quit smoking with me



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am on day 37 of no smoking!

    good for you! keep up the good work, i will be using you as a role model so no cheating allowed

    This is true about no cheating. That one cigarette is what always brings me back in.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    And here's the miserable part.
    Your hunger will BURN for a month after that first week. Just BURN!

    What do you mean it will burn? My appetite didn't seem to change when I quit before. My ability to smell improved, but I didn't notice any other changes.
  • cristileigh
    cristileigh Posts: 158 Member
    ‎17 weeks SMOKE FREE..... 16lb weight loss.....Weights/Cardio has made my body stronger and my heart is stronger. WIN WIN. I'm so glad I didn't listen to all those people telling me to quit smoking and in 6 months work on weight loss/exercise. I feel that would have been a very big mistake because there is no telling how much weight I would have gained on top of what I have to lose already. Everyone said I was taking on too much at once.. In my mind it was all ONE challenge... Getting Healthy! The diet and exercise HELPED me to have something to focus on OTHER THAN cigarettes.
  • javagsd
    javagsd Posts: 82
    I'm in! I've tried 3 or 4 times over the past year, up to 3 weeks smokeless twice. I think it's more difficult than losing the weight.
    History - pack a day smoker for 50 yrs!
  • cristileigh
    cristileigh Posts: 158 Member
    ‎17 weeks SMOKE FREE..... 16lb weight loss.....Weights/Cardio has made my body stronger and my heart is stronger. WIN WIN. I'm so glad I didn't listen to all those people telling me to quit smoking and in 6 months work on weight loss/exercise. I feel that would have been a very big mistake because there is no telling how much weight I would have gained on top of what I have to lose already. Everyone said I was taking on too much at once.. In my mind it was all ONE challenge... Getting Healthy! The diet and exercise HELPED me to have something to focus on OTHER THAN cigarettes.

    I was a 1/2 pack a day smoker for 25 years. I quit cold turkey. I read Allen Carr Easy Way to Quit Smoking.
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    It is hard to stop. Not impossible.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Tomorrow, July 19th will be my 3 year anniversary. Quitting was the best thing I've done! I used Champix to do it. Even after watching my Mother die of lung cancer it took me another 3 years to say I was ready. No one else smoked and I absolutely did not smoke in the house.
    We moved a few months later which actually helped with the habit side of it. Since I have never smoked while in this house I don't get phantom urges.

    I will say make sure you drink a lot of water. It helps flush the toxins out of your body. The first 48 hours are the hardest, after that the nicotine is out of your system, it's all about changing your habits and routines from then on.

    Good luck to each and every one of you. You won't regret it and you can so do this!
  • MissyMissy18
    MissyMissy18 Posts: 315 Member
    Yes!!! I'm so glad I saw this just now! I want to quit, and I finished my last pack almost 2 weeks ago (it will be 2 this Sunday)... I went cold turkey with the exception of this afternoon, I bummed one from a coworker because I was ready to rip my hair out from work frustrations. Surprisingly though, the first few hits felt great but the rest of the smoke kind of sucked! I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I thought I would! Anyway, I know it's still going to be a struggle... sometimes it feels like breaking up with a boyfriend who you know isn't right for you, but you're used to him being there! If any of you fellow quitters want to support each other and help keep each other accountable, don't hesistate to friend me!

    Here are my smoking stats:

    smoke per day - about 4-5 cigarettes per day, Parliament Lights
    started - I think I started regularly when I was 17... I probably had my first one when I was 15 or 16.
    been smoking for - 8 years
    quit before - never very seriously... I've gone a week or so and a month once
    live with other smokers - no
    favorite cigarette - Oh, so many... mid-morning at work, after dinner, with coffee on the weekends, and long drives in my car
    how will you deal with that time - chew on gum, sip on coffee or water, doing my workout in the afternoon. I think the weather is really going to help because smoking in this cloying heat & humidity is terribly unpleasant. Oh, and I got a new car recently and promised myself I wouldn't make it smell/look like a chimney like the last one!!
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    My favorite smoke is on the way to work in the morning. How will I deal with that time? Well, I'm open to suggestions!

    welcome aboard!
    how long is your commute to work? oranges work well, something about the citrus and the natural sugar, and they need to be peeled and eaten and they are good for you so they keep your hands busy and hit a couple of good things.

    assuming you commute via car, can you get your car detailed or something and then not smoke in there again? the added desire to keep the car clean after you have spent money on getting it clean would likely help you keep that promise to yourself.

    could you bike to work instead? wont say i have never smoked on a bike but it isnt easy and it looks and feels kind of ridiculous.
  • CEQuick75
    CEQuick75 Posts: 311 Member
    My favorite smoke is on the way to work in the morning. How will I deal with that time? Well, I'm open to suggestions!

    welcome aboard!
    how long is your commute to work? oranges work well, something about the citrus and the natural sugar, and they need to be peeled and eaten and they are good for you so they keep your hands busy and hit a couple of good things.

    assuming you commute via car, can you get your car detailed or something and then not smoke in there again? the added desire to keep the car clean after you have spent money on getting it clean would likely help you keep that promise to yourself.

    could you bike to work instead? wont say i have never smoked on a bike but it isnt easy and it looks and feels kind of ridiculous.

    Great suggestions!

    Depending on traffic, it's a good half hour commute. Driving has always been my time to smoke. I like the idea of getting the car detailed...something it needs anyway! Driving and peeling an orange sounds a bit tricky. In the past, Altoids or other mints have helped. As much as I would love to bike to work, there are no good routes to take (plus as of Friday, I am dealing with a high ankle sprain...thanks to biking!)

    I'm fortunate that I am not around many smokers, so with some support, I'm pretty sure I can do this!

    Thank you in advance!
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    My favorite smoke is on the way to work in the morning. How will I deal with that time? Well, I'm open to suggestions!

    welcome aboard!
    how long is your commute to work? oranges work well, something about the citrus and the natural sugar, and they need to be peeled and eaten and they are good for you so they keep your hands busy and hit a couple of good things.

    assuming you commute via car, can you get your car detailed or something and then not smoke in there again? the added desire to keep the car clean after you have spent money on getting it clean would likely help you keep that promise to yourself.

    could you bike to work instead? wont say i have never smoked on a bike but it isnt easy and it looks and feels kind of ridiculous.

    I'm fortunate that I am not around many smokers, so with some support, I'm pretty sure I can do this!

    Thank you in advance!

    dont be pretty sure, that is your mind giving yourself an out and allowing failure to be an option, be sure :)
  • Tallblondechick
    I smoked for 35 years and quit cold turkey. Never thought I would, Didn't want to quit for the simple reason of gaining weight. You've heard everything from everyone. But this was my advice and I feel like it was the main reason for breaking the habit.

    Advice from my brother:
    EVERYTIME YOU WANT TO TAKE A PUFF, TAKE A SIP OF WATER. No kidding, he told me to buy myself a few waterbottles, bottled water, He said do not get in your car without water. So I froze bottles of water for long trips, packed an ice chest, whatever it took. Yeah I had some folks think I was crazy. Guess what I was crazy. My cravings were bad for a long time. I smoked a pack a day.
    Also I educated myself. Every chance I had I was on this website.....www.whyquit.com... also I went to Silkquit.com and installed a meter tha lets you know how long you haven't smoked, how much money you saved. and how much life you give back to yourself...It is really neat. Good luck....and and the pros of not smoking are amazing. Starting with your clean hair smell.

    Good luck!

    2Y,2M,2W,4D, 9 hours ----SMOKE FREE
    LIFE SAVE---8 wks, 6 hrs and counting as we go.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I re-started today so count me in!

    smoke per day - almost a pack a day (15ish)
    started - I was just turning 18
    been smoking for - about 11 years
    quit before - I used to be a chronic quitter until I finally got 6 months under my belt...but I cheated a lot so not sure I was as "quit" as I thought it was. I started daily again about 2 weeks ago.
    live with other smokers - yes, my fiance, but he said he would quit for my b-day which is in 10 days. All my friends smoke too though.
    favorite cigarette - when drinking. Also when gambling but that's only a couple times a year, if that.
    how will you deal with that time - haven't figured it out yet...I'm thinking I'll invest in a lifetime supply of Altoids
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    hi! i'm a weekend smoker but i just wanted to say my brother has quit since february! he's 36 almost 37 and he has been smoking since he was 13. he tried quitting a few times but this time i think he has lasted the longest! so it is possible! i think he usually smokes a pack of reds a day.

    good luck!
  • melanie76
    melanie76 Posts: 13 Member
    I am on Day 23 of my quit. I did this cold turkey and I have a long history of trying everything under the sun. I have actually quit cold turkey once before for two months, been hypnotized once-quit for 4 months. Spent 500 on electronic cigarettes, worked a couple of weeks. Tried Chantix, hated it. Bought many patches never worked more than a few weeks. My husband also smokes and has quit with me everytime. So, why is this different? I didn't set a big date this time, I prayed, and I did it on my own. I didnt care whether my husband quit or not, I knew I wanted to get healthy. My husband actually continued to smoke for a week or more, but I didn't let it get to me. I knew I could do it. I feel different this time. I think the difference is that I really wanted it and decided I was stronger than cigarettes. It has not been easy at all, but you can do it. I have been smoking for about 18 years, pack a day, the one I miss the most, after meals. Good luck, I will cheer you on:)
  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    I know i need to quit but right now im not sure right now if i can....im currently going through a divorce where my husband is leaving me for a girl 9 years younger than him (only been married for 2 years)...ive only been smoking for like 3 months and only smoke about about a half a pack a day...im going to try and quit after the divorce is final on aug 15 which soon after that i am going to be back at school teaching and i cant be smoking at school....hopefully i can cut down or just quit
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I'm starting to quit now but I do it gradually. I don't want to do it cold turkey because I'm dreading of the weight gain which I absolutely hate no matter what they say that the benefits far outweigh the weight gain. My uncle have passed away yesterday, the 6th member of our family who died from lung cancer which is why I decided to take action right away.

    I created a thread earlier asking for tips on how to maintain or lose weight while quitting smoking. If anyone was able to lose or maintain weight while quitting, please do share your tips here.
  • athompson333
    I quit a week ago today, I'm technically cheating because I am using an electronic cigarette. But in my eyes I quit! :) Good luck to you all on your journey!! I do wish you the best, and I believe that you have to be 100% ready to quit. Also, that you have to quit for yourselves. I understand the peer pressure, my mom, boyfriend, kids, family, basically everyone in my life has been giving me grief for years to quit. I finally did it after my gramma (favorite woman in the WORLD) was diagnosed with COPD and emphysema. I don't want those diseases, and they are 100% preventable!!! :) GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!

    smoke per day - 1 pack
    started - 14
    been smoking for - 10 years
    quit before - no, never even tried. Minus being in the hospital for a week.
    live with other smokers - nope
    favorite cigarette - in the car, while drinking, while talking on the phone, while hanging out other smokers. All the time basically
    how will you deal with that time - I just don't want one.... :/
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I want to quit so bad!! I have tried so many times and failed each time :( I am going to make a doctor's appointment and see if I can start using Chantex or something to help!!
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I was one year smoke free on July 4th this year!

    I started smoking when i was 13 years old.

    I smoked 3-4 packs per day for 22 years. I only stopped twice for 9 months each time.. yep, when i got pregnant. Picked them back up the day i left the hospital.

    Now that I have stopped smoking, my life has improved so much! The doctor told me it takes one full year for you to be totally "smoke free" as far as your organs go. I havent had a craving in about 8 months.

    Good luck to you! I KNOW you can do this!!!!