Hi I'm new


My name is Cassidy. I'm 24yrs old. I just joined this community a few moments ago.

I've been on many weightloss and fitness site, but I thought I'd give this one a go. All the other sites were very private and non-community based. So, it's nice to see some people who are close to if not in the same boat I'm in. Hello all!

I've actually done a fantastic job losing weight myself these past two years. More so recently. It's been a struggle trying to get in shape and stay in shape. Sometimes people can have a negative influence. I put on a lot of weight when I first got with my recent ex.

I became more health conscience about two years ago when I moved out of my parents' home. When I left, I weighed 260lbs. Last week, I weighed 215lb. Unfortunately, today I am back up to 220lbs. I'm sad but my body is strange. I have hypothyroidism, so my weight fluctuates. I think as long as I keep on my healthy kick, I will do just fine.

To help myself to become healthy, I have eliminated all soda pop from my diet. Now, I only drink tea and water. Tea is expensive, so I mostly drink water. I try to avoid caffeinated beverages because I know they are not good for my heart, but every now and then I will have a coffee or when necessary for my boring classes, I have an energy drink. I've also cut back way back almost to elimination on junk food. With a recent discovery that I am allergic to MSG and artificial sugars such as: Sorbitol, dextrose, maltodextrin, aspertame, etc... it's been easier to cut back. I also try to avoid "palm kernel oil", "coconut oil", and "high fructose corn syrup. Last year, I replaced most sugars with honey.

Now, I'm in a tough spot financially. Now it's a matter of eating enough calories to survive and making sure those calories count. It's not always easy when healthy food is far out of reach financially. I've found that making my own food is much cheaper and much healthy than buying store bought food (it also contains less preservative and chemicals). It's all a matter of finding time. I go to school and work. I'm going to try to set aside a time every weekend to prepare food for the week. (Homemade tortillas are to die for).

I hope that I can make some friends on here and we can get healthy together. If not, at least I tried. This is the only weightloss site I've been on that's community structured, so I'm ready to see how this goes.

Thank you for reading! I hope that you are enjoying your day or night! =)


  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    Hi you can add me if you want. I know the up and down of the scale all to well myself. Welcome to the community! I've been on for a week and love it
  • Thank you! I have added you. =)
  • reesa722
    reesa722 Posts: 76
  • jeff10278
    jeff10278 Posts: 8
    Welcome and good luck meeting your fitness goals. :)
  • Thank you for all the welcomes! =D I've now been on this site for a couple days and I'm loving it. Thank you everyone for the support!
  • 30forApril
    30forApril Posts: 49 Member
    HI! Add me! I joined today too and would like more friends to take this journey!:flowerforyou:
  • StevenDial
    StevenDial Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I have found it so much easier to stay on course with friends on MFP anyone is free to add me!