moms with kids ;)))

Any moms with kids who know the day to day stuggle of being a mom and still trying to stay motivated ... Its a hard stuggle everyday and id like to help motivate and have motivation ;)))) any thoughts ???


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    BUMP I've got a 3 year old.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Don't all moms have kids??
    I just go to the gym when they are in bed.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    Somtimes being a working/student/mom/wife etc i do get tired but I am doing this for me so I try to make myself do somthing - usually I feel better afterwords. My dh and I also included the kids in our workouts such as going hiking etc.... Which helps keep us motivated more. I have three kids 12, 9 and 5 :)
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    I agree! I have a 7 month old little boy who is beginning the stage of wanting to be held 24/7 and I get nothing done. It is difficult but I am determined to make it work! I would love an accountability partner!
  • SerenityGelsinger
    SerenityGelsinger Posts: 80 Member
    Yes! I have a three and a half year old very active little boy. My husband also work really wonky hours - he starts at 2:00 a.m. and comes home for a brief nap at 7:30 a.m. and goes back to work for 10:00 until 3:00 p.m. I work 8:15 a.m. - 4:30. My hubby goes to bed early so it makes it tough to fit in exercise, family time, and me time. I am lucky in that my husband does the cooking so that is a huge help!
  • Hubbafer
    Hubbafer Posts: 81 Member
    I have a 7 and 3 yr old..... they keep us busy!!! Once they are in 'bed' .. I try and head out for my walks ... just running around with them gives me exercise!
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    Just know that you are setting a good, healthy example for them and that they will appreciate it later! I just signed up my 11 year-old daughter for her first triathlon :) Like mother, like daughter!
  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    I have two daughters, a 7 year old and a 2 year old. They keep me motivated because I want to set a healthy example for them! :)
  • Berberena33
    Berberena33 Posts: 25 Member
    I can relate - I have two boys (6 years and 18 months). I work outside the home 40 hrs a week in an office setting so snacking during the day is something I also struggle with some days. I try to stick to my workouts in the evening but with my 6 year old now in sports that takes up time and some nights I just want to make dinner and then sit on the floor and play with them instead of exercise! Going for walks to the park (taking the long round about way to get there) has been a great way for us to spend time together while still burning a few calories.

    Also I bought some workout dance dvd's which my kids think are great... my 6 year old even does some of them with me (he only lasts about 5-10 minutes but none the less it is something we can do together some evenings)!!

    Also my 6 year old son and I are running (walking) a 5k next weekend (this will be his first). I am doing everything to set a good example for kids early in their lives so they dont have to be like me and go through a "lifestyle" change later on! Feel free to add me if you want (I can always use motivation from people who are in the same position as me)!
  • I drop the kiddos off at daycare then go workout then go to work :) Then if the kids and I have extra energy when we get home we do either wii fit together or Zumba :)

    I have 5 year old twins and they love it :)
  • erikapereira
    erikapereira Posts: 196
    Now that my son is 3 yrs, go to school and Im working part-time, I found more time for myself. Also We looked up for activities to do together and we joined a gym close by and with child area.
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    i have a 4-year-old who i take with me when i go on my walks after work. :) the trail i walk at has a playground nearby, so at the end of our walk, i let him run around the playground. while he plays, i stretch. lol
  • Dayna5K
    Dayna5K Posts: 136 Member
    I have a 9 year old daughter. I try to teach her the same things I am learning about changing my eating habits. The idea of her growing up with weight problems is what motivates me. Also, we work out together.
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    My kids just did the 30 day shred with me (well, some of it) and we all had a great time. They love to exercise and walk with me and talk about what is healthy. They are my biggest motivation.
  • shrednyc85
    shrednyc85 Posts: 30 Member
    I always post the same thing to my fellow moms on here - its just my opinion but I have found that exercise DVDs are critical to keeping fit because you dont have to leave the house, which can be really hard with young kids around!!!!! I do mine before work each day and if my toddler is asleep great, if she is up early, then she watches a cartoon while I do them.

    I feel like so long as I workout 4 or 5 times a week, thats pretty good with a young kid.

    If you can try to identify a 30 minute window when you can do something, whether its before work, after the kids are asleep, or during the day, try to make an appointment with yourself!

    Good luck!
  • KrystleKiri
    KrystleKiri Posts: 135
    lol 'moms with kids'... not sure how you can be a mom without a kid?

    my daughter and I like swimming. we do A LOT of it, it's probably where I burn 80% of my calories.
  • mtmom1012
    mtmom1012 Posts: 31 Member
    Agreed! I have a crazy energetic 2 year old, and a 5 month old who wants to be held all the time! My husband and I take turns going to the gym, and our gym also has a great kids center that I take my 2 year old to (my son needs to be 6 months before he can go). And I take both of them on long walks with our dog in the evening!

    My struggle is eating right when my 2 year old is very picky and leaves food on her plate. I often pick at hers!

  • ewhitehurst1
    ewhitehurst1 Posts: 178
    I have a 2 year old and work full time (sitting on my butt behind a desk) so it can be hard to find time and motivation to work out. Feel free to add me! Lucky for me my fiance watches my son an hour a day so I can go to the gym.
  • I am a single Mom and my son is almost 3. He is going thru separation anxiety right now so I have very limited time to do anything. When there is time, I have a treadmill downstairs and I will walk/run. Lately, I've just been doing crunches while he is playing.

    Good luck! And if you would like some extra support feel free to add me:)
  • I actually had my first baby 5 months ago and Im needing some extra help also so add me I would love to talk and help you reach your goal also :)