Protein Sources

mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
I need some more lean protein sources! Egg whites and chicken get boring. I will do different fish for lunch and dinners, but I struggle with my meal 4 in the afternoon. I KNOW cottage cheese and greek yogurt are amazing sources and I like them both, but my body and digestive track doesn't. Any other ideas?? anyone :/


  • Beans?
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Fish, lean beef, lowfat dairy, nuts (minor), beans (minor again), soy, shellfish and other seafood
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    Tofu, tofu, tofu. Marinate overnight and grill. It's mostly tasteless (in a nice way) so takes on the flavours of the marinade. Then you can snack on a few slices of grilled tofu in the afternoon. Yummy.
  • yvp512
    yvp512 Posts: 3
    Try peanut butter. I buy fresh jalapenos and cut out the veins and seeds. Rinse them out and pat dry. Add some crunchy peanut butter and a few crasins and WALA, you have protein and a natural metabolism booster. The peppers are not spicy at all. Make sure you wash your hands before touching your face. Or use gloves when cutting open a jalapeno.
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    Whey protein powder is probably the easiest way to make up for protein deficiencies in your diet. You can get unflavored powder and add it to just about anything. Protein oatmeal, protein pancakes, protein mac and cheese, etc
  • Hi there i just started my 1200 diet well about 3 days ago after i finished my isagenix cleanse and im having lil issues with always having calories left over about 400 or sometimes 500 g . And with my protein im always over the amount which is 45 g. I cant seem to make a meal thats enuff so i am not hungry and its not over the amount with the protein and using up all my 1200 calories please let me know your meal suggestions so i get enuff calories and im not over my proteins . Thank you elena
  • jenslife82
    jenslife82 Posts: 229
    I use protein shakes and almond milk. Be careful because it's roughly 250 calories for 12oz and very filling.
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    protein shakes! just bought a chocolate flavored one right now and love it.

    -cheeses (low or fat free)
    -lean turkey patties (i buy jennieo's)
    -peanut butter

    and the ones you mentioned: fishes, chicken, cottage cheese and greek yogurt!
  • Fit_And_Heathy_Goalie
    Fit_And_Heathy_Goalie Posts: 55 Member
    I enjoy an Aria Vanilla Protein Shake in the afternoon. Sometimes I add peanut butter and/or leftover coffee. Great pick me up. Almonds are another great protein snack. I buy the packets at Trader Joes so I don't eat too many!
  • BethlovesRene
    BethlovesRene Posts: 85 Member
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    Try any lean meat, not just chicken. Use it in different ways, and with different marinades/sauces/veggies/seasoning to help decrease the boring factor. My faves are lean steak fajitas, tuna, chicken salad (with hardboiled eggs, green onion, celery, peas, etc. on lettuce or bread), balsamic chicken and roasted veggies, fish tacos, etc.

    Google is your friend to scope out recipes, too.

    You can check out my diary, as I've been working to increase my protein too.