Excellent Article on "Fitness Bullying"



  • We can only be bullied if we allow it, in my oppinion. block them, Ignore them, don't comment, etc. I had an idiot doing that to me on FB. What did I do? All I would do is type "hahahahahahahahaha!" everytime he made a stupid comment. This went on for about three days and guess what? He stopped commenting about anything! He left! LOL
  • TrishaGuy
    TrishaGuy Posts: 63
    I just do my own thing. Anyone who bullies someone else is showing a lack of maturity for sure and they just look foolish to me. I don't really care what anyone says ....I am 53 years old though and way past giving a darn about other peoples negative opinions. If you have something constructive to say I am all ears (old dog can learn new tricks) so help me out :) . After all we are all trying to improve our health and have strong bodies so lets just play nice :)
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    Thanks for this article. She's so right! Everyone should do what they have fun doing. I love my Zumba classes for cardio and I love my strength training classes at the gym. If it were solely up to me, I wouldn't have the motivation to do all those weights and body weight exercise by myself. I can't afford a personal trainer either. So I'm glad I go to a strength training class where the instructor yells her head off and gets people to do all the exercises with her. And you know what? I'm actually starting to see the beginnings of my dream body! Weight loss, definition and endurance! So b***s to the 2 people I didn't even know at the gym who laughed at me for attending a strength training class when I should have been in the weight room with them.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    great article. thanks!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I see the judging all the time at the gym, and people don't seem to understand that everyone has a different exercise schedule.. sure you maybe doing deadlift and the guy might be doing bicep curls.. but how do you know he didn't deadlift yesterday? Everyone jumps to conclusions or makes fun of people cause they want to think they are doing the right thing..
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    There's idiots everywhere! I'm glad people at my gym are awesome and very friendly and supportive. Everyone has their own pace, way of doing things.. I really cant understand stuff like that, very sad. :frown:
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    I see the judging all the time at the gym, and people don't seem to understand that everyone has a different exercise schedule.. sure you maybe doing deadlift and the guy might be doing bicep curls.. but how do you know he didn't deadlift yesterday? Everyone jumps to conclusions or makes fun of people cause they want to think they are doing the right thing..

    So true. I heard someone the other day making fun of this one lady who regularly attends zumba classes. They were saying something about her being the cardio queen. I know for a fact that she does a lot of strength training. Just because they hadn't seen it, they jumped to a stupid conclusion. Any anyway, what someone else does at the gym is none of your business right? I just don't understand people that judge other people's exercises. How does it matter?
  • MisScorpio
    MisScorpio Posts: 39
    Funny, people judge me if i skip a work out but then when i do work out, they yell that i work out too hard.... i only worry about me
  • y0mbo
    y0mbo Posts: 43 Member
    It's still ok to make fun of Shake Weights, isn't it?!

    Yes, yes it is.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Great article. She brings up a lot of good points. I find myself guilty of some of those attitudes...'look at that exercise, how silly' And I do remind myself that it's none of my business and that their goals may not be the same as mine etc.

    That said, I still find it frustrating that people want results and don't know how to get them, often because of misinformation from 'fitness experts'. If you are running on that treadmill for hours because you training for an endurance event, or like it, or get good results then go you. But if you are running for that treadmill for hours hoping to see muscular definition in your thighs then I get upset that you don't have the tools to do what you need to get what you want *in most optimum way*. I think that might be where some of the vitriol comes from - frustration with the industry and lack of good information.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    It's still ok to make fun of Shake Weights, isn't it?!

  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    It's still ok to make fun of Shake Weights, isn't it?!

    That goes without saying (or at least their ads - did anyone actually buy them?) :laugh: :laugh:
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    It's still ok to make fun of Shake Weights, isn't it?!

    LOL of course!! hee hee :smile:

    seriously though I have never experienced 'fitness bullying', I had no idea this was a 'thing'.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I have a friend who is a professional belly dancer, does taekwondo and is very fit. She's always posting rants and articles about how evil Zumba is. As far as I can tell she's really advocating that people shouldn't do just cardio but should add weights in some fashion as well (which I agree with). But the way she rants on about Zumba specifically, well I sure won't be telling her when I finally get around to trying it! Of course I don't tend to post my workouts on facebook anyway so it won't be an issue.
  • wow, I didn't know that this was an issue.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I almost never talk about my strength routine here because the current thinking is seems to be that lifting heavy is the only thing that works, and if you do anything else you're probably wasting your time and you might be unwilling to listen to reason.

    I feel the same way. That seems (to me) to be a common trend here.
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    I make fun of everyone regardless of what they're doing. None of my friends are so delicate to get their feelings hurt by it.
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    Fear of comments are why I kept what I was doing to myself for a couple months, so nobody could see me. I can't even imagine being in a gym yet because of it.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Good article! This is definitely a phenomenon in the MFP community.

    This line made me laugh...
    "I deadlifted a new max tonight while the dude next to me did bicep curls. What a loser!"
    Personally, I still do bicep curls. I like them and I like the results I see in my arms.

    Also... I'm just going to come out and confess - I don't lift heavy anymore. I almost never talk about my strength routine here because the current thinking is seems to be that lifting heavy is the only thing that works, and if you do anything else you're probably wasting your time and you might be unwilling to listen to reason.

    I follow my own 'lift medium' program and it gets me the results I want. I tried lifting heavy for a few months, but honestly - even though I was stronger, my muscle endurance diminished and my legs started getting really tired on my long hikes and backpacking trips. My 'lift medium' plan means I do longer sets (three or four at 15-20 reps) at about 50-60% of my 1RM, rather than short sets of 6-8 at 80% of my 1RM. I do this 2, sometimes 3, times a week.

    It seems to get me the results that I personally am working toward. I'm glad other people have found programs they enjoy and believe to be effective.

    I agree with all of this!

    I lift medium too.. and love the results I see from it. Once had a poster here tell me that I should ditch my trainer, and come talk to him when I educated myself on real lifting. Well my response was right.. and with my trainer I've lost 30 pounds and 6 sizes.. that shut him up quick and now he doesn't bother me.

    Do what works for you and what you love. As long as you are moving more then sitting, thats all that really matters.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    I make fun of everyone regardless of what they're doing. None of my friends are so delicate to get their feelings hurt by it.
    this is why we're MFP friends :laugh: i also make fun of myself. when i tell people offline about my lifting routines, i do it in a ridiculous hans und franz style.

    but seriously as an adult, if i'm going to get my feelings hurt simply by someone mocking my workouts, then i have bigger emotional problems to deal with. if people are that fragile then maybe they need to examine why that is.

    some of these "bullied" people just need to put on their big girl/big boy undies and tell people to STFU if what they are hearing bothers them that much