I thought that I didn't care but

I follow a few really good pages on facebook that are really teaching me self acceptance. I've obsessed about my weight for 17 years and my weight has been all over the place. I've had three kids and since my last baby almost two years ago, I've managed to get to my highest non pregnancy weight. I've been on abilify as well and I just stopped taking it. I think it has contributed to several pounds but my metabolism is crap due to the diets and such over the years and I think it was slow anyhow. I currently weigh 164 and was at 144 before I got pregnant. I would like to be there again but I jsut don't see how that is possible without making myself miserable with major restriction of some sort. I want to eat in a healthy way but one I can eat for a lifetime...restrictions won't get me there. I got down to that last weight by doing nothing...I lost like 15lbs in a month. I have a hard time losing weight when I actually try..it just doesn't go like it should. I tried telling myself that I don't care...I just want to be happy with how I look no matter what I weigh but I just saw my mother in law this past weekend and she hinted that I'm not looking so good. I've been bothered by it since. At this point, I'd like to just get down to 155 but it seems impossible without starving...ugh. I want to at least try counting cals and trackign food but it seems like obsessing to me. Ugh...I'm just stuck. Thanks for reading :)


  • Jenvan78
    Jenvan78 Posts: 50 Member
    bump Anyone out there like me or am I alone?
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    While you might be able to lose a few pounds (depending on how tall you are) you can't be overweight by much.

    Sometimes when someone tells you that you don't look so good, they might be referring to your general health, not just your weight. I know when my coworkers tell me that I look like crap, my face is puffy and pale, and I have dark circles under my eyes. It is usually from lack of sleep, poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Or, they might tell me I look like crap when all my clothes are disheveled.

    Honestly, when I work on doing things to improve my overall health, my weight goes down as part of the healthy package.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    No, you aren't alone. You are right that restrictions and "Dieting" won't get the results you want / need. Making Small, CONSISTENT Changes in your Diet and Activities WILL get you there! MFP will definitely help you with that.
    :heart: Good Luck!!
  • apmilano
    apmilano Posts: 2
    Exercise helps to make you look better. Sometimes I will get a compliment but I haven't been dieting or anything (but generally I do a little working out all the time.) Working out is just good for you whether you are dieting or not. Don't get the notion you have to work out like an animal either. Something is always better than nothing and its amazing when you just get in the habit how much more you do than you would expect.

    Also, eating wise, I dont' know if this is obvious but if you are too hungry you may not be eating good foods that don't spike your blood sugar. I was on Atkins a long time and lost 40lbs. Many people will dismiss it but it taught me A LOT about food. Many foods that are diet foods make you SUPER hungry. These are typically simple carbs. Stay away from them and eat ONLY good carbs or you will get terribly hungry. (drinking alcohol makes me super hungry also.)

    Some foods that you would think you should stay away from will fill you up really well. Lean meat and even a tablespoon of peanut butter with a whole wheat tortilla can do wonders for your hunger without a ton of calories. (i could go many hours on this which is about 150 cals.)
  • final10
    final10 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm here. :). I looked at your profile, we are close in age and so our our kids. Last year I was in the same position as you. I had lost weight after baby 2 but it was a lot of hard work, exercise and calorie counting. With baby 3 I gained it all right back and hardly any cane off naturally. Almost a year ago I finally rejoined a gym. Working out made me feel better and stronger but on,y about 5 lbs came off from exercise alone. Finally I gave in and started tracking all my food again and it wasn't as hard as I remember it being. I made my first goal of being at pre pregnancy weight by her 2nd bday. Now I'm almost at goal of being at weight when I was married. Next goal, be hotter than when I got married. ;). Friend me if you like!