Brides to Be Group?!



  • mizzymiz
    mizzymiz Posts: 417 Member
    Sounds like I have 50-100 crunches to do at the gym tonight. Flat abs, here I come! Veggies are my nemesis in planning a good diet so this should be an interesting turn around in my goal for a healthier life style. Any ideas for quick veggies on the go outside of eating tons of carrots?

    ha - I'm totally with you! It's carrots for me everyday at work. I did spice things up last week with some snap peas and celery, but it's back to carrots today. :wink:
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I would like to join as well. I am getting married May 1, 2010.
  • HelloSunshine
    Sounds like I have 50-100 crunches to do at the gym tonight. Flat abs, here I come! Veggies are my nemesis in planning a good diet so this should be an interesting turn around in my goal for a healthier life style. Any ideas for quick veggies on the go outside of eating tons of carrots?

    I'm not big on veggies either but my trainer got me hooked on them. She went through my food diary and wrote in big red letters everywhere, "EAT SOME VEGGIES, THEY WONT KILL YOU"

    I've started now taking a can of whole kernal corn, or peas, or green beans with me to work and just heating them up in the microwave to go with my lunch. Pretty fantastic :)

    That V-8 Juice is also pretty wonderful, but no really sure if that counts for this lol.
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    Speak of crazy timing...I got a call and me and my bridesmaids dresses are in! First fitting/alteration appointment is scheduled for February 22nd....Think this will get me moving finally????

    Melissa, thanks for setting up this group, this is going to be a fun way to inspire eachother since we all have a common happy place to get to.
  • melissaag1984
    This is great! I guess I HAVE to get those crunches in tonight...I don't mind posting my that is! how about each there own. If you want to post weight you can, if not then you can post pounds lost. Ok since I started the posting I will start with the hard part...

    I weigh 200 right now. I will be working on those crunches and eating those veggies.
  • mizzymiz
    mizzymiz Posts: 417 Member
    This is funny timing!!! I just got my veil and fastener in the mail! Can't wait to try it on! :love:
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    I am weighing in at 164.....
    target wedding fitting goal - 155 (pound per week approximately till the dress comes in)
    overachievement wedding fitting goal - 150 (1.5 pounds per week)

    I bet the veil will be great....should get you in the wedding mood for sure.
  • HelloSunshine
    I'm starting off at 164 lbs. as well and my first mini goal of 160 by January 1st.
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Today the scale was down a little, but I have been around 128.0. My super ultimate goal is 110 by my wedding in May.
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I did 100 crunches yesterday, but failed on the veggies challenge.
  • lisanxd
    Good idea. I'm a bride to be also.. wedding August 28, 2010. I would like to lose at least 50 lbs.. but hoping it will be more than that (perfect ideal would be about 60 more!) Already have lost a bit the last few months, I need to find an accurate scale and re-weigh myself to update my counter.
  • melissaag1984
    ok so yesterday I succeeded on the veggies but got derailed on the crunches...Long story about very destructive puppies! But I fully plan on adding more to the next few days worth to make it up!
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    So far I have hit my veggie goal every day but was my free day, but I think even for free days I should probably balance the bad with the veggies! I hit my crunch goal every day. Today was grocery shopping day and I found individual veggie freezer packs. These will be great for taking to work and increasing my veggie intake. Hooray!
  • melissaag1984
    So far I have hit my veggie goal every day but was my free day, but I think even for free days I should probably balance the bad with the veggies! I hit my crunch goal every day. Today was grocery shopping day and I found individual veggie freezer packs. These will be great for taking to work and increasing my veggie intake. Hooray!

    That's a great idea about the individual veggie packs...I'll have to grab some this week for work too! This weekend has been really bad, while I have been careful about eating, we went out both Friday and Saturday with my FH's new co-workers so the drinks flowed...Ugh. thankfully my Apt's gym has machines with TV's attachde so I will be spending the day walkin/running/biking today...
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Yesterday was definitely my cheat day with two holiday parties. I will try to get back on track with the goals.
  • melissaag1984
    OK girls it is Wednesday, our first weekly check in. How did you all do this week? I succeeded on the veggies everyday it was the crubches that got me. I found myself missing one day then doing twice as much the next day. I probably averaged out over the 7 days at 75/day but didn't get them in everyday.
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I'll admit that I didn't do so well with the goals, but I am trying to get back on track.
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
  • wmb0124
    wmb0124 Posts: 44 Member
    i'm so in on this! my wedding isn't until oct. 2010, and i'd love to lose 30 pounds by then and actually maintain it!
  • melissaag1984
    Welcome wmb! The more the merrier. Our first week goal was to eat all daily servings of veggies and 50-100 crunches a day. I think there was confusion as to our check in so it will be Fridays now. This friday we will set a new goal, suggestions are always welcome!

    I think we should come up with a fun slogan for our group....again any suggestions are always welcome. Here's my first suggestion "working it out so we can WORK the dress!"