Night time over eating?



  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    maybe skip breakfast so you can have those calories at night.

    NOOOOO don't skip breakfast!

    Why not?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    maybe skip breakfast so you can have those calories at night.

    Skipping breakfast is not a good idea. Your body NEEDS fuel early in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism and give you the energy it needs to get going.

    yeah, no.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    maybe skip breakfast so you can have those calories at night.

    I sense a troll in the room :noway:

    Not a troll. I simply chose not to subscribe to weight loss myths or handicaps.
  • katzuki
    katzuki Posts: 1
    I have that problem too!

    The only 2 things that i have found that helped are:

    having fruit cut up/washed waiting for when i feel the need to snack this way i'm not eating SO terribly - but of course the problem there is having the time to get the fruit ready.

    the other thing that helps is to have my water bottle with me at all times - i have one of those that has a straw and a bite-piece so drinking that down kind of takes away my urge to snack for some reason.

    but yeah - night eating is a challenge for me too
  • Sopsongbird
    Sopsongbird Posts: 48 Member
    maybe skip breakfast so you can have those calories at night.

    Skipping breakfast is not a good idea. Your body NEEDS fuel early in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism and give you the energy it needs to get going. I am a late night snacker also. I try to not have temptations in my freezer/fridge so that when I go looking for something to snack on, I either change my mind because there is "nothing to eat," OR I grab something healthy like raw carrots, celery, an apple, or something like that.

    That's a myth, no science to back that up.. Look into IF (intermittent fasting).

    Your website proved what we have been saying about eating breakfast...and I quote, "This analysis provides evidence that skipping breakfast is not an effective way to manage weight."

    Point taken.
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    I tend to do the same late in the evening. :grumble:

    I'm liking a lot of the ideas mentioned here! (they may help me as well... teeheehee)
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    I fasted off all sweets for 30 days. It was hard but so worth it. That got me off the horrible night carvings. I mean they were horrible. Now I really don't crave but if so, I have 1 tbsp Laura Scudders PB or a cheese stck helps.
  • mastoidbone
    Maybe you should eat breakfast---maybe it would help to skip---but eating breakfast will not increase or decrease your metabolism---is not physiological to say so.

    I try a diet coke for breakfast and an egg---gets me up and fills me for a few hours---allows for BIGGER lunches and dinner---which help me from giving in to cravings.

    But skipping a meal or having a meal wont change your metabolism.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    maybe skip breakfast so you can have those calories at night.

    Skipping breakfast is not a good idea. Your body NEEDS fuel early in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism and give you the energy it needs to get going. I am a late night snacker also. I try to not have temptations in my freezer/fridge so that when I go looking for something to snack on, I either change my mind because there is "nothing to eat," OR I grab something healthy like raw carrots, celery, an apple, or something like that.

    That's a myth, no science to back that up.. Look into IF (intermittent fasting).

    Your website proved what we have been saying about eating breakfast...and I quote, "This analysis provides evidence that skipping breakfast is not an effective way to manage weight."

    Point taken.

    ... You seriously mis-interpreted that, but hey that's for you. I can only offer suggestions, good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • GerryD61
    GerryD61 Posts: 1 Member
    I think that the point is being missed here... you ARE eating out of boredom. The kids are finally asleep or the daily chores are finally done and you have time to yourself. What are you doing with it? Sitting down in front of the TV, taking a bath, or going to bed all are just ways of doing nothing and getting bored. Then you start to think about food and start to eat what you have managed to avoid all day. You don't have to do that, just find something to do. Get a hobby. Something, anythng that will occupy your thoughts will get you away from the boredom and the bad habit of eating the junk.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I have the same problem. I sleep whenever I can to avoid eating. I leave myself one yogurt to have just before bed. It helps a lot. Also try to get some Arctic Zero. It's an ice-cream replacement treat made with whey protein and is only 75 calories for half pint. You can find it at Whole Food Market. Try real hard not to eat junk at night. I KNOW it's real hard but when I went on maintenance I gained almost 10 pounds back from splurging here and there. The calories add up quick. Be careful. So I agree with many of the other posters, eat less during the day and save your calories for night. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    I drink water, and go to bed! If I'm in bed I won't eat! Maybe try to be in bed by 9? Chew gum?? I don't know I struggle with this too!
  • 19nicole89
    19nicole89 Posts: 10
    I'm an extreme boredom eatter. I always am looking for something to eat while I'm at home even when I'm not very hungry! I do it without realizing it sometimes. I also have trouble sleeping! Therefore that 'rule' don't eat after 7pm, that seems almost impossible for me somedays! I can stay up until like 2am some nights! I feel for ya.....!
  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    When that happens to me I just drink 16 ounces of water. Really fast. makes my stomach expand and staves off hunger.

    Unless of course I had undereaten that day. Then I might have an apple and PB or something. :)
  • giftieetcetera
    giftieetcetera Posts: 96 Member
    I struggle with the same thing, big time. Three things help me:

    1. After tracking my calories for a week or so, I noted how much I ate after dinner - about 600 calories. So I adjusted my calories (lighter breakfast, usually) so I have 600 left.

    2. I eat all my calories. I come about 16 or 20 calories under, not 200.

    3. I submit my calories when I reach my limit and then I brush my teeth, floss, and rinse with fluoride rinse. That way, I can't eat for thirty minutes.

    Good luck. This is MY toughest struggle with weight loss.
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    maybe skip breakfast so you can have those calories at night.

    Skipping breakfast is not a good idea. Your body NEEDS fuel early in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism and give you the energy it needs to get going. I am a late night snacker also. I try to not have temptations in my freezer/fridge so that when I go looking for something to snack on, I either change my mind because there is "nothing to eat," OR I grab something healthy like raw carrots, celery, an apple, or something like that.

    skipping breakfast is not the end of the world. Read
  • dewhomeschooling
    dewhomeschooling Posts: 11 Member
    I have the same problem. My husband has helped me turn away from the kitchen. I'm not even hungry. It happens when I watch tv at night...not when I read. But, I want to watch tv sometime! :) lol
  • MsJenny813
    MsJenny813 Posts: 18
    maybe skip breakfast so you can have those calories at night.

    This is what i do.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Willpower is a limited resource and you can literally run out of it. I like the idea of keeping a healthier snack (or one that fits into your calories) between you and the ice cream sandwiches at night. Better yet, don't test your willpower at the end of the day by having ice cream sandwiches around if you can help it.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I've done the same thing. You can either make a rule for yourself that you won't eat past 7 pm. Or you can surrender to the impulse, but control it.

    If you know you like to eat at night, then plan for it. Pick something you love, but decide to have only one serving, or whatever fits in your calorie budget.

    I like airpopped popcorn as a snack late at night, with some Old Bay seasoning.