Anyone do Crossfit??

jrditt Posts: 239 Member
I was following "The New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women" but after 5 months wasn't getting a lot of results and it was getting too easy. Plus my work out partner is moving away so I knew i needed more.

Does anyone else do crossfit? I have done one class now and I thought I was going to die.

How often do you do it? Do you need breaks? Happy with the results?

I'm so excited to start this new chapter of fitness.


  • kbh17
    kbh17 Posts: 14 Member
    I am going to watch this. LivingSocial just had a deal for 12 CrossFit classes for $29 at a location near me. I bought it and can't wait to start. I have lost 26lbs but really want to tone and possibly lose another 12lbs. Would love to hear how everyone's results are from CrossFit.
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    That's a really good deal for crossfit!
  • Vcomley
    Vcomley Posts: 7
    I try and go 4 times a week. If you are just starting out, I would say 2-3 days. You are going to be really sore. I love it though and will never go back to the regular gym. They do the paleo diet though. It really helps kick to weight off. Good Luck.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    love the CF! currently do 3 times a week during rugby season and about 5 days off-season

    I love it-- it's the strongest I have ever been and my trainer really pushes me and I have made great friends.
  • tenas
    tenas Posts: 121
    I started doing CrossFit 3 times a week about 3 weeks ago. I really struggled at first but I've been finding myself able to do the exercises better as time has passed. Between the workouts and cutting most processed foods out of my diet I've lost about 18 lbs in 3 weeks. Tonight I have my toughest WOD to date so I'll be curious to find out how well I can do.
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    I go 3 times a week and I am totally drinking the cool-aid :-)

    I've only been doing it for 4 months. I didn't have anything to lose but it sure has toned me up and increased my stamina.

    I love it and won't do anything else now!
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    My husband does it 5 days a week. He loves it.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I CrossFit, its not really meant to be a weight loss workout. In fact, I've probably only lost about 5 to 10 lbs in the six months that I've been doing it. If you want to know more, feel free to add me or message me.

    Just a quick note, before you post a question... use the search feature, it's probably been asked before. In fact there is even a CrossFit group on here as well.
  • kturner2012
    I started CrossFit with my husband about 3 months ago. It is the best thing I've ever done. There is a huge amount of competition (which I thrive off of), but along with that competition is a sense of family. It's almost like you're competing with your sibling. If someone completes the workout before you do, there's not a lot celebrating, there's a lot of cheering you on. I've never experienced anything like it. I don't think I'll ever quit. While I do enjoy other forms of exercise, this is the one I can't live without. Oh... and the strength training is killer. I'm already lifting significantly more than I did when I first began.
  • kayschlichting
    My son did crossfit for 6 months and he is only 25 years old but it ruined his back. They ask you to do exercises that are very bad for your body. I wouldn't reccomend it!!!
  • DantheMan2517
    DantheMan2517 Posts: 134 Member
    Is that anything like CrossDressing?
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    My son did crossfit for 6 months and he is only 25 years old but it ruined his back. They ask you to do exercises that are very bad for your body. I wouldn't reccomend it!!!

    Lies. You don't do any exercises that you wouldn't do with most weightlifting programs. Yes, there are poorly run gyms and uneducated coaches... just like EVERY GYM. But there are also AWESOME gyms with KICK *kitten* coaches. Do your homework, find a good gym with responsible, educated coaches, ask a lot of questions, and listen to your body. Compete with yourself and not everyone else.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    i looooooooooooooooooooooove crossfit!! nothing pushes me harder than that.
    3x week here. =)
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I do CrossFit, but am taking a break (not CF's fault, but taking it easy after I got hit by a car while on my bike). I love CF. It is harder than heck, but it is a great workout. I agree that its potential downside is that you can get hurt if you're not careful. The gym I go to requires 3 or 4 classes to teach you the basic moves. They have "coaches" to help you with them, and encourage you to know your limits, while pushing them safely. That said, however, there is a competition mentality and if you're like me, you don't like to be last on anything. I have found myself having to say, "this score isn't important enough to get hurt over." I sometimes will feel like I'm letting my partner down in a partner workout if they're a lot stronger or fitter than I am. My advise, give it a try, and see if you like it. Our gym as a free friend Friday where you work with coaches during a class to get an idea of what it's like. They are several CF gyms in our community, so that's one way to try it, get an idea of the environment and decide whether you like it. Also, some do a less expensive intro membership for a couple of months to get you in the door and decide without making a huge financial commitment.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    My son has been doing crossfit for about three months. He loves it -- the workouts are always different -- and he is slimmer and more toned than he was. He was a bit chunky before he began.
    That said, I think crossfit is more about getting stronger and more fit than about burning calories. The workouts are really short, which is one of its positive features, but that means they do not really burn many calories -- compared to running, say.
    Still, he gets a really great sense of accomplishment from doing it.
    Crossfit is growing by leaps and bounds in our area. Two years ago, we had four 'boxes' (read: gyms). Now we have 25. Must be something to it.
  • CWSpiegel
    CWSpiegel Posts: 114
    I CrossFit. I'm there for about an hour 6x a week, which includes warmups and the Workout. Usually I lift heavy 2x a week (Olympic lifts) and run MetCons the other 4 days. Its tough.

    CrossFit is NOT a weight loss program. The exercises are designed for extremely intense, short efforts with relatively heavy weights. Do people lose weight? Yes, slowly. I have lost 10 pounds in 5 months, but I look a lot better naked. If you eat at a deficit and try to do CrossFit, you will not get the results that are intended. Worse, if you don't have the energy, or you aren't eating enough to repair muscles, you could get Rhabdo or get an injury. CrossFit is not Zumba. You can't eat like a bird and expect to complete the workouts.

    All that being said, CrossFit is great for people, who like me, hate traditional exercise. Cardio bores me to death. I would rather swallow hot coals than go jogging. I love the community. I like having a set workout. I like having someone check my form so I don't get hurt. I drank the Kool-Aid, and I'm probably going to be doing it for life (theres a 58 year old guy at my gym who kills my time in the WODS. He's been doing this for years!).

    To the person whose husband screwed their back. The exercise didn't injure him, his poor form did. Take him to a water aerobics class. Probably more his speed.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    To the person whose husband screwed their back. The exercise didn't injure him, his poor form did. Take him to a water aerobics class. Probably more his speed.


  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    I go 5x/week, take a break on the weekends. Love it. I have a back injury and it is actually improving since starting crossfit 4 months ago. It is one heck of a workout, I'm nervous going in every morning!
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    If its getting too easy, then you may not be pushing yourself hard enough. I loved NROLFW and saw great results, and it was challenging
  • uglyhobo
    uglyhobo Posts: 108 Member
    I do it because of my whole wrestling team does it. This is what I think after ~ 1 year of it
    -your endurance will become absolutely amazing
    -it's expensive
    -the classes are fun since you're surrounded by plenty of people who pretty much have the same goals as you
    -you have plenty of other people there to push you
    -doing OLY lifts for time is dangerous and your rate of injury is very high. OLY lifts are very technical and need time to be taught to beginners. Time for the WOD to be completed is usually what is focused on instead of form, but this varies from box to box.
    -it's not very individual
    -classes start right at a certain time
    -most coaches don't know form that well and my form is better just from reading Starting Strength. This varies from each box.
    -there is not much lifting because for some reason most people think there is no reason to lift if you're doing crossfit, yet all the guys who win the crossfit games train like powerlifters and do crossfit along with their lifting

    while watching some crossfit videos, the horm is absolutely horrendous though.

    I know several spinal doctors and physical therapists who all say their largest group of patients are the one's who do crossfit. It happens to have a very high injury rate.