Meal replacement shakes? good or bad?



  • aqm22
    aqm22 Posts: 153 Member
    Do you feel they give you enough nutrients, and energy throughout your day.

    And what meal replacement/shake do YOU drink.

    This all depends on what you're looking for. If you're using MRS as a quickfix weight loss method, then, it's bad. You'll prob lose weight at the beginning. Then, if you go back to your bad eating habits and sit on your butt again. You'll gain back the weight and prob more.

    If you understand nutrition, do your research, and use it as an aid for days when you don't have time or option for a healthy meal, then, yes, it's fine. The key is this do your research and educate yourself. Most of the MRS out there contains LOTS of sugar and not enough nutrients. There are some that will be have enough nutrients without the added junk like sugar.

    I believe that education and willpower is key. I don't believe in "bad" or "good". I believe that everything has its place. The difference is knowledge and education to make the right choices to go where you need to get to.
  • kristybenner
    kristybenner Posts: 29 Member
    i like the slim fast ones. my key was to drink it before i was starving and make sure i ate a handful of nuts or fruit with it.

    I eventually really liked them for the convienence. i didnt have to worry about what was for lunch :)

    as far as the nutrition value, yes i think they are ok as long as you make sure your other meals are also sufficient.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    A few years back i was taking the Herbalife shakes but then i still felt hungry so i would have to eat a protein bar with the shake. I think those are beneficial when you arent so hungry however i dont know about subsituting the shakes for a meal. I dont think i would do it again.

    I have also tried the slim fast shakes but i can taste all the preservatives (ew) so that did not work for me.

    I am currently doing Herbalife. It's working very well for me (except when I binge on chocolate and rum. My bad). I like it because at 33g of protein each, they fill me up (I add extra protein, btw), and I still get to eat actual food for snacks and supper. The plan my coach and I came up with is to do 2 shakes a day until I reach my goal weight (which should be 9 or 10 months, again depending on the chocolate and rum), then reduce it to 1 shake a day for the same amount of time for maitenence, and then manage my diet without the shakes altogether and with proper eating habits.

    I know many, many, many people for whom this plan has worked.

    At the end of the day, if you're worried about nutrition, look at the label on the side of the can, and do your research. Not everything works for everyone.
  • MsMartyMac
    MsMartyMac Posts: 33
    I agree the shakes are best used as a post workout snack or to supplement your meal if you are on the run. I sometimes drink a shake (Atkins) in the morning while I am getting ready for work after my run. I don't usually have time to stop and eat breakfast until I get to work. They are also a great choice for late afternoon snack since they are only 140 calories for the breakfast blend and have more fiber than some other shakes.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Occasionally I'll use an EAS Advantedge shake as a base for my morning smoothie instead of almond milk and greek yogurt (then adding some kind of fruit and/or PB2/cinnamon/oats/what-have-you). They taste pretty decent (although I really only like the Vanilla and Cafe Caramel ones - just personal preference), they have plenty of protein, are low in net carbs, and not too many calories (100-110). I think it's fine as long as you are getting all of your required nutrients throughout the day, and are not starving yourself in order to just have the shake. :)
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    I drink Idealshape shakes for breakfast on days Im running late and dont have time to eat a good breakfast. I dont get hungry for about 4 hours. But I juice it up with a frozen banana, almond butter and protien milk. Comes out to be about 400+ calories
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Why not just eat a meal? Unless you can't control your portions or you need it for medical reasons, I don't see the point. What happens if you stop using the shakes? Can you control portions then? I used Slim Fast years ago and it only taught me that I was wasting my money when I could have been buying and eating healthy food to begin with.
    I don't think they are bad for you, I just think they are a waste of money.

    I am trying to go from only eating once a day (dinner), to living a healthier lifestyle. ASSUMING gaining alot better nutrients through a shake for lunch would be good.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    So what's in a Slim Fast diet shake?

    The 4 main ingredients are skim milk, sugar, fructose, and cocoa. In other words, milk, sugar, and sugar. Other ingredients include various vegetable oils, emulsifiers, and a dubious vitamin blend.

    A 375ml (1.5 cups) shake contains 12 grams of protein -- slightly less than what you'd obtain drinking the same amount of 1% low-fat milk.

    This same shake contains 38 grams of carbohydrates -- 20 grams more than if you drank the equivalent amount of 1% low-fat milk (with those additional carbs coming from the added sugar).

    Considering that milk contains significant amounts of vitamins A and D, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium and Zinc, I'd suggest that you chuck the Slim Fast shakes (vitamin blend and all), and simply drink milk instead.

    Ok. so what that is just Slim Fast.... I am not sure about the ingredients in other shakes but look and see what are the top 4 or 5 in the ingredients list. Why not just make a smoothy recipe and take a daily vitamin.

    That would be a good alternative. Thank you for the breakdown as well.. very helpful.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    They're fine, convenient, and tasty. I used to have 1 or 2 Myoplex shakes a day, but have since moved on to just making my own using whey as a base. It's more versatile this way, as I can control the macros based on what I add to it. I can go anywhere from a 130 calorie shot of protein only to a 600+ calorie "meal replacement" shake with milk, banana, peanut butter, and whey. Or anywhere in between.
  • I used them, lost a stack of weight, am now successfully maintaining having changed my eating habits (using meal replacements broke the bad eating cycle for me). I don't use them at all now but I haven't ruled out using them on occasion again if I need to lose in the future. I wouldn't use Slimfast though as they're full of sugar. The ones I used were much lower carb / higher protein.
  • chrischinchilla
    chrischinchilla Posts: 109 Member
    Shakeology = Good!
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    Not my cup of tea - I like that act of chewing and swallowing my food too much lol
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    They are a lifesaver for me! But I don't drink them to replace a meal. I have a hard time eating enough calories in the day...I'm just not hungry enough. Shakes and smoothies are what's helping me reach my BMR every day.
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Do you feel they give you enough nutrients, and energy throughout your day.

    And what meal replacement/shake do YOU drink.

    This all depends on what you're looking for. If you're using MRS as a quickfix weight loss method, then, it's bad. You'll prob lose weight at the beginning. Then, if you go back to your bad eating habits and sit on your butt again. You'll gain back the weight and prob more.

    If you understand nutrition, do your research, and use it as an aid for days when you don't have time or option for a healthy meal, then, yes, it's fine. The key is this do your research and educate yourself. Most of the MRS out there contains LOTS of sugar and not enough nutrients. There are some that will be have enough nutrients without the added junk like sugar.

    I believe that education and willpower is key. I don't believe in "bad" or "good". I believe that everything has its place. The difference is knowledge and education to make the right choices to go where you need to get to.

    If you go back to your "bad eating habits and sitting on your butt" whether using a MRS or not you'll gain the weight back. You're correct that you need to do the proper research on whichever MRS you are going to use. If it's too high in protein, while it will be filling, I cannot recommend super high protein shakes as a true MRS for weight loss. They are protein shakes/drinks, NOT an MRS. A good MRS (or health shake) will be all natural, no preservatives, no artificial sweeteners, non-GMO, organic, AND will provide you a great source of all natural multi-vitamins from the super foods in it. High protein diets AKA Atkins, are a thing of the 80's or 90's TBH. For optimum health you should be taking in a good amount of veggies, very lean meats and good fats. Most people don't realize that there are tons of veggies with protein in them and you don't have to eat loads of red meat, whey protein shakes etc to get enough protein.

    So many people mistake high protein content in a supposed MRS for being "good". Yep it helps you feel a little full for a little while, but in the long run you really aren't learning how to eat properly. I've had to learn this via trial/error over the past 2 years. My nutrition now fuels my body and gives me energy instead of making my body work harder to digest meat protein. Carbs are our bodies preferred fuel source, not protein. Carbs digest quickly and replenish glycogen stores after a workout. Hence the science showing that a 4:1 (carb:protein) ratio is needed after a workout, not a 30-60g protein drink.

    I also agree that if you use a MRS it should be as a supplement and you should not "need" to use it more than once a day unless you are just in a super pinch or hurry. I would also argue that instead of a MRS you should look for a health shake instead. That way you could use it as a MRS and continued use for overall 100% Health shake that even after you lose your weight, you can continue to use for continued good health because of the huge amount of nutrients that it provides your body that you cannot get just from eating enough food. There is only one shake that I know of that will fit what I just described. :smile:
  • BarbACona
    BarbACona Posts: 76
    I have a tough time understanding alot of that macros info. I guess it's just me. But I feel like I'm hungry late am and early afternoon. I am trying to snack responsibly and have switched to much healthier fare.
  • The Bolthouse smoothies are very healthy AND they're very filling.
  • emptyplate
    emptyplate Posts: 62
    I have a colleague at work that does them and she is pretty miserable, they are so restrictive. I honestly think if your definate on a liquid diet, you should go for smoothies. They might be high sugar, but they are packed with fruit, vitamins etc.. and they are variable, healthy and tasty. You don't get any nutrients form these shakes, they are un-natural and they play havoc with your digestive system. <3
  • hodag11
    hodag11 Posts: 7 Member
    I also do Shakeology I love it keeps me full and makes me feel so much better.
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Actually emptyplate, Shakeology is the only health shake that is 100% natural whole super foods as I described. It's not restrictive at all and will improve your digestion, not hurt it.