie speaking but really good nutrients. Make sure to double check the ingredients and make sure they don't use sugar. The Costco Cherries and Mango are little bits of heaven and totally cure a sweet tooth. We also have freeze dried fruit which can be 100 calories for a WHOLE bag. I recommend the apples and cinnamon. Yummy. Lastly, if we want a bit of ice cream, the Popsicle brand Fudgesicle are only 40 calories (10 if you get the sugar free) and are wonderful.

    Hope any of this helps and good luck!
  • Shajadea
    Shajadea Posts: 57 Member
    Sounds like there are a lot of us with this same issue! :) I like to eat at night, too. I also happen to not be into breakfast most mornings so I will just have a cup of coffee or tea and some fruit. I try to keep lunch around 500 or so calories and then in the evening I can eat a full and satisfying meal and have a snack!

    For me, it's also true that I have to give into cravings. I have not denied myself anything reasonable in the last few months. I just keep it within my calorie goal and the weight is coming off.
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    I haven't tried pisatchios yet. I think it would work the same way, the harder you have to work for your snack the more you enjoy it and the less you eat of it LOL at least that is how it works for me :)