When I skip my workout I feel...

...just plain guilty. I know that it's ok to rest for just one day, and I was feeling really "off". So, I ditched my run and moved it to today...I'm raring to go for today, but feeling pretty bad about not doing it yesterday. :frown:


  • abbie72003
    abbie72003 Posts: 57 Member
    I feel the exact same way when I skip my workouts. Sometimes your body needs the break though, so don't beat yourself up. Today's a new day and you'll probably push yourself harder today on your run and feel fantastic afterwards (at least that's what happens with me).:smile:
  • Rambo313
    Rambo313 Posts: 179 Member
    I feel grouchy and lazy! But like Abbie said your body needs a break and is probably thanking you for the rest! You will KILL your run today watch and see :)
  • erin023
    erin023 Posts: 123 Member
    Disappointed in myself and it makes me lose all motivation.
  • watters87
    watters87 Posts: 48 Member
    It depends on the reason for skipping. If it's because I'm really aching / tired from several hard workouts, then I quite enjoy the rest. If it's because I was being lazy and couldn't get out of bed, then I feel guilty and grumpy all day!

    Sometimes it's a good thing though, reminds you why you usually make the effort.
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Tired and crabby! Nothing clears my mind and energizes me like a good run.
  • Munchkinated
    Guilty, lazy & moody.
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    Guilty and depressed
  • ShawnaPE
    ShawnaPE Posts: 14
    like something is missing from my day. I feel as though something hasn't been accomplished that needs to be done.
  • definitelyval
    definitelyval Posts: 104 Member
    like something is missing from my day. I feel as though something hasn't been accomplished that needs to be done.

    Exactly! I almost couldn't sleep last night because I felt like I had left something undone. Not going to go through this again!
  • duetwithjosh
    duetwithjosh Posts: 121
    ..sore! I usually only skip my workouts if I need an extra recovery day.
  • Afrikangirl
    Afrikangirl Posts: 54 Member
    Like I am losing ground....because the way my body is right now...it wants to re-gain weight the instant there is a break in the action. I have to defend my ground.
  • Toxictwist
    Toxictwist Posts: 274
    Guilty, lazy & moody.

  • peacheznlace
    peacheznlace Posts: 23 Member
    Definitely guilty. But on days where I'm just too pooped I don't think much about it.
  • definitelyval
    definitelyval Posts: 104 Member
    Like I am losing ground....because the way my body is right now...it wants to re-gain weight the instant there is a break in the action. I have to defend my ground.

    OMG, YES!!!!! That sums up how I feel PERFECTLY! MUST.DEFEND.MY.GROUND!!!
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    I feel agitated and fidgety. Even on rest days I will take my dog for a mile long walk just so I can feel like I had a chance to get out and move.
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    If it's scheduled, like an off day from the gym, then I don't feel too bad, just ansty. If it is because of other peoples' problems (I'm a sergeant in the Army, so that happens a lot), then I feel cheated and mad. If it's because I'm lazy, then I will feel super guilty later!
  • datikihut21
    datikihut21 Posts: 43 Member
    Definitely feel a combination of guilty and antsy. I hurt my ankle a couple days ago and have been doing my usual 4 mile runs on it anyway. I know I'm making it worse, but I need to keep going for my sanity.
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 309 Member
    It depends on my reason for skipping. If I've injured myself in anyway, then I'm ok with skipping until I can get back into it. But if I skip jut because I'm being lazy or just don't wanna do it, then I feel majorly guilty and feel like crap. I am so used to working out daily, that I feel like something is missing if I skip a workout.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    I wish I had this problem.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    blobish actually. I don't feel guilty because I take planned "off" days, but when I don't exercise I feel like a blob just sitting around all day (for work and then at home at night). I also can't eat as much, so that sucks...