Anyone with hypothyroidism? I have a question!

AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
I'm hypo as well. I'm on synthroid that i take in the morning. I always take multivitamins every day, mainly because i become anemic a lot. Anywayyy, so I heard from a lot of people that B 12 is really good to take with hypothyroidism because of the boost it can give to your metabolism and energy too I think. I bought a bottle today, haven't taken them yet, but I was just wondering if anyone takes the extra B 12?


  • jkr12
    jkr12 Posts: 31
    I would get B12 shots from my aunt, who is an NP, before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I don't ever recall hearing that it can boost your metabolism, but B12 is never a bad thing to have on board. Ever since I've stopped getting the monthly shots and since being diagnosed with hypothyroidism I've struggled more with being anemic.

    I cant remember the correlation off the top of my head.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I just don't want to end up taking TOO much you know? I'm anemic a lot, it's annoying as crap.
  • I have hashimotos disease. I have taken synthroid and recently asked my specialist doctor to let me try armour. My regular doctor tested my blood for all sorts of things since I told him that I was trying to do the right thing, but continually gaining weight. He found out my B 12 was on the very low end. With much prayer, I have asked God to let this be the answer. For 6 weeks, I have taken prescription B12 weekly, and I have lost 22 lbs! I have energy and do not tire out so easily. Also this app has been extremely helpful. It shows me what is more healthy for me. I am getting happy again!
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluable vitamin, not fat soluable. Meaning- It does NOT get stored in your fat cells, any extra will be pee'd/sweated/ whatever out. So there is no worry about getting too much. Just make sure you take it 3 hours before or after your thyroid medication so it does not affect the absorption of it. :)
  • itsafrappe
    itsafrappe Posts: 162 Member
    b12 is from what i understand "the happiness vitamin" gives you energy and helps you feel good. it also helps your liver process food better. as far as th metabolism thing ive not heard that but you really cant go wrong or take too much i dont think
  • banstett
    banstett Posts: 95
    I have a hypothyroid and have been taking levoxyl/ synthroid since I was 9. I drink at least 4900% of B12 a day along with my vitamins I take and I feel great. Sometimes I don't feel like doing anything lol but if I get off my butt I get a lot of energy from exercising.
  • banstett
    banstett Posts: 95
    And also with B12 you can't take too much of it because your body gets rid of whatever it does not use. There are some days where I have 15,000%+ of it.
  • klewis17
    klewis17 Posts: 3
    I also have hypothyroidism and am on Synthyroid. Doctor recommended B 12 as well and have never tried. Thanks for sharing, think I will give it a try.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluable vitamin, not fat soluable. Meaning- It does NOT get stored in your fat cells, any extra will be pee'd/sweated/ whatever out. So there is no worry about getting too much. Just make sure you take it 3 hours before or after your thyroid medication so it does not affect the absorption of it. :)

    good to know! and yeah i take my multivitamins before bed =) i'll be taking this with those.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I have hashimotos disease. I have taken synthroid and recently asked my specialist doctor to let me try armour. My regular doctor tested my blood for all sorts of things since I told him that I was trying to do the right thing, but continually gaining weight. He found out my B 12 was on the very low end. With much prayer, I have asked God to let this be the answer. For 6 weeks, I have taken prescription B12 weekly, and I have lost 22 lbs! I have energy and do not tire out so easily. Also this app has been extremely helpful. It shows me what is more healthy for me. I am getting happy again!

    so glad that worked out for you! =) everyone deserves to be happy! and healthy!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    thanks guys for all the answers!! i really appreciate it, i need the energy =)
  • jkr12
    jkr12 Posts: 31
    The B12 will help, but also look into Iron supplements. I take a multivitamin and an iron supplement and it makes a difference.

    When I remember them both, of course.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    The B12 will help, but also look into Iron supplements. I take a multivitamin and an iron supplement and it makes a difference.

    When I remember them both, of course.

    Yeah, last I knew my anemia was gone, i've been going back and forth for a few years though.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    Selenium is also a supplement recommended for hypoT.