For those of you who moved from the East to the West...

BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
For those of you who made the big change from switching coasts (USA, really NY to CA is what I'm looking for), what are your general thoughts? Hate it? Love it? I grew up on the East Coast and have generally enjoyed the change in seasons and love the beauty of a white winter (although a pain to drive in). That said, I'm contemplating moving out West for a change of pace as I'm not tied down here particularly (no kids/wife/gf).

Would love to hear your opinions!


  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Well, I didn't make *quite* that big of a move - just Chicago to Seattle. But I do love it out here on the west coast... it's beautiful, the hiking is amazing, and lots of fresh, wild-caught Alaskan salmon!! :-D
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I moved from West to East then back West. There are definite differences, but no telling which coast you will like more. I prefer SoCal. Sorry I can't help much with a comparison, it's almost like comparing apples with oranges. Even in California there are great areas and horrible areas. Good luck!
  • Seattlema
    Seattlema Posts: 51 Member
    Well, I didn't make *quite* that big of a move - just Chicago to Seattle. But I do love it out here on the west coast... it's beautiful, the hiking is amazing, and lots of fresh, wild-caught Alaskan salmon!! :-D

    Welcome to SEATTLE!!! I love my city of green and rain! lol
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Not California, but I moved from Connecticut to Arizona and I'd never go back. We may not have snow in our backyard but I can drive into the mountains when I want to play in it and never have to shovel or drive in it. The pace of life here is SO much slower and people are much more laid back, casual and more generally friendly.

    I've learned to love the change of seasons here, although they may not be as dramatic as in New England. Winter is the time to be outdoors and enjoy nature and summer is when we "hibernate" in the AC and only come out at night. Spring and Fall are gorgeous. I enjoy our 320+ days of sunshine and have learned to appreciate the occasional rainy day.
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    I was originally born in Portland, Oregon and moved to Connecticut. On my way back West in a couple weeks. Agreed the seasons here are beautiful but I'm westcoast all the way. The general tempo of life and the people are what makes me want to go back. The EastCoasters to me are so self absorbed and unapproachable. They're afraid to be individuals...And I hate the Snow LOL!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I've lived on both coasts, I strongly prefer the west coast--especially Southern California. When I lived in New England I never understood the obsession with seasons. Yay its hot as heck, yay it's cold as heck--and for a couple of weeks in between it's actually nice. Also, at least compared to New England, people on the west coast are much friendlier if they don't know you--in New England I felt like the fact that my great-great-great-grandparents didn't grow up with people's great-great-great-grandparents meant I was a stranger and not to be trusted.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Lived on the east coast most of my life.. .then moved to Cali, then Hawaii... now in Washington. The east coast will always be "home"... but I prefer the west
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I grew up and lived on the east coast for 48 years. New York- Long Island. Even college was in New York. My husband did too. We both lived and met in Manhattan. After that back to Long Island and began to raise our family, four kids. Our roots, our friends, our family too although many are now in Florida lol are all back east.

    So my husband and I visited Arizona and spent two weeks here when we were married about two years. We loved the land, the people and the climate. We loved the native american culture and art and knew we would enjoy living here but never thought outside the box and never considered actually truly moving and living here cause our lives were back east. Thought great place to retire. But that changed as we realized how hard we were working and how much time we spent traveling to and from work. Then the weather and ice storms. Beautiful snow and yet plowing the driveway was a pain in the butt. We were both gaining weight and getting older but we had our circle of peeps and a great network within that circle.

    It was hard to do. It started as a small thought then kept growing in my head. Why not move to the west coast and change our quality of life?

    We did it! It has been a true blessing in our lives. Our roots transplanted very nicely!!! We are healthier because we have much more control of our lives and especially our time. The west coast is a simpler lifestyle in many ways which may sound weird. Less beurocracy and complications in many ways. If you have specific questions you can pm me and I am happy to help.

    You only live once. Don't have any regrets is my best advice. Make the life you want and enjoy living it. Btw, sunshine does wonders for your health :wink: